3. Here We Go

335 29 60

Chris Dawson

She glares at me and I just want to laugh, but I bite my lip instead. She is still the feisty Spitfire from high school. I'm glad that she is back to being herself, after douchebag fucked her life up. I feel bad I wasn't there for her. But then again she is the one that told me to stay the hell away from her.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

With her hand on her hip, she glares at me again. God she must really fucking hate me. I plaster a smile on my face, and I know that will piss her off more.

"Well hello to you too Spitfire. I'm here for the party... why else would I be here?"

"Ugh! I don't know who the hell invited you, but stay the hell away from me." She smiles that stunning smile, but I know it's not real. "Have a nice fucking night dickhead."

She flips her hair and walks off. That is why I have called her spitfire back in the day. One day she is sweet as candy, but boy get on her bad side and you are on her shit list.

I guess I'm on the top of that list.

I head to go get a drink and Lucas slaps his hand on my shoulder. "Didn't expect you to be here man." I shrug my shoulders. "Me either, but here I am." I look over at Stacy, pretending she is having a good time, but I can tell by her eyes she's lost.

"Oh shit! you have a thing for Stace." This is the one time I wish my best friend would shut the hell up. I laugh at that ridiculous notion. "That Spitfire right there hates my guts, and right now I'm not fond of her either." He looks between me and Stace, she looks over smiles at Lucas and rolls her eyes at me.

"Wait why do I know that name. Don't tell me she is the girl from high school."

"Look I'll catch you later man." He nods his head and I walk out back. That's what I like about Lucas he doesn't ask questions unless he seems it necessary.

Why the hell did I even come here tonight?

*"You know why because you wanted me sooooo badly." Chris rolls his eyes at me. "Knock it off Spitfire. Don't interrupt my part of the story." I pout and throw my popcorn at him. "Real mature Stace. Now can I get back to the story? Sits back down and crosses arms. "Fine! Tell your side of the story." Sticks tongue out at him, and waves him to go on.*

Jace and Ben walk up to me looking like they are already hammered.

"Drink up buddy, it's a fucking party!"

I shrug my shoulders, "what the hell! It's not like I have a girlfriend waiting for me or anything."

"That's the spirit bud." Jace slaps me on the back and I almost spit out my beer. "Besides you might find some hot thing to hook up with." I roll my eyes at that.

That's highly unlikely.

"Beer pong!" The crowd yells and I get rushed over to the table.

"Guys you know I suck at this."

"That's what makes it more fun. Drunk Chris is funny as hell." Johnny says slapping my back.

"What the hell is it with y'all slapping my back."

*"Because they want to touch you, like I want to." Runs hands up his chest. "Seriously Spitfire. I didn't interrupt you at all." I pout, "fine I won't interrupt again." Puts fingers to lips and zips up, flicking my fingers towards him. "You're insufferable." Chris groans out. I flail my arms "hmmmpf mmmphf." He slaps a hand on his forehead. "Are you done now?" he ask incredulously I nod my head, I'll be nice for now.*

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