20. What the Hell?

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Grief is a bitch, it strikes you when you least expect it to. So many things happen within that period of time. For me it feels like I'm losing my fucking mind. I'm stuck not knowing what to say or what to do. I hate when people say It will get better with time,or sorry for your loss. I mean seriously do we have to remind them of what they lost?

Chris and I never got to that surprise he wanted to give me, show me or whatever when we got the frantic call from Jaxon. We rushed to their side to be with them and help Lucas any way we could in his time of need. To make matters worse things spiraled out of control at Kayla's funeral and I had to try to keep Chris calm. Which was hard and I don't blame him when someone beats your best friend to a bloody pulp.

Let's just say everything has been taking a toll on Chris, just because he has such a big heart. He stalked off wanting to be alone that is until I got the phone call from Johnny which surprised me.

"Stacy, you need to get to the house now."

"Johnny what is going on?"

"It's Chris."

"I'll be right there."

I end the call and grab my keys, lock my door and head over there. Worry fills me from deep within. Nobody ever has to worry about Chris, he's always level headed. Luckily I make it there within fifteen minutes and walk in the house without knocking. I mean come on no one ever does.

"Johnny what the hell is going on and why would you call me?"

His face turns a light shade of red.

"I know about you and Chris." I try to deny it because I don't want a label put on us yet. I'm just not there at this point in time. "I don't care whatever is going on, it's not my business and I won't say anything but he is in his room throwing shit around."

"What the hell happened?"

He shrugs his shoulders and I look between him and upstairs.

"I'll go check on him and thanks Johnny."

"If you need me let me know. I thought if anyone could calm him down it would be you."

I nod my head and turn so he can't see the blush forming on my cheeks as I head to Chris's room. Boy, Johnny wasn't kidding I hear a hell of a lot of noise coming from his room. I slowly open his door and have to duck when something comes flying towards me.

I slam the door shut and look at the mess before me. There is broken glass, his desk is overturned. Chris looks like he has been pulling at his hair because it is all over the place.

"What the fuck is going on?" I put my hands on my hips hoping to look intimidating but not sure. He whirls around and his eyes are bloodshot it looks like he has been crying and my heart breaks for him.

"Go away Stacy. I don't want you to see me like this."

"Fuck that! What is going on?"

He sits down on his bed and rubs his hands over his face.

"I should have been there to help."

"Help with what?" I ask as I sit down next to him.

"He's my best friend Spitfire. Kayla was like a sister to me and what those bastards did." He shakes his head, his hands starts to shake as he balls them into fists. "When I find them they are fucking dead!"

I put my hand in his and the shaking stops and he looks at me. "You're a good man Chris. Lucas knows you'll always be there for him."

He shakes his head and gets up and walk over to his dresser and grabs a envelope and walks back towards me. The hard look on his face has returned and I wonder what the hell has got him so pissed off now.

"This is what has me so damn furious besides the shit going on with Lucas. It was slipped under my door. So I have no idea where it came from, but I have an idea who it's from." I look at the envelope that now lays on his bed. "You need to see it too."

I grab the envelope and my hands begin to shake. It's just a damn envelope. I mean what the hell could got him so worked up? As soon as I open it, I drop it as soon as I see what's inside, like it scorched my skin.

"What the hell?"

"Someone is fucking watching us Spitfire."

There lays photos of me and Chris together. Some of them are intimate pictures and my blood runs cold.

"Wh-why?...who the fuck would do this? I scream as I grab my purse and rummage through it and pull out my phone. "Who the fuck out that on my phone?" I show the picture of me and Chris smiling into a kiss.

He picks up the photos and then looks at my phone and the photo.

"How long have you had that on your phone?" I shrug my shoulders because I don't know. "I thought you put it on there Chris, it's been there for awhile."

Chris jumps off the bed and grabs his jacket.

"Where the hell are you going Chris?"

He turns back and his eyes look so dark it actually scares me. I have never seen him this angry before.

"I'm going to find Dominic and I'm going to fucking kill him. We both know it's him Spitfire."

He turns back around and I jump off the bed and jump on his back.

"You're not going anywhere."

"Get off me Spitfire!"

"No! Not til you calm the fuck down."

I tighten my grip on him as he tries to shrug me off.

"Damn it woman let me go. I need to take care of this."

"I'm not letting you go Chris."

I can't let you go, you mean to much to me.

I should say that out loud but it's lodged in my throat. He still trying to get me off of him without hurting me I noticed. So I do the only thing I know might do the trick. He needs a distraction, so I kiss on his neck and he stops dead in his tracks.

"You don't play fair Stace." He growls out.

"Please stay. Let's figure this out and not go out there all gung ho."

He turns his head to look at me and I swear I feel like I'm going to cry. So hide my face in his neck and he sighs.

"Okay you win Spitfire."

I jump off his back and smile up at him.

"Of course I always win."

He chuckles and finally see a smile on his face.

"Insufferable woman"

I nudge his shoulder and giggle. He sure has me doing that a lot.

"Aww but you still love me Chris."

We both stop and stare at each other.

Shit! What did I just do?

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