22. Letting Loose

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"Come on Stace you gotta come out with us."

I look over at Jax giving me the puppy dog eyes and that cute little pout. No wonder Lucas is smitten over him. It is very hard to resist his charm. I look back to the front of the lecture hall to make sure our professor is not seeing us talk. When I see that he is busy writing instructions on the whiteboard I lean into Jaxon so I can whisper.

"Why is it so important that I go?"

"Because Spring break is coming up and we all will be off doing our own thing."

I stifle my laughter so we don't get caught.

"More like you doing Lucas or the other way around." I wiggle my eyebrows at him and I see a blush form on his cheeks, but then he clears his throat and puffs out his chest. I roll my eyes at that, what a dork.

"Oh believe me Stace there will be plenty of that." I smack him on the arm hard enough that it echoes and the professor points at as. "Miss Adler and Mr. Reynolds is there something far more interesting then learning Business Management antics?"

Jaxon smirks, "Yes professor Bradley."

"Well please Jaxon by all means share your thoughts." I smack my head with the palm of my hand as Jaxon chuckles. "Well you see I was just discussing the importance of my di..." I covered his mouth real quick and shook my head. "Sorry Mr. Bradley I will make sure this boy shuts up." The class chuckles as Jaxon mumbles against my mouth. "See that you do Miss Adler." He goes back to explaining our assignment. I forgot about my hand be on his mouth until he licks it with his tongue.

"Jaxon!" I whisper yell, wiping my hand on his shirt. Mr. Bradley dismisses us and I gather my stuff.

"I can't believe you did that."

"Oh come on Stace." He says as he puts an arm around my shoulder. "It's not like we haven't done worse." I push him away as he laughs as we exit our class.

"I can't."

He pouts again as I look around the halls making sure dipshit is nowhere near. I hate the thought that he is just allowed to be here after everything is done.

"Please! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be with Lucas. I want to celebrate with my best bud."

I stop and lift an eyebrow at him. "Since when are we best buds? I don't have best buds Jaxon."

He frowns at me and I don't like that look. It's a look of pity and I don't want that.

"I'm offended Stace. After everything we have been through." He clutches his chest and fakes being hurt. I can't help but laugh. "Okay fine I will go, only if you stop being such a dork, sugar."

He stops and hugs me "I love it when you call me sugar."

"I call everyone sugar so don't flatter yourself." I laugh and he pretends to pout, it's so damn cute. "You don't call Chris that."

I can't help but smile with the mention of his name. But I quickly wipe that smile off because I'm still not ready for all these emotions when it comes to him.

"No jackass is reserved only for him."

He gives me a questioning look. "Is something going on between you two?"

"Jaxon please don't."

He looks perplexed, I know he wants to say more but he doesn't. "Okay fine don't tell but meet us at Lion's Den at seven. We'll have fun and let loose."

"Okay I'll see you there."

He gives me a hug and kisses my cheek. That's when I feel a pair of eyes on me, and as soon as I see them I move away from Jaxon. "See you later Jax." I wave at him as I get the hell out of dodge. I hate that the asshole can still get to me. Maybe Jaxon is right tonight will be a good night to let loose and not worry about all the bullshit going on.

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