19. Torn

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"Seriously, this is what you call a date?"

"Oh c'mon Spitfire give it a chance."

The way he is pouting is so fucking adorable. I mean how can I say no to him when he looks at me like that.

"Fine, but remember your deal, if I do not like this no more dates."

Although I am terrified of the idea of a date, because technically I have never been on one, my inner romantic girl is gushing right now. She is swooning so hard for this gorgeous creature in front of me that I myself am doing the same.

He gives me his signature smile and I swear I have to stop myself from fanning myself and crossing my legs at the same time. Because right now all the heat is rushing down to where I want him to be buried inside me.

"I promise it will be worth it. Now hand me the veggies inside the bag."

I reluctantly go to the bag filled with groceries and pluck out the veggies that he wants to prepare for the meal we are going to cook together.

"Nothing better than a home cooked meal Spitfire."

"Yeah well I wouldn't know because I can't cook for shit.

I set the veggies on the counter and Chris comes up behind me and whispers in my ear. "That's why I am going to teach you." He nibbles on my ear and I shudder from the touch of his tongue flicking below my ear.

Oh boy this is going to be interesting.

"That's why we are going to start off with something simple, even you can make."

I nudge my elbow in his stomach and he makes an oomph sound and I whirl around to glare at him. " What the hell are you trying to say, that I can't follow instructions?!" His eyes darken as he takes a step towards me again, and has me caged in between him and counter.

"When do you ever follow instructions Spitfire?" My breathing becomes irregular at the close proximity of him, but I try to wash it down. I'll show him that I can do this.

"When I feel like it." I say in defiance as I move away as he leans down to try and capture my lips.

Yeah nice try buck-o not happening right now. I have a point to prove.

"So what do I need to do?" I ask as I look at the stuff before me dumbfounded. He spins me around, "this" he says as he crashes his lips to mine and I want to get lost in him, I truly do but I stop the kiss and look at him with a smirk.

"I'm pretty sure this is not how first dates are suppose to go. What do you take me for huh?"

He looks at me dumbfounded and then I realize my mistake. "You don't know how first dates go?" I shake my head and realize that this is my second, first with him. He runs a hand through his hair. "Well shit no pressure here then huh." he chuckles nervously and I find it cute. " Well let's get back to it then.

That's what we did, he stayed behind me the whole time showing me what to do and how to cut the chicken, stir the veggies. It was actually quite fun. Having his body so close to mine was so sensual and intimate, that I find myself craving more of him.

"I'll be right back make sure you don't burn anything Spitfire."

"Haha very funny jackass." he kisses my cheek and heads out of the kitchen. I decide to put some music while waiting and start swaying my hip humming to the music when I hear something crash.

"Chris! Are you okay?" I look out of the kitchen but afraid to go to far. I don't want to prove Chris right that I will burn the food.

"Did you say something Spitfire?"

He comes in from the other entrance to the kitchen and startles me. "What was that crash noise?"

"I didn't hear anything I was in the washroom."

I shrug my shoulders. " I must have been hearing things."

"Okay the food should be about done lets take a look."

We go back to the food and then I watch as he puts everything together and it looks really good.

"You did good Spitfire"

"Ye of little faith"

He turns around and smiles at me." I always have faith in you. I knew you could do it."

Fuck I am so torn between being scared and just giving in and saying I want a relationship with this wonderful man. I throw caution to the wind and smash my lips to his. I catch him off guard as he stumbles back still holding onto me. When we pull away he rests his forehead against mine and I sigh.

"Thank you for the best date."

"It's not over with yet. Let's eat first then we will go onto your surprise."

We sit down and eat and I take a bite of my food and moan. When I open my eyes Chris is staring at me.

"What?" I say, still trying to chew but talk with my mouth covering my mouth. Because who wants to see someone's half eaten food in there mouth.

"It's good to see you back to yourself after all this time. I see a light in your eyes that is shining brightly."

I avert my eyes from his and I can't believe this jackass actually has me blushing and acting shy. That's not who the hell I am. So I change the subject.

"Do you like the food?" He clears his throat and takes bite and winks at me. Damn he's hot and I have to squeeze my thighs together. I will not ruin this with sex, or thinking about that.

Because that's my problem, when things start feeling close to a relationship status I detach and for once I don't want to do that.

"It's really good Spitfire."

I perk up at that but then my thoughts get in the way again. Chris must notice because he is up in a flash and is by my side.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to lose myself."

He looks at me confused and right now he is adorable with his nose scrunched up.

"I don't want to lose who I am because what is going on between us. I can't let myself get that way again. I lost who I was, and I can't do that again."

He shakes his head and gives me a smile.

"You're wrong Spitfire. You are so much more than who you use to be. You are strong, courageous, sassy and sexy as hell. I will never let you lose that part of yourself, ever."

He leans and kisses my cheeks, then my lips tenderly. Let me tell you I'm fucking melting into a puddle of mush.

"Come on let's finish eating and go to your surprise."


I smile so bright that my damn mouth hurts, but it's a genuine smile and I am happy. For once I don't have to pretend, because with Chris I don't have to.

I'd be a damn foil to let him go. But is he willing to wait until I get my shit together?

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