35. Maybe There Is Hope

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Days turned into weeks, and I was going out of my mind, not knowing what was going to happen between us. Sure, we text and talk a little bit, but I haven't seen her besides passing by on campus. This shit is killing me, but I guess I deserve worse than this. At least Jaxon has stopped giving me death glares, but I think that is because of Lucas. I never wanted to put anyone in this kind of position.

"Yo! Chris wait up!" I turn around and see Ben striding towards me. I am just not in the mood to deal with anyone today or any other day for that matter.

"What is it Ben?" I say as I keep walking. I just need to get out of here and clear my head.

"Coach is pissed that you have missed practice, yet again." I shrug my shoulders and keep walking, well that is until my body is slammed into a wall. "What the fuck was that for?" I glare at my friend and out of the corner of my eye I see Dominic walking by. I feel my body shaking, because no matter what I feel like he is a part of all this shit. Even if I cannot prove it, but somehow I will.

"I get it man. You miss her but we need you on this team now more than ever." I shove him because I can't control my fucking emotions right now. "You don't fucking get it Ben. You're a fucking player you don't know shit of what I'm going through!" He shakes his head and glares at me. "I do fucking know, why do you think I am the way I am now." I never thought about that, but my apology is forgotten because of the fuckwad's snickers as he passes by.

"Poor baby lost his girl, maybe I should go give her some comfort."

"You son of a bitch! Stay the fuck away from her!" Before I can pound him into the ground Ben strides up to him and punches him in the face. "Stay the fuck away from Stacy and leave Chris alone."

He chuckles as he runs his hand on his cheek. "Pussy ass Chris has to have someone else fight his battles."

I clench my hands into fists. "Trust me I do not need anyone to do my dirty work." I'm ready to stride up to him and finish what Ben started when my phone rings. I look at it and my heart beats faster just seeing her name.

"Wildfire." I smirk at Dominic as he scowls at me. But as soon as I hear her voice my smirk falls from my face.


"Baby, what's wrong?" I do not know if I still have the right to call her that. But it sounds like she has been crying and Ben is by my side.

"I'm at the hospital."

"Are you alright? What's wrong, Stace?"

"It's Lucas...he's been shot. Please hurry."

I almost stagger and drop my phone. Ben picks it up and talks with Stacy as I pick up my stuff and look for my car keys. My best friend was shot, and I wasn't there for him.

"Fuck!" I start running towards the exit with Ben on my trail. He is on my phone but I pay him no mind. I jump in my car and Ben gets in the passenger seat. I peel out of the parking lot and head to the hospital. I grip the steering wheel as I hear Ben talking to Johnny now.

"Chris, slow down." I push the gas pedal down more. "Seriously, do you want to kill us. I really do not want Stacy to bring me back to life just to kill me again." I would laugh if me and my girl were in a good place, but I just don't know. But I do feel my lips twitch because that is something she would definitely do.

"Shit alright." I slow down and five minutes later we get to the hospital as soon as we rush in Stacy runs up to me and hugs me tight. I bury my face in her neck and just inhale her scent. God I have missed her touch.

SpitfireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora