8. Please Stay

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A/N: Remember when you see this symbol * is when Stacy interrupts the story. I just don't want people to be confused.


I have been so damn lonely since I walked out of his room. But I have no one to blame but myself. Come to think of it I really don't have any real friends either. They are just a bunch of fake ass people. All they care about is who's hot and while they are going to sleep with next. I enjoy it as much as the next but not like that, not now anyways and it's because of him.

How can a kiss be like this? I have never felt this type of attraction before and it scares the living shit out of me. That's why I slipped away without saying goodbye. Also the fact he said it could never worked. I don't know why it bothered me so much, but it did.

That is the first time I have cried in a long time. When I came home to my empty house, I felt so lost and alone.

*"I know... I know, I'm giving y'all such a sob story right now. But I promise it will get steamy really soon." Chris rolls his eyes at me. "Way to ruin the momentum Spitfire." I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. "What?! Some people might be like yeah, yeah get on with it." He gives me that knowing look. "Well some people might actually want to hear the story without interruptions too." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. "Please we know damn well they are here for the juicy parts." He gets up to walk away and looks at me. "You know some people might love to here about everything and not just your sex lives." I blow my hair out my face."Fine you win. I'll shut up, for now."*

It's been two months and I still can't get the jackass off my mind. I have ran into him from time to time and made small conversation. But I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't miss his presence. I will never admit that out loud, I'm too damn stubborn.

I walk out of class loss in thought when I get slammed into the wall.

"What the fuck?" I look up and see Andrew with his hands on each side of my head. "Get off me!"

"Oh come on Stacy, just give me a chance."

"No!" I try to shove him away but he won't budge. Man I need to go the gym more often. This kumquat doesn't take the hint and leans in closer. I can smell the weed on his clothing, and I scrunch my nose up. Disgusting.

"You'll give it up to everyone else but not me?"

This asshole really doesn't know when to stop. I'm about ready to push him off but he puts his hand around my throat and I freeze. I can't move even if I want to.

"P-please stop!" My voice shakes. This can't be happening again.

"Hmmm yes beg for it."

Oh God no, not again!


I feel like a major jerk or as Spitfire would call me a real jackass. For some reason I chuckle at that. I can't seem to get her out of my damn head.

I exit my class and see a little blonde bouncing her way towards me. Shit! I forgot about Jaxon going to talk to her about me.

"Hey Chris!" She says a little too excited.

"Um hi Kylie."

I look around and rub the back of my neck when I spot her against the wall with that fucker Andrew. My hands begin to shake and I ball them into fists.

"So what do you think?"

I turn my attention back to Kylie. If Stacy wants to forget about the kisses everything that's fine. Looks like she has moved on anyways.

"Yeah sure." I don't know what the hell she is talking about.

"Great I'll call you."

"Okay" I'm dumbfounded as she hugs me then runs off. What just happened? When I hear Stacy's voice all the blood drains from me. I can tell she's scared, fuck!

"P-please st-stop!"

I storm right over there and yank the douchebag off of her. My vision blurs as I start hitting him. Punch after punch.

"Stay the fuck away from her!"

He's covering up his face as I keep hitting him.

"I didn't know she was your whore."

I fucking lost it. I hit him harder and kicked him a few more times. There was a small crowd by that time. I don't remember picking him and being ready to bash his head into the floor. If it wasn't for a small whimper, my rage would have completely blinded me."

"C-Chris please." I turn around and when I see Stacy's neck red I almost lose it again.

I turn back and spit on him. "Ever come near her again and I will kill you!" I turn back to Stacy and she looks like she is ready to faint again.

I pick her up bridal style. I look at the small crowd and clear my throat.

"You saw nothing! This prick was going to hurt her. Got it!" I yell and a few nod their heads as others walked away. I look at Stacy and she is shaking. "Let's get you home baby."

Baby! Why the hell did I say that?

She nods her head and I head over to my car. I see Lucas running over to us and of course Jaxon not far behind.

"What the hell happened?" Lucas asks and I shake my head. It's not my place to say.

"Can one of you bring Stacy's car to her house? You can follow us there."

"I'll do it. Um Lucas brought me to school." Of course he did, I hold in my laugh. I hand him the keys.

"Thank you."

"I'll follow too and I can take you back to the house before I go see Kayla." Lucas says and Jax nods his head and we all go our separate ways.

Once I'm on my way to Stacy's I see her staring out the window. I go to pay her leg and she flinches. I withdraw my hand fast.

"I'm sorry." I say as I pull in her driveway. "No it's my fault Chris, I brought this on myself."

She sounds so robotic as she says it walking up to her house. "I don't have my keys." She turns around just as Jaxon runs up with her keys.

"Call if you need us." He says and kisses her cheek and takes off. Lucas does the same. I know I shouldn't feel jealousy towards it, but I do.

Stace unlocks her door and then turns to me.

"If you need anything let me know." She stares down at my knuckles that are red and starting to swell.

"You shouldn't have done that."

I'm taken aback by what she says. "It was worth it. No one deserves that shit."

A small sad smile rest on her lips.


"Are you going to be okay?" I don't know what state she is in right now, but I don't think she should be alone right now. But I'm not going to invite myself in.

She doesn't say anything still staring at my hand. I hate the awkwardness.

"Call me for anything." I start to move away when she grabs my hand harder.

"Please stay."

Is all she says as she tugs me in to her house and shuts the door behind us. I know I should have left, because me staying changed everything from that day forward.

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