28. Definitely Not What I Expected

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The last couple of months have been hectic with the stalker-ish vibes we have been getting. Although the notes and weird phone calls have diminished some Chris insisted I tell my father...which of course led to an argument.

"You need to tell him Stace. He has a right to know what's going on with his daughter. Besides I don't need him coming around kicking my ass."

I know he is trying to make light of the situation. But I'm stubborn and I don't like being told what to do.

"I can take care of myself Chris. I have been doing just fine for the past three years...thank you very much."

He throws his hands in the air.

"God woman you are insufferable sometimes!"

"Well if I'm that much of a pain in the ass" I open the door for him, "then don't let the door hit you on the way out jackass."

He shakes his head and storms right up to me slamming the door. "Nice try Spitfire, it's not going to work." I'm about to say some snide remark back but I intake a breath when his hand caresses my cheek. "I love you baby and I'll be damned if anything bad happens to you." I throw my hands around his neck and feel tears slip down my face.

"I love you too Chris even though I can take care of myself." He groans and I press a finger to his lips. Which was a mistake and he nibbles on them, it makes a moan escape my lips. "I'll tell my dad, okay." I don't get a verbal response instead his lips smash into mine. Any coherent thought I had was ripped out of my body.

So now that my dad knows he is all in protective mode. He wants to make my place a damn fortress. There is a knock on my door and I rush to answer it. Once I swing the door open the smile on my face feels permanent. I jump into his arms as he chuckles and plants a kiss to my neck.

"It took forever to get up your driveway. What the hell is going on?"

"Dad" I say as I jump mp out of his arms. "I feel like I live in Fort Knox now."

He walks me backwards to my place and shuts the door with his foot. Chris pecks my lips and steps back and bows. I can't help but giggle.

"Well good thing I'm here milady. Your knight and shinning armor is here to rescue you... my Queen."

I can't help but laugh at his cheesiness. His eyes sparkle so bright, with the biggest smile I've seen.

"More like my royal jackass."

"Hey now!" He straightens up and pulls me flush to his body. "I'll always be your jackass, Spitfire." He brings his lips to mine, the kiss starts getting heated as he deepens the kiss and my hands roam his body. But he steps back leaving me aching for more.

Yup definitely a jackass."Trust me we will finish that up later Spitfire but right now I'm taking you out." He looks up and down my body which makes me shiver. "You look good to go c'mon."

"Where are we going?" I ask as I grab my keys, set the alarm and grab my clutch."

"You'll see." He has that shit eating grin and I just smile because this man just knows how to make me happy.

Maybe he's the one.

I shake that thought from my head as it's too soon to know that...right?

We get in the car and he takes off drumming his fingers against the steering wheel and humming to the music. He looks at me and grabs my hand and intertwine our hands together.

"I know things have been tense lately and I want to make it up to you. So we are going to let loose tonight. Ben told me of this place and said that we would like it."

"That sounds exactly what we need." I sigh as I lay my head on the headrest looking at Chris. I see him side eye me with that smile.

"Most definitely Spitfire."

A few minutes later we end up at a house and I see some cars in the driveway and on the street.

"A house party?"

"Why not?" He shrugs his shoulders, get out of the car and rushes over to open my door. "Shall we"

I take his hand he offers and we walk up to the house and Chris knocks. A guy answers the door and looks at us and smiles.

"Welcome! You must be Ben's friend."

"Yes I'm Chris and this is my girl Stacy."

He steps aside and we walk in. The first thing I notice that the music isn't loud and people are just lounging around some making out and others are ready to rip each other's close off.

"Um Chris." He stops talking to the guy who introduced himself to us as Trent. Chris looks around and the look on his face is comical.

"Hey Trent what kind of party is this?" Chris asks even though I have a feeling I know what it is.

"A sex party. Did Ben not tell you?"

"Oh I'm going to kill that son of a bitch."

He grabs my hand as I see two chicks going at it and a girl and two guys are sucking each other's faces off.

"I'm sorry Spitfire let's go."

But I don't move I stay right in my spot.

"You guys are welcome to stay."

"Thanks but no thanks." That's when I turn to look at Chris and run my hand up his chest. He looks at me with confusion.

"Maybe we can stay for awhile." I say sheepishly. I honestly think it is hot. Sex to me is like a form of art so to speak. It's a sexual dance that is hot and beautiful well to me anyways.

"You're into this?"

"I think it's hot."

He brings me closer to him and looks down at me. "I don't want anyone to see your naked body besides me."

I lean in closer and whisper in his ear. "But that is what's hot. No one can touch me but you. They can see how much you drive me wild." I can feel the bulge in his pants as I nibble on his ear. A low growl escapes his throat. "If anyone so much as touches you they are dead."

"You sure?"

He looks around and then back at me and nods his head. I jump on him and he chuckles.

"Well I did promise you a night of letting loose." He looks at Trent, "we're staying."

Definitely not what I expected but I have feeling this is going to be fun.

Stacy- "Oh Lexi, Lexi, Lexi" she shakes her head at me.

Lexi- "What did I do now?"

Chris- "What Spitfire is trying to say is what you didn't do."

Lexi- I look at them with a questioning look. "What?"

Stacy- "You left the readers hanging. They are not going to like this one bit."

Lexi- I wave her statement off. "The readers know how I am by now. They know I won't leave the hanging for too long."

Chris- "I don't know this was just getting really interesting."

Lexi- "Not you too Chris." I sigh as I look at them both.

Stacy- "Of course Chris too. What did you get expect?

Lexi- sulks "Nothing less. But don't worry next chapter will be steamy."

Stacy- "Okay now I'm happy. You can go now. So I can get started on what's going to happen next. C'mon jackass let's have some fun."

Lexi- "Well I guess that's it until next time."

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