Evening Discharge

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Not long later, the blanket moves as Skipper quickly hides along with the others.

A nurse walks in, with a clipboard and pen. "Miss Ailith?"

Fluttering her eyes open, Bridget glances over. "Mm?"

"If you can sign these documents, we can roll you out of the hospital, hun."

Skipper nudges the others awake.

"... Oh." Taking a small side glance at the others, she pulls up her blanket more as she sits up.

"I'll sign." She nods.

The nurse comes up and gives her the documents to sign. "When you're ready, page me, and I'll come in with a wheelchair." And out the nurse goes.

Skipper peeks out before they lower the blanket. The ginger rubs her eyes, her arms feeling like jello. Her eyes glance out the window to see the black sky, and yawns. "Evenin, fellas."

Four sleepy nods greet her in reply.

Reaching for her bag, Bridget grabs out her glasses, and starts to read and sign the documents.

The penguins get up, stretching and finding new hiding spots.

Once she signed the documents, she attempts to get up to change. Slowly of course, since her chest is still sore, but it still hurts either way.

"Do you need help?" Kowalski asks.

"No no, I'm—" Something in her back didn't quite like the way she moved, as it cracked and made the ginger give out a pained squawk. She shuts her mouth instantly, cringing with her eyes closed. "... Fine."

Kowalski doesn't look completely convinced. "...I could page the nurse?"

"... Maybe." She whimpers.

"I'm paging a nurse." He nods and starts spamming the call button.


A nurse comes in. "You need help?"

The penguins have vanished like ghosts.

Bridget glances around at the nurse. "N-no no, I'm fine. Just gettin dressed."

"Oh, I could help you with that, hon."

But the ginger looks uncomfortable at that, and shifts away from her. Kowalski gives her a look from his hiding spot. And a look is given back to him.

"Let her help." He mouths to her.


Making a huge, uncomfortable face, the ginger grumbles under her breath as she scoots closer to the nurse.

"That's better, let me help you hon." The nurse walks up.

Skipper covers both Private and Rico's eyes.

Sighing, she lets the nurse assist her with taking off the gown.

"Okay, do you have any clothes to change into Mi—" She stops mid-sentence, as she catches an eye of 'it'. As if her feathers and stubby tail didn't make her feel any more of a freak.

Bridget only took a glance at the nurse before her black eyes glanced away, not one to really like the reaction of people who get a glimpse of her leg.

There is a silence from the nurse before she nods. "So... change of clothes?"

Oh....that wasn't so bad. Bridget points at the bag below her, which the nurse grabs and then helps Bridget change into the clothes the penguins gave her. It wasn't long before the ginger was in a nice purple sweater, black pants and shark-themed slip-on-shoes.

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