Duck and Cover

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Hours after sleeping, the penguins had awoken early and slid off to the zoo.

Throughout the day, they feel themselves becoming weaker, something foretold to them by their caretaker. Yet, they carry on, resuming to do their 'cute and cuddly' routine during the active zoo hours.

This leaves Bridget isolated for the next several, monotonous hours until they could return to visit. During this time, she decides to keep herself entertained by reading through her penguin book (for the 70th time) or observing the television.

The only note-worthy moment to remember was when the cops came for questions, regarding the Donald fiasco. But, beyond that, her cozy day at the hospital... is wearing out its warm welcome. Gazing off in space, Bridget's stressed mind paces itself.

'Shouldn't be too long before I can leave the hospital... I guess worst-case scenario, I stay here for a whole week... hopefully I don't die of boredom til then'

She snorts softly at the thought, biting her lips before realizing how parched her throat was. But instead of going off natural survival instincts that she needs water, her mind wanders to last night, and how the penguins could possibly be sick themselves... especially Kowalski. Her lips form into a dismal frown.

'Those Moonsquawkers better go easy on themselves... there's no tellin when they'll start gettin really sick. I just hope they're okay... '

For a moment, her thoughts roam on how she should medicate her penguins, what preparations should be taken before bronchitis hits them hard. But as the ideas came to mind, she stopped herself in a moment of realization. Oh no... how did she not see it until now?

'... Shit. I guess I do care for them, huh?'

A deep breath comes out of her.

'Ah... I couldn't resist... but how couldn't I? I guess they're... not so bad'

And with a little smile forming her face, she lets that notion sink in subtly. Yeah, she likes the penguins... they're good company to have around.

But she probably should've figured out she liked them anyway after the fact she got thrown off the roof just to protect them.

Biting her lips again, she can sense her brain begging her a second time to clench her thirst. Sighing, she slowly rises up from the hospital bed and glances over to the nearby table. Instead of being sensible and admitting she needs a nurse's help, Bridget stubbornly tries again to get it herself, preparing to push herself off the bed to stumble over. Yes, she's still in pain... but darn it, she needs water.

'K... on three... one... two—'

"WHAT do you think you're doing?!" Kowalski squawks, seeing her as the penguins just on time arrived to visit her.

Glancing back to the window, she blinks. "...Uh, gettin water?"

He quickly slides over. "Back in bed! You're not supposed to get up!"

Bridget rolls her eyes. "Aye I'm fine," She grumbles, still attempting to get water.


"Lay down! One of us will get it!"

Private nods as he already is waddling over to get the water. "I've got it!"

She strives to argue, but with a cracking agony in her backbone, she merely huffs, and instantly falls back to bed, grumbling. So much for her little mission.

Kowalski nods, satisfied at this while Private brings the water over to her.

"So how's it been?" Skipper asks.

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