20: Twitch + I love you

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The next morning I woke up with someone's hand holding mine. So I looked at the ground too see Zigzag laying there with his pillow and blanket in the bug infested. It was cute, but not enough to get me too make me forgive him for his not given apology. So I take my hand from his as he stirs awake I get up from my bed and start putting on my clothes like everyone else was already doing.

"Loon can you please talk to me today. I get it I made a mistake." I hear him say from behind me as the rest of the boys turn to face us. I don't look at him and just grab Squids hand as I pull him from the tent ranting about Zigzag while grabbing our shovels.

"You gotta forgive him at some point Loonie. He probably has a scorpion in his ear from the floor." Squid says wrapping his arm around my shoulder making me sigh.

"But for now let's dig a hole huh?" He says and I nod at him as we both walk to D tents spot and start digging as the rest of the boys follow. The rest of the day goes on like any other, digging, drinking, dying of heat exhaustion the usual. But Zero wasn't there and Stanley didn't talk. The dinner bell breaks me from my thoughts and everyone leaves the rec room and walks to the mess hall. I take my usual seat my Zigzag ignoring his murmurs in my ear. Then a new face appears at the table.

"H-hey I'm Brian" the boy with the visor says twitching.

"We'll sit down Twitch." I say making a new nickname for the boy as I point to the slightly available spot by Squid.

"So what you in here for Twitch." X-ray asks the boy.

"Joyriding. I guess you never really plan to steal one or nothin, but when I walk past a real nice car... whoo oh I just start twitching y'know? Really kind of- well- you think I'm jumpy now you should've seen me behind the wheel of that mustang convertible. whoo! Vroom!" Twitch answers

"So what you in here for pretty lady." Twitch says winking at me making me laugh slightly at the boy.

"That young man is none of your business." I say pointing my fork at him watching as Zigzags eyes wander from his slop to me then back to his plate. Eventually we were all shooed away to our tents and everyone else went into there cots but I stayed on the stairs thinking. About Zero mostly, also about my mom. Y'know if she was doing alright and what not. Not that I care because I don't but she's still my mom, I have to love her I guess.

"Whatcha doing out here darlin." I hear Zigzags accent say from behind me as the creaks of the cracked floor boards louden.

"Thinking." I say about to get up so I wouldn't have to talk to him.

"Stay loon. We both know we have to talk. Please." He says grabbing my hand pulling me to him making me sigh and nod. We both sit back down on the stairs in awkward silence.

"So?" I say wanting him to speak because I was not wanting him to be here or talking to him for that matter.

"I'm sorry. I know I broke my promise but I was so pissed off that day. The fact that I pushed you has been killing me even more though. I promised I would never hurt you and I did just that. I'm sorry Andrea I'm so sorry" He says putting his head in his hands making me sigh once again as I lay my hand on his back.

"Ricky. Hmm. I-I don't want to say it's okay because it's not. And I don't fully forgive you. But I know you're sorry and that is good enough to work off of. Also don't expect me to say we can forget about this, but I will say we can work around it. Just don't do that again please." I say and me smiles slightly at me.

"I won't. I swear on everything I've ever loved or wanted or liked that I will never do that again." He says holding his fingers to my face as we both look each other in the eyes.

"Can I kiss you Andy?" He asks making me smile at him.

"Of course you can Rickster." I say and he smiles at me bringing his lips too mine kissing them softly before pulling away and resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you Andy." He says making me pull away on shock.

"I-I'm sorry was that too quick. I knew it! Just I already told Magnet and Squid that I loved you and it almost got out during truth or dare and I wanted to say it before anyone else told you but we started fighting and I just couldn't until we were good again." He says rambling making me laugh at him as I set both my hands on his cheeks.

"Ricky. I love you too." I say smiling and he pulls me too him kissing me quickly beige pulling away smiling again then peppering my face with kisses.

"Bed time kids!" I hear the Warden yell before she winks at me and closes her door.

"Cmon darling let's get some sleep." He says picking me up and dropping me on my bed as he crawls on top of me kissing me as he throws the sheets over us. Before the kiss could deepen we heard the boys groaning.

"Guess you too made up." I hear Squid says and just stick my thumb out from the blanket.

"Remember Zig. There ain't no condoms in the tent." Magnet says making a couple boys laugh

"This is romantic huh?" Zigzag says making me laugh as he lays his head on my chest.

"Goodnight boys." I say and they all say goodnight back.

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