19: promise

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"Basically Zero almost killed Ricky." Mom says pointing from boy to boy as Zigzag stared at me as I stood beside Zero.

"Basically?" Warden questions

"Ziggy was beating up the caveman right? And then Zero started choking Zigzag. I had to pull Zero off of him" Armpit answers as the Warden starts walking towards them.

"Yeah, I mean y'know Zig just got a little hot. Out in the sun all day the blood starts to boil." X-ray says standing up for Zigzag.

"Really? Andrea?" She says turning towards me. If X-ray was gonna pick sides so was I.

"Caveman was eating lunch and Zigzag came over and started annoying him and. Zigzag pushed Caveman, mom to caveman to push Zigzag, Caveman pushed back, Zigzag threw a punch they started fight. I tried to stop it but got shoved into a hole. And Zero protected his friend, he could've went a different approach but it happened." I say answering her watching as Zigzag scoffs and shakes his head at me.

"Is that what happened Zigzag?" She then asks him as he stands up a bit straighter.

"What X-ray said was, y'know working all day in the hot sun you know while Caveman sits around and does nothing." Zigzag says

"Excuse me? Caveman digs his hole just like everyone else." For someone who knew everything about this camp she really didn't know much.

"Sometimes." Zigzags says. I could agree with them on that but he promised he wouldn't throw punches and he did just that.

"Excuse me?" She says once again

"Ma'am. Zeros been digging a part of Caveman's hole every day." Squid says also standing up Zigzag.

"Your not digging holes no more?" Mr.Sir says pulling Stanley closer to him.

"I'm teaching him how to read." Stanley answers

"What?" Mr.Sir says looking as if he was in shock.

"He's a smart kid" Stanley says making Zeros face break into a small smile and the compliment that meant so much to him.

"Smart?! Oh yeah? Hey Zero what does C-a-t spell?" Mom says ruining Zeros one moment of pride. Zero stands there thinking it over mouthing the words out but not figuring anything out.

"Yeah he's a real genius. He's so stupid he doesn't even know he's stupid." Mom says dragging Zero down even more.

"Okay, from now on I don't want anyone digging anyone else's hole. Is that clear? And no more reading lessons." The warden says as I watch Zeros face drop. I look back over at Zigzag angrily, another promise broken.

"Why? I mean if the hole gets dug who cares who's digging it right?" Stanley says making himself sound worse.

"You know why your digging holes! Cause it's good for you. Teaches you a lesson." Mr. Sir shouts at Stanley.

"If Zero digs your hole for you you're not learning your lesson are you?" The warden says as Mr. Sir mutter more random things.

"Why can't I still just dig my hole and teach him how to read?" Stanley questions the Warden.

"Cause I said so." The Warden says strictly.

"We know you mean well Stanley but the mental stress just causes his brain too much of a challenge. That's what made his blood boil not the hot sun." Mom says hating on Zero more.

"I'm not digging anymore holes." Zero says finally standing up for himself.

"Good." The warden answers

"I mean you mine as well teach this shovel how to read. Go ahead Zero take it. It's all you'll ever be good for. D-I-G. What's that spell?" Mom says as he continues egging him on more and more. Until he snaps and hits him across the face with his shovel as mom drops to the ground.

"Dig." Zero says before running off towards the mountains and Mr. Sir chases after him as Stanley yells.

"Don't shoot!" Warden yells at Mr. Sir who stops in his track as they begin talking about an investigation and bullets. She then pours zeros canteen on moms face waking him up.

"I still expect seven holes." She says to Stanley before walking back to her car.

"I'll have the chicken tenders warden." Mom says attempting to stand but falling over making the boys laugh. I still stand there watching as Zero become smaller and smaller until I couldn't see him at all.

"Back to work Girl Scouts!" Mr.Sir yells as mom and him get into his truck and drive away.

"Andy. Andrea. Loon. Jesus talk to me." I hear Zigzag say from his hole as if he hadn't just yelled at me and shoved me into a hole when I tried to stop him from getting in trouble.

"Zigzag don't talk to me right now unless you want to end up like mom." I say with anger laced in my voice as I quickly start digging my hole.

And the rest of the day went on like that. Zigzag trying to get my attention as if he didn't break 2 promises, took part in a fight, was a reason Zeros gone, pushed me into a hole, and insulted me. Yet he was acting as it me being mad at him was wrong. I didn't talk to him for the rest of the day unless it was telling him to either leave me alone or shut up. I talked to everyone else though, Caveman the most since he was really upset about Zero which makes sense since he was his best friend here.

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