4: Stanley

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I had nearly finished digging my hole as Zigzag kept flicking pieces dirt at me.

"Zigzag I swear-" I get cut off by a bus driving towards the camp. Great the new guy.

"Swear what. What? What? What?" He says teasingly to which I throw dirt on him and he rolls over trying to get away from it.

"Your done for." He says grabbing me from my hole and lifting me over his shoulder.

"Zig I'm not done!" I yell dragging my shovel on the ground as he walks back to camp.

"They don't measure you'll be fine." He says

"Unless they do. Oh I bet they do." He says with wide eyes to which I slap his chest lightly. Once we get back to camp he sets me down but not without throwing some dirt on me. I groan and put my shovel away chasing him to the D-tent. Before noticing the new kid in our tent.

"This barfbags replacement?" I ask looking the kid up and down judgingly. Barfbag was one of my closest friends here and for the camp to replace him that fast pissed me off. Nothing against the new kid he just wasn't Barfbag.

"Yeah I'm Stanley Yelnats. You are?" He says holding his hand out for me to shake which I look at then look back up at him.

"Loon. That's zigzag. That's zero" I say grabbing Zigzags hand pulling him to the cots. Then mom walks in making me groan and fall back on my cot. To which I see zigzags face over mine.

"You look pretty when your laying down." He says smiling I roll my eyes and push his face as he sits beside me. The rest of the boys mock him until mom yells to be quite.

"Did you tell him about the lizards." Zigzag says trying to scare the boy like he did me.

"Ricky let's not scare Stanley." Mom says.

"I'm sure he could handle a little scare. Boo!" I say and he jumps making the boys laugh.

"Stanley if you have any questions ask Theodore he will be your mentor." He says throwing his hat of Armpits head. While they continue talking I grab my shower stuff and change into my bathing suit behind the crook I usually change. I throw on a long shirt and my jeans shorts over it and grab my towel.

I follow some of the other boys from the tent out the by the showers where we usually wait for other boys to be done.

"Hey Theodore where do I fill my canteen up." Stanley's asks running over but Armpit didn't answer his question instead he put him in a headlock.

"I know he smells that." Squid says as we all watch the two boys.

"My names not Theodore its Armpit. There's a water spigot over there." He says throwing Stanley to the ground.

"Man pit what you gotta be so mean for." Squid says as I walk away from them when someone wraps there arm around my shoulder.

"Where ya going?" Zigzag asks flipping his towel over his shoulder.

"Showers there all open. Hey squid hurry up before there gone!" I yell as Squid runs over to the two of us.

"Whatcha love birds up to now." He says messing up my braided hair. I roll my eyes and undo one of them then I feel zigzag move his arm and try to undo the other one.

"How do ya do this? Man c'mere" he says pulling squid over as they both try to undo it knotting my hair up in the process.

"I got it I got it." I say flicking there hands away and undoing the braid myself. Once we get into the showers I take the corner one like usual and the boys take the two beside me. I take my shirt and shorts off hanging them on the makeshift hooks.

"Stop staring man." I hear Squid say then a slap.

"I'm not man I'm not. I'm just looking for those cameras." Zigzag says now pretending to look around. He was so adamant about the cameras in the shower. Once we had finished I had only put my shorts on since the water would've soaked through the t-shirt anyways. But as suspected once I got out of the showers all I heard was howling and whistling.

But Zigzag has gotten out at the same time as me so as soon as he heard that he picked me up over his shoulder and walked back to the tent.

"Hey shut up man." I hear Squid yells to the A tent boys that were yelling things at me. Once we had gotten back to the tent he set me down and started changing.

"I think I'm gonna stick to showering at night." I say grabbing my coveralls and a white tank top. I tied it around my waist like usual.

"Cmon supper bells gonna ring soon." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"You coming Squid?" I say to him as he rummages through his suitcase.

"Yeah. You two lovebirds have a nice walk." He says smiling but I throw Stanley's canteen at him which took that smile off his face.

"Cmon Andy." Zigzag says smiling as he pulls me along to the mess hall.

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