7: lizard

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Squid, Zigzag, and I had gotten back from the showers. We had kinda become shower buddy's and they both said it was because of the assholes in A and B tent. C,E and F tent was like our tent they were nice, there was a couple dicks but better then A and B. Then G tent was all the counsellors.

I was sat on Zigzags cot laying on his not to mention shirtless chest. I couldn't even write all I could think about was the abs underneath my head. I guess shovelling all day has some benefits.

The one thing that broke me from the thoughts of his abs was a gunshot from outside. Everyone immediately jumps up to see Stanley running into the tent out of breath.

"What happened out there?" I ask the scared boy.

"Umm it was a y-yellow spotted l-lizard." He says stuttering from being out of breath and scared shitless.

"What colour was his blood?" Zigzag asks with wide eyes. Whenever he asked questions like that his eyes always went extremely wide. Like he was going crazy but only when he'd say something weird.

"I don't- I don't know, I couldn't tell." Stanley says putting his clothes down on his cot then standing back up to face Zigzag again.

"Oh I wish I would've seen it. BAM!" He yells making Stanley jump again as everyone else laughs.

"If Mr. Sir didn't shoot it." Armpit starts but doesn't finish so Magnet finishes for him.

"Man you'd be in the hole."

"Did you know each ones got exactly eleven spots." Zigzag said once again wide eyed.

"Yeah man of you ever get close enough to count em' ... you're dead." Squid says imitating a throat slashing noise.

"Look it's the lizards we're looking for man. We build there houses for them. I mean yesterday I saw like 10 of them in one hole." Armpit says

"Man we ain't digging for no lizards." X-ray says disagreeing with Armpit.

"What are we digging for then man?" Armpit asks.

"Like Mr. Sir said we're digging to build some character." X-ray says mocking Mr.Sir making everyone laugh as another gun shot rings through making everyone jump again. I walk over to the entrance to the tent and lift it up revealing Mr. Sir crab walking shooting at random things.

"That man has something wrong with him." I say shaking my head as I go back to Zigzags cot. He follows and lays back down pulling me to lay back on top of him.

"What do you write in there?" He asks me peering over my shoulder trying to see.

"Yeah what?" The rest of the boys join in.

"Just about my days." I say shrugging as I finish the last sentence. I then try to get up but get pulled back down onto my stomach onto his chest.

"Sleep here tonight." Zigzag says and all of the boys start groaning and gagging while Squid cheers like a little girl.

"Moms gonna tell Mr.Sir." I say trying to some up with a reason to not due to my nervousness.

"Since when do you care about mom or mr.sir?" He asks making me sigh as I lay down on his chest as he wraps his arms around me and throws the sleeping bag over us.

"Don't be making out while we're here." X-ray says so I throw whatever was on the floor at him making a couple boys snicker.

"Goodnight boys." I say and hear everyone mumble a goodnight back.

"Goodnight Darlin." Zigzag whispers kissing the top of my head.

"Goodnight Rickster." I whisper kissing his chin since it was closest thing to me because of his long ass neck but I couldn't fall asleep. I kept seeing flashes of colour through the tent. So I shook Zigzag awake so we could investigate.

"What? What's wrong?" He whisper yells but I don't answer I just grab his hands and pull him outside and point up. I then look up too see the northern stars lighting up the sky in all of there colours. It was like the sky was dancing it was beautiful.

I then look over to Zigzag who wasn't even looking at the sky or where I was pointing but he was looking at me smiling.

"What are you doing? Look at the sky it's gorgeous." I say pointing back up to the sky.

"There's other gorgeous things to look at." He says then pulls me into him hugging me tightly then looking up as I do the same. We stood there until I fell asleep against his chest.

Zigzags POV

Once she had fallen asleep I picked her up and walked back to my bed laying her down on me covering her with the blanket. She grabbed my sides and cuddled up into my arms making me smile. I had never felt like this for someone and nobody has ever treated me like she did. I found myself attached to her the moment I saw her.

I don't know why I felt like that I just felt like I needed her and she needed me. She showed me things I'd never noticed before. I was barely a nervous wreck around her well I guess because I had nothing to worry about. She put my constantly worrying mind to rest anytime she was around.

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