16: sunflower seeds

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We had been stuck listening to Mr.Sirs daily water filling Ted talk. Zigzag, Squid and I were still standing by the truck with filled canteens. I think we were just to lazy to walk back at this very moment. Then the sounds of thunder from the mountains stops Mr. Sirs long speech from continuing.

"Don't get your hopes up. Them storms never make it past the mountains." He says as he fills up Zeros canteen.

"Maybe this time they will." Stanley adds looking towards the storm.

"I gotta story for you Girl Scouts. Once upon a time there was a magical place that never rained. The end." He says cracking himself up at the terrible story.

"I don't get it." Squid says making me shrug my shoulders not understanding the story either.

"Have a nice day." He says as he hops in his truck as we all turn back to our holes.

"I never get anything he says." Zigzag says wrapping his arm around my shoulder leading us both back to our holes as mr. Sir starts driving.

"Hey guys. Anyone want some sunflower seeds?" Magnet says holding up the sac of seeds that he stole from Mr. Sirs truck making everyone cheer.

"I can't help it man my hands are like magnets." He says handing the back to X-ray. The bag starts getting passed around from X-ray, to Armpit, to Me, to Zigzag. I made sure to grab 2 handfuls, I mean it doesn't hurt to have a snack later right.

"He's coming back! He's coming back!" Magnet starts yelling pointing to mr. Sirs truck that is speeding back here.

"Catch it! Stanley you butterfingers" Zigzag yells as he softly passes it to Stanley who missed it completely. In Stanley's favour it was a terrible pass that he didn't know was coming. He quickly jumps to his feet at attempts to cover the seeds up with dirt. Hence the word attempt their was still seeds surrounding the hole and the bag was sticking up from under the dirt. Mr.Sir then gets out of his truck slamming the door as he walks past each hole stopping at Stanley's.

"Well well how did that get here? Did it fall from the sky?" He asks leaning down to Stanley's hole that was filled with sunflower seeds.

"No. I stole it out of your truck." He says covering for Magnet as Mr.Sir grabs the Sav from his hands.

"I think the Warden would like to see what you found. Let's go" Mr.Sir says as he walks away and Stanley follows ignoring the comments from the boys. Once they drive off Zero hops into Stanley's hole and starts digging.

"Darlin. C'mere." Zigzag says in a hush making me look at weirdly considering I was right beside him.

"Why are you whispering like this?" I say in the same tone and he rolls his eyes jumping from his hole to mine.

"Did you keep any seeds?" He whispers again as I nod and continue digging ignoring his head on his shoulder.

"And can I have some?" He asks laying his one hand on my hip.

"Why should I give you any?" I tease digging still.

"Because I'm amazing and deserve it." He says sliding his hand down my waist to my hip as he try's to reach into my pocket.

"And your funny." I say moving his hand he rolls his eyes and as he turns to walk away he quickly grabs some from my pocket and runs out of my hole.

"Give those back you giraffe!" I yell jumping out my hole as I begin to chase him watching as more and more of my seeds fall from his hand. Once I had caught up to him I jump on him pushing him to the ground. He flips around onto his back as I hold my hand out for my seeds. He rolls his eyes and places them in the palm of my hand before noticing the position we were in as he looks me up and down with a smirk.

"Oh keep dreaming lover boy." I say as I get off of him standing up but not long after I'm picked up from the ground over Zigzags shoulder as he drops me into my hole.

Sooner then expected Stanley comes walking in. Looking totally unharmed may I add.

"Hey look who showed up" Zigzag yells towards Stanley

"All right man we thought you were dead for sure." Squid adds

"Hey Caveman what'd you say?" Magnet asks hoping he wasn't sold out.

"Nothing." Stanley answers

"What she do to you?" X-ray asks

"Nothing." He says surprising us all. I mean I think I'm the only person that seen her be nice.

"What's this?" Stanley asks leaning down looking at his completely dug hole.

"Thank you guys." He says measuring it jsut to check.

"Don't look at us." Magnet says with his signature smile plastered on his face. I think he was just happy to not be getting in trouble from the warden.

"Yeah it was Zero. Boy likes to dog holes" Zigzag adds

"He'd dig to China man." Armpit says as Stanley walks over to Zeros hole.

"Yeah man. But where do those Chinese kids dig too." Squid says, I wasn't sure if he was being funny or serious but by the look on his face he was really questioning it.

"You make me question my own sanity sometimes Squid." I say shaking my head.

"Thanks?" He says in a questioning tone making me laugh as I continue to dig.

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