17: not digging

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We had finished digging and had all went to the rec room while Stanley and Zero stayed back to read. I was happy to see Zero smiling and exited about something even if it was something as little as reading it really did mean something too him.

Supper had rolled around rather slowly since free time was extra boring today. We were all waiting in line for beans once again as Mr.Sir complained about the price of onions. Once he had turned around and faced us all revealing a cat like scratch across his cheek.

"Woah what happened to your face?" Squid asks Mr.Sir. Which results in Mr.Sir grabbing him by the collar of his jumpsuit pulling Squid closer to himself.

"Something a matter with my face? Huh?" Mr.Sir asks a terrified Squid.

"No. No Mr.Sir." Squid answers with a shaking voice.

"You got that right." Mr.Sir answers as he throws Squid to the floor forcefully.

"Anyone see anything wrong with my face? I think I'm kinda purtty don't you." He asks the mess hall which we all answers with a chorus of yes sirs.

"Clean this up." He responds with pointing at Squid before walking away. Once he was a couple footsteps away I knelt down beside Squid too see a small cut on his forehead. I ripped off the sleeve of my shirt which happened to be the same one I wore when Barfbag got bit. I spilt someone's cup of water onto the fabric and applied it to his forehead.

"This shirts a bandage at this point." I say making him break a smile as Mom begins to talk.

"I think we all just learned a valuable lesson. We are all people and Mr. Sir is a very sensitive man. Just like all of us." Mom says making me roll my eyes as I help Squid up ignoring the sounds of Mr.Sir destroying his office. We both grab our food and walk back to our table.

"Hey Squid you good man." Zigzag asks and Squid just nods probably embarrassed.

"Caveman you know what happened to his face?" Armpit asks and Caveman nods.

"The warden smacked him with some sort of snack venom nail polish." He says and all of the boys just look at each other as if that was crazy. It would've expected worse from the Warden then that if I'm being honest.

That night had been boring compared to the last couple. We all went to sleep quickly that night. Zigzag had refused to sleep on his own cot so we were both squeezed on my cot with his feet handing off the end and my legs falling off the side.

The week went by rather slowly as well everyday felt the same. Mr. Sir hadn't given Caveman water for a couple days after Squid pointed out the cuts on his face.

Zero was more upbeat then normal this week just happy to be learning something that he never got to learn being in and out of orphanages and foster homes. I was happy he was learning but I wasn't amazed at the fact that he was digging half of Stanley's holes everyday. And the boys didn't like it either.

"What do you guys think about Caveman and his digging buddy." X-ray asks as he hits the white pool ball with his que.

"Caveman's gotten the easy way out since he hit here." Zigzag says taking his turn.

"It pisses me off man. We're out there digging while Caveman sits on his ass." Squid adds as he puts chalk on the top of his que. then they all turn their heads to me expecting me to say something.

"What?" I say and X-ray rolls his eyes at me.

"We gotta get your opinion." X-ray says to me.

"I don't know. I mean I'm happy Zeros getting to read, he always talks about wanting to and it was his idea to help with the hole. But it's not fair that Caveman only has to dig half." I say and they all nod their heads on agreement.

"Even Loon agrees we gotta do something." Squid says and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait why was I the deciding factor on if you do something? And what are you doing?" I ask as the three of them look at each other and shrug with mischievous smiles.

"Just please have no punches thrown. And don't take away Zeros reading. Please." I say and they all roll their eyes but agree making me smile as the dinner bell rings and we all make our way into the mess hall.

~time skip

"Hey Zero. How's the reading?" I ask ruffling his hair a bit as he seats my hand away.

"Oh loon it's great. Caveman's teaching me all sorts of things like I can spell my name now" he says excitedly making me smile.

"I'm glad to hear it." I say as Stanley catches up to us and pulls Zero away talking about what to teach him next. I stood there fit a second smiling before grabbing my towel as I feel hands wrap around my waist.

"Hello Zigzag." I say standing up straight as he leans his head on my shoulder.

"Hello darlin." He says kissing my cheek

"I've got to go take a shower." I say and he groans pulling me back into him as I try to walk away.

"I only have a 15 time slot to shower and I've waisted 3 minutes of that by doing this." I say and rolls his eyes and kisses me quickly then pushes me towards the door as I walk out towards the wardens cabin.

Once I got back to the tent with my hair wrapped up in a towel and my pjs on I notice Zigzag laying in my cot. I roll my eyes and lay down with him.

"Goodnight boys" I say

"Goodnight loon." I hear them all say back.

"Goodnight darlin." Zigzag whispers in my ear before kissing me quickly then pulling my waist closer to his as we fall asleep.

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