5: shoes

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"Stanley come here boy. This is where you sit." Zigzag says grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him making room for Stanley. Once Stanley sits down Zigzag doesn't move his arm but leans his head on my shoulder and wraps the other arm around me too. I was more focused on that then X-ray taking Stanley's bread.

"So what they get you for?" Squid asks breaking me out of my daze but yet still focused on Zigzag.

"Stealing a pair of shoes." Stanley says making everyone laugh including me. I mean I thought he was kidding.

"From a store or where they still on someone's feet?" Squid says laughing in between sips of water.

"No he just killed the dude first he just left that little detail out right." Zigzag says wide eyed while lifting his head from my shoulder.

"Clyde Livingston shoes." He says which I guess was important because all of the boys started talking about baseball which I had little interest in.

"Did they have red x's on em?" Zero asks shocking all the boys but me. I had talked to the boy very little times usually he would respond with head shakes or nods but sometimes he would slip a word out.

"Yeah they did." Stanley says. This boy seems to innocent to be here he's like a lost puppy.

"You don't seem like someone who would steal anything." I say stabbing at my chilli. I hated beans they were my least favourite food so I wasn't gonna eat them. I rarely did unless I was really hungry I was looking forward to the "Sunday special" which was just meatloaf that wasn't really meatloaf.

"Why do you think I'm here then." He says with a tone I didn't quite like. The boys at the table quieted down as I glared at the boy who lowered his head.

"I'm not hear to play judge with you Yelnats I was just stating a fact. You shouldn't be here." I say to the boy who just nods and looks down at his food.

"Eat kid you gotta long day of digging tomorrow." I say flicking a bean at the side of his face making the boys chuckle. I sat there not touching my food besides the bread and the banana pudding everything else was beans.

"Eat Loon. You need food to dig." Squid says pushing my food closer to me. To which I push away.

"I don't wanna eat it alright. And I ain't stupid I know I need food." I know I was being irrational but it was because I was hungry and tired but yet couldn't bring myself to swallow any of that. I felt like a brat for not eating it but it just wouldn't go down or else it would come back up.

"I'm going back to the tent. I need some sleep." I say throwing my food in the garbage and walking out to the tent falling asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

I was awoken a few hours later after the boys came back from the rec room. Someone sat on my bed and I looked up too see Magnet and Zigzag.

"I got you some more bread" Magnet says holding it out as I smile and kiss his cheek after saying thanks and he walks back to his cot.

"It was my idea." Zigzag says moving his cheek my direction.

"Thanks ziggy." I say and kiss his cheek too. He smiles and lays down on my cot as I eat the bread Magnet had stolen.

"So are you guys dating or something?" Stanley asks us making the boys and I laugh.

"Zigzag wishes!" Squid says slapping Zigzags head.

"Shut your traps!" Zigzags yells standing up and walking to his cot.

"So you guys aren't dating?" Stanley asks again as I grab my journal from my bag.

"No. Why do you keep asking?" I ask him with attitude so he would stop talking about it.

"I don't know. I just thought you were kinda pretty that's all." He says blushing as he looks away. The boys start oohing while Zigzags eyes widen.

"What did you just say?" Zigzag says standing up from his cot walking over to Stanley.

"Sit down Zigzag. Just leave it." I say as I push him back onto his cot.

"Let's just get some sleep boys." I say walking back to my cot continuing to write in my journal ignoring the snoring and farting.

"Hey. You awake?" I hear Stanley whisper yell.

"What do you want?" I ask him not looking up from my book.

"What's it gonna be like tomorrow?" He asks making me groan. I didn't feel like talking to this kid right now.

"Lots of digging in the sun. Now go to sleep Stanley." I say closing my eyes not looking forward to waking up in a few hours.

Loon ~ Zigzag [holes fanfic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora