18: fight

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"Let's go boys and Andrea lunch!" Mom yells as we all line up to grab the same lunch we've eaten for months and yet mom still feels the needs to list everything out each time.

"Where's your whip Caveman? Wouldn't want your slave to be slacking off." Armpit says to Caveman as Zero looks up at me with a sort of look as if he wanted me to say something that he wouldn't.

"Leave Zero out of this Pit." I say shoving him a bit.

"Whatever man." He says as we both walk to the truck containing the food.

"Hello Theodore." Mom says making Armpit mumble in disagreement.

"Alan. A good day to you." Mom says to Squid

"Good afternoon." Squid says holding a stack of graham crackers behind his back.

"Ricky. Andrea." He then says to both of us as we both respond to him with sirs and walk off towards Squid.

"You can have one sandwich." Mom says to Magnet who wads trying to take multiple who mumbles in Spanish.

"This is America we speak English here." Mom says making me roll my eyes at his words.

"Hey man I got some extra graham crackers" Squid says handing Zigzag one as he starts walking to Cavemans hole.

"Zig don't be stupid." I say trying to grab his arm to pull away from a stupid decision. To which he shakes his arm from my grip and walks over anyways as I stand their watching as he kicks Cavemans foot.

"Hey. How about I give you my cookie and you let me dig your hole." Zigzag says holding out his cookie in Stanley's face.

"Look I get it. I'll dig my own hole from now on just let me eat my lunch." Cavemans says taking another bite of his apple trying to avoid Zigzags pestering.

"He isn't gonna take it. Come here. Eat the cookie" he says pushing the cookie into Cavemans face then pushing his shoulder as all of the boys ohhhh.

"Back off man" Caveman says standing up as he pushes Zigzag back just to get pushed back onto the ground.

"Boys! Just leave each other alone." I say trying to settle them both not wanting to have to soothe anyone's wounds.

"Just stay out of this alright Loon. We don't need your babying." Zigzag says waving me off making me scoff as I stand their caring a bit less about what would happen to him in this moment.

"What's going on here?" Mom asks the two boys.

"Nothing mom. We was just fooling alright." Squid says covering for Zigzag.

"I saw what was going on. Go on Stanley. Teach him a lesson. Hit him back." Mom says giving shitty advice to two boys who dislike each other.

"Yeah teach me a lesson. Cmon hit me. Teach me a lesson" Zigzag says pushing Caveman again. Caveman then slaps Zigzag across the cheek resulting in Zigzag football tackling him to the ground and continuously punching him in the gut.

"Zigzag!" I yell walking closer to the fight watching as they roll into Cavemans hole. Caveman manages to elbow Zigzag in the gut running from the hole.

"You've done enough Zigzag alright!" I yell grabbing Zigzags arm just to be shoved onto my ass into Cavemans hole. Zigzag then runs after him and punches him across the face knocking him out cold. Magnet holds his hand out from outside the hole and pulls me out asking if I was alright to which I nod my head yes and dust myself off walking to my hole.

"That's enough!" Mom yells as Zero jumps onto Zigzags back putting him in a choke hold. Zigzag then falls to his knees unable to breath as mom continues to yell at Zero. Some of the boys start looking at me as if I should help but I only look away and start digging my hole as if nothing was happening until a gunshot rang out as I look towards mom.

"When I say to end it I mean end it now back to your holes!" Mom yells holding the gun in the air as Zero helps Caveman up and Zigzag starts walking back to his hole beside mine which I face away from him and continue digging.

"Andy. Andy Cmon I almost died at least you could look at me." He says to making me mentally scoff. He really thought I owed him that after trying to stop the whole thing from happening and getting completely ignored. I get up from my hole and walk over to Cavemans where Zero was also sitting.

"Hey Caveman you alright?" I ask and he just nods as he continues to dig. I notice a small cut where Zigzag had punched him so I jump into the hole and lick the end of my thumb rubbing it on the cut to get the blood off his face.

"He's just being an asshole. I told them not to throw any punches should've known he wouldn't listen." I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Leave it to Loon to hate on her boyfriend." Zero says making both Caveman and I laugh as Zero smiles. Then the Wardens car pulls up.

"Well good luck boys." I say patting both of their heads and walking back to my hole watching Zigzags face look down in disappointment as if I was the bad guy here. I never really thought Zigzag could get on my nerves this much but he's really testing my limits today.

"Not gonna check if your boyfriends alright?" Squid asks teasing either me or Zigzag.

"I'm not in the mood for the jokes Squid. And he doesn't need my babying if I were to recall." I say hearing him scoff. I swear this boy wants a couple more bruises to add to his collection today.

"Everyone out of your holes! over here! now! Let's go!" The Warden yells and we all comply as she tells Caveman and Zero to go to one side they the rest of us on the other. This was gonna be a long talk.

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