Ch. 21

31 1 0

3rd pov

There she is... After a few weeks of pure torture, still chained to the wall and inside a cage, but at least now she can lay down on the floor  the only thing attached to the wall is 'leash' that is made from heavy metal, her hands and ankles cuffed with sea stone prism...

Blood pooling under her, she can't move, she dared not to move oreslse the pain from the open wounds will nevertheless pour out mercilessly as she screams silently for it to end...

She can feel the blood slowly drain out of her already pale body, she's quite surprised she's still alive by the amount of torment and torture they have put her through just so they can get inside information about the crew...

But unlucky of them, (y/n) is loyal...

Very loyal...

Her eyes drifted open as she heard the cage being opened.

"oi. Dumb fuck. Eat up" the guard threw the food at her, it didn't faze her though making the guard click his tongue and lock it up again

She doesn't want any if the food they gave her... It might have some sort of formula, a truth telling serum or poison itself...

At this point, she doesn't care anymore... She just wants to simply... Die.

She started to close her eyes again and ignored the sounds outside of the cell.


A marine official, a higher up I must say, entered the blood scented room only to have his nose scrunch up.

"oi. What's that smell?"

"she still hasn't speak up, sir..."

"hmm... Playing loyal, are we not?" he chuckled.

(y/n) ignored it and pretended to sleep, at least she was until the marine got inside the cell and kicked her in the head.

Like his boots were soft as a rock.

(y/n) hissed and clutched her head in pain.

"oi! I'm speaking to you!" the marine yelled.

"sir... You must stop this, at this point, she might die and waste all our time..." a cadet marine said as the other scoffed and left the cell only to lock it... Tighter.

'I hope you guys are as far as you can possibly go... I don't want you here...' (y/n) thought as small tears pricked her eyes from a natural expression of pain.

Then, out of nowhere, the base's alarm went off.

"intruders alert! Pirates and a few others!"

'no... It can't be... Please don't...' (y/n) begged in her head only feeling the pain worsen.

Everything was a blur to her at this point... She didn't even bother trying to clear it up, but... It is clear to her that she's going to pass out from both blood loss and too much pain.

While outside of the cell, the doors busted open as techno and Wilbur kicked it down in a brute force.

The scent of blood fills their senses making their doubts unbelievably horrid.

They looked around only to be stopped by lots of marines

"my children! Let me lend a hand!" Phil yelled as he flew in and helped the two fight them off.

His black wings acting as a shield, techno having his fists as his guns while Wilbur, he has guns himself.

They took them all down, except for the marine official, who was backed up against the wall against his will.

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