Ch. 3

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3rd pov

"so... You wanted to know more about (y/n)?" Niki hummed as law nodded

They were in her living room, Niki sat on a chair facing sideways beside the sofa where the three sat, while opposite of her, is law sitting with a leg over another.

"tell me" Niki sighed as she placed her cup of tea down, "are you even ready to know the past of someone... Precious?" Niki asked, getting serious.

Law nodded again as the three hummed a small 'yes' getting scared of Niki herself.

"then... Where should I start...?" Niki bummed.

"face and voice!" ikkaku yelled.

"hmm... Many has come to me with.... That" Niki mumbled.

"everyone wants to know what she looks and sounds like?" shachi asked.

"yes. Apparently, she's more famous than she thinks... Everyone falls in love with her immediately... (y/n) knows, but she chose to ignore them" Niki chuckled to herself.

"so... You know her?"

"of course I do, she's my friend since childhood." Niki hummed sweetly.

"then... What does she look like?!" ikkaku asked excitedly.

"okay, but caution, hot content" Niki blushed when she remembered what (y/n) looks like.

"you... Like her...?" penguin asked

"like? No.. No.. No..." Niki denied which said she meant the exact opposite.

"let's just get on it!" Niki interrupts herself.


"oh my fucking God! What'll the other gods say about me liking a mortal being?!" Niki whined with a deep blush.

Then her view came in contact with a certain (h/c) headed person.

She had dead (e/c) eyes that stared right back at Niki, half lidded that slowly blinked, looked up boredly, She had goggles on that held up her hair back, then slowly looked at her.

The goggles looked vintage and was tinted orange-y red with small spikes on the side.

"lucky God?" her voice deep yet still remaining 'feminine' is just stirring.

"you-! You-! HADVDJEIEWBDVY8IWWKBDJEI" Niki grumbled with now a very deep red blush

"what do you want me to say? Who do you even like? I'll kill them" the person sighed as they grumbled 'this is stupid' under her breath

"that's you dumbass! You'll kill yourself?!" Niki accidentally blurted out, "oops..." she mumbled

The person just stared in a dead gaze before tilting her head

"me? Why?" she asked.

Niki sighed.

"I meant as a friend silly... Gods tend to... Not have friends, it gets lonely in Celestia since gods aren't even allowed to have friends there... So I'm glad I like you as a friend" Niki sweated

"oh... Mmkay, I guess... Want to sneak inside mother's liquor basement and steal a few bottles with minx?" (y/n) asked as she pulled her tinted goggles down and fixed her hair.

"yeah... I missed the unicorn of all whiskeys..." Niki mumbled and daydreamed

"ooohh... You got taste, let's go" the person got up and dusted her clothes.

"yeah! Oh and (y/n)?" Niki hummed just as (y/n) was about to open the door.

(her hand was already on the door knob)

"hmm? You hesitated?" the person asked

"thanks for being my friend"

"yeah... Same to you too..." she grumbled.


"you like (y/n)?" ikkaku asked.

"no, I meant it... As a God, I am not allowed to make friends with a mortal, (y/n) may seem cold and heartless... Which she is entirely... She was born with it... No one knows why but... She just learned how to love with it" Niki sighed.

"but... I don't have to guess what makes (y/n) happy, her personal space and silence makes her comfortable..." Niki shrugged.

"Is there another else?" law asked.

"I'm sorry... I'm not allowed other than that, (y/n) already allowed me to use this much of her past, I can't tell it to anyone else" Niki sighed.

"what do you mean?" shachi asked.

"she knows we're looking at her past right now.... And she knows you'll be curious... So in advance, 5 years ago, she told me" Niki sighed.

"f-five years ago?!"

"apparently, she can look through the future as well... So she knew you were coming here" Niki said


"simple... She can, and she does. And.... I kinda lied about me being a time God" Niki laughed awkwardly

"then what are you?" law asked

"you're a witch....?" shachi, ikkaku, and penguin shakily said.

"I'm still a God, but just not time... I'm a water God..." Niki sighed


"... God?"

"yes... Well, you see.... Water has memory, just like how ruins have history and how the air carry prosper news/sounds of relief" Niki explained.

"that's pretty much wisdom.... But then, how does (y/n)-San know?"

"she just does... Like what you said earlier, (y/n) knows every single inch of you yet you know not even an inkling other than her first name and age, are you even right about her age?" Niki asked.

"she's.... Twenty six, right?" they asked

"nope. She's younger, she's 22" Niki smiled.

"what?! She looked like she's twenty six! She acts like one, she even has the ability of a twenty six year old! Although she somewhat lacks height"

"don't let (y/n) hear you talk about her height, she going to tackle you and punch you till you take it back. That's what happened to her second oldest brother" Niki laughs.

"she has brothers?!"

"yep. Four, actually..."

"really?! Then... Does she have sisters at least?"

"fun fact, in her family, I think her, her aunt, and her mother are the only girls... She has two uncles who married a guy, and three cousins"

"wow... All male.."


"oh... That must be hard"

"it's easy, actually"

"how...? Just living with this guy is hard" ikkaku pointed to penguin.

"if you have met her brothers, you'd wish you have never grew up with them" Niki sighed

"how?" ikkaku asked.

"well, the youngest is a gremlin child, crime here, gremlin there... Very annoying to babysit when he was younger" Niki mumbled.

"oh...? That's the youngest" law said

"he's now seventeen and haven't changed a thing. And you see (y/n), she's mostly silent or quiet... But her brothers? No, maybe her oldest a little, but still... They're loud and rowdy complete opposite of (y/n)" Niki mumbled.

"what's this talking about me?"

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