Ch. 11

42 1 0

3rd pov

"so... Her mother convince her? The mother must have known (y/n) so much to even convince her... Which is quite hard" ikkaku mumbled.

"so... Captain, you didn't have to kidnap he-"

"I FUCKING KNOW!!" law just yelled.

He was actually fed up with (y/n) pressing he kidnapped her. Which is actually amusing to (y/n).

"calm, captain... Ooh! What's that?"


It was raining at night, techno was at one of the balcony gardens of the castle.

He looked... Very depressed until an umbrella cut his view of the dark night sky

"don't stay out in the rain too long, you'll catch a cold..." (y/n) hums softly

"it's 12 in the morning" techno simply said as looked down

"same to you" (y/n) rolled her eyes, "let's go inside... It's cold here, let's talk about it over some hot chocolate and marshmallows" (y/n) offered as techno mumbled and nods.

"go get some new fresh change of clothes, I'll see you by the fire place" (y/n) hums softly as techno obediently followed.

A few moments later, a blanket was dropped around techno's shoulders as Wilbur giggled and sat beside him.

"you good bro?" Wilbur sighed and threw in a few logs into the fire.

(y/n) then sat next to techno's other side and placed a tray of mugs filled with hot chocolate, the marshmallows are separated to another container to prevent it from being soaked.

"I like it this way... Thanks, (y/n)..." techno said.

"no problem" (y/n) nodded and grabbed a cup.

"drink up before it's cold..." Wilbur offered techno a mug.

"I know..." techno sighed

"what's wrong?" (y/n) said, straight to the point.

"the throne... It has caused you great pain..."

"nah, you're thinking too much and besides... I accepted this life.... And I don't mind, this is my home after all..." (y/n) mumbled as she added DOZENS of marshmallows in her chocolate drink

"easy on the marshmallows sis, you're going to eat it all" Wilbur said

"you can't do anything about it" (y/n) growled making techno laugh.

"hey! Leave some for me!" techno said

"you feel better now?"

"yeah... Thanks... (y/n), not you Wilbur, you're annoying"

"that's easier than I expected" (y/n) admits

"hey!" Wilbur whined.

"that's good. I'm taking all the marshmallows now" (y/n) said as she took it all, even the container

"hey! I don't have any yet!" Wilbur yelled

"quiet dumb fuck, you'll wake the whole kingdom up" (y/n) proceeded to eat the marshmallows individually

"gimme some!"

Techno just laughed.

Later on...

Kristin walked in with blankets and covered (y/n), Wilbur, and techno as she placed more logs into the fireplace to keep it warm as she smiled and left.

'my children get along so perfectly' she chuckled to herself and closed the door behind her.

Techno opened his eyes slightly and scooted closer to (y/n) in which he just cuddled with her to sleep.

goodbye seasonal problem! (trafalgar law x reader) Where stories live. Discover now