Ch. 8

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3rd pov

They all sat around the crackling fire as Wilbur sighed deeply.

"I don't know where to start so uh... You know the government and marines, right? They get what they want..." Wilbur mumbled as the three nodded

"well... It just so happened that they want the technology in our island, the queen, our mother, didn't approve of this" techno grumbled.

"so... You're... A prince...? You two?" shachi asked.

"yes... That's us" Wilbur nods.

"back to it... We aren't those types of prince that sit around... No, our mother taught us to dedicate our lives for our country... And for that, we're the leaders of our own army. Techno has the resistance and I have the backup" Wilbur hummed in a small amount of pride.

"but the thing is... Our middle child of a sibling, they were immediately taken up to the head of the army while still leading their own army, the main one... The one with much, much, more soldiers than both of us... I think it's our soldiers combined times three" techno said.

"what? How? Isn't it supposed to be the oldest thing?" penguin asked

"yeah... Everyone questioned that, too! But... I-... We knew why," techno chuckled

"then... Why?" law asked.

"they're a child prodigy, the next line in throne, the smartest, the most intelligent strategist in the family, not to mention they're also skillful, strong, and very, very, tactical" Wilbur hummed.

"that sounds too good to be true" shachi mumbled.

"and keep that in mind, the middle child succeeded our parents' expectations, more than we could ever have hoped to be in the same age as them..." techno said

"I got to admit, I was jealous at the time, my little sibling, at the age of ten, already has their own army" Wilbur laughed


"yes, like I said... They succeeded with everything our parents expected, EVEN MORE! And... Like Wil, I can't help but feel jealous... Then I realized it was their way of trying to cover up something they didn't have" techno mumbled

"which is...?"

"they were.... Born with a small difference from normal people"

"like a disorder or something?" law asked

"kinda... The doctors that looked them over said it was rare, therefore no one had a chance to research about it" techno mumbled.

"which is...? A rare incurable disease?"

"no... They were born without emotions... They wished they wanted to, but they couldn't... Both physically and mentally, they aren't able to express themselves freely, like you and me" Wilbur said

"that's kinda... Small"

"no! It's not! You may say it's easy, but it's hard, for people who doesn't even know they had this 'disorder' will most likely assume they're ignorant, cold, distant, and/or even worse, self-centered... But in reality they're just trying to fit in..." techno sighed

"now that you mention it... That is kinda.... Hard" shachi said

"they tried to cover it up by being the perfect person they can, elegance, beauty, strenght, and of course, the intelligence, I'm kinda worried for them too" Wilbur mumbled.

"trying to cover up something that's not there is complicated than it looks" law mumbled.

"with that in tow, the marines decided to wage war against our home island, everyone doubted our sibling, but that all ended when no one was hurt, no one died, because of their skill and tactic" Wilbur said

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