Ch. 6

64 2 0

3rd pov

"who made this captain?" ikkaku asked as she helped a crew mate to set up the gallery for dinner.

"(y/n)-ya, why?" law asked as ikkaku hummed

"what did she cook?"

"I think it's curry and fries as a side meal. I know people in culinary arts do that..." law mumbled

"maybe she graduated from culinary arts?"

"or her parents taught her how to cook" the crew mate chimed.

"hmm..." ikkaku gasped

"what?" law asked.

"if she cooks... Sidemeal, main meal, is there dessert?" ikkaku asked

"she said she made some... Sorbet? I don't know what that is but she said it was 'fancy ice cream' at least that's how her brothers said that is" law hummed.

"wait... Side meal... Main course.. Then dessert, all sound so fancy and stuff... Could (y/n)-San be a high authority person?"

"a royal chef?"

"if she's a chef, she would've been the crew's chef instead. And she would've mentioned."

"maybe a princess who learned how to cook?"

"if she's a princess, then would've been something of a spoiled brat"

"maybe an ex maid?"

"that, that is a possibility"

"either way, I can't wait to taste what she cooked!" ikkaku squealed


"this is so good!" ikkaku said as she took a first bite.

"are you sure (y/n)-San made this?" klione asked, not believing it himself.

"yes, I was there when she made this... Even tasted it first." law smirked.



Next day...

They arrived at the island, and as usual, (y/n) went in first.


It was a winter island so it's snowy

(y/n) wore a navy blue sweater that is actually thick and warm on the inside, also wore a red scarf.

Law stared and smiled


"you're making breakfast?" law hummed as he peeke dhis head through the kitchen door.

(y/n) turned slightly then back and nodded

"what's for breakfast? Oh? Eg and bacon...? Oh! And pancakes?" (y/n) just nodded again as law walked beside her.

She sighed and walked away for a bit and returned with a cup coffee in hand.

Her hands with a cup of coffee extended to him as he gladly takes his black cup of coffee.

The way he exactly likes it.

"thank you, (y/n)-ya" he hummed and took a sip

It tastes exactly the same he likes, too.

Bitter-sweet flavoring of coffee, tastes good.

She placed her hand on his bare chest (law was shirtless... Almost every morning) and pushed him back so she can continue cooking.

Even after she removed her hand, he can still feel it's warmth on his chest, it might be coincidence but (y/n) placed her hand on top of his now vwry insane heart that beats very uncontrollably.

Law sighed and took her hand again making her look at him as he smiled and placed the cup of coffee down

He now had his hand over hers and traced small circles on it with his thumb

"your hand is so soft... (y/n)-ya" law hums then placed her hand over his cheek and leaned against it.

His grip tightened around her hand as he heard her sigh deeply and continue work with one hand.


He closed his eyes and felt the softness of her hand still on his cheek

"captain?" bepo called then apologized when law opened his eyes half-way

"what's with that sweet smile on your face? Thinking of someone?" shachi teased as penguin chuckled

"he's definitely thinking of someone, surely (y/n)... Isn't it?" penguin wiggled his eyebrows and grinned maliciously at him as law felt his cheeks burn and a frown etched on his features.

"what? Don't talk stupid now" law growled.

"ehehe, swing our usual stoic captain smile ever so smoothly like that.... It's rare, so, what were you thinking?" penguin grinned

"I... Fuck... Fine, you're right... I was thinking about (y/n)-ya" law grumbled lowly so that others won't hear.

"knew it..." penguin softly chuckled

"why? What happened?" shachi whispered

"well... Earlier, while she was making breakfast... She placed a hand on my chest and pushed me away from the stove"

"and that's what makes you think of her?" the two said sarcastically

"no, no... It was the touch... I was shirtless so her hand was on my bare skin" law smiled, "the warmth of her hand against my cold chest... I can still feel it in here" law hummed and placed a hand over his heart.

"we got a case of love, captain..." shachi smiled as law looked at him

"what else happened?!" penguin asked making law look at him.

"her hand was so soft and warm, I didn't want to let go earlier" law day dreamed.

"okay... Wait... Really?" shachi asked excitedly.

"yes... It was like heaven" law sighed

"now you're exaggerated..." penguin said.

"no... It's true, if I may... I want to hold her hand again... No... Not just her hand... But hug her, tight" law smiled to himself.

"yep. I diagnoses you with deep- no, madly in love" shachi stared

"but uh..." penguin sighed causing the two to look at him, "this concept... It's pretty new to you, isn't it?"

Law hummed in agreement

"yes... It is, is there an issue?"

"well... I've read somewhere that... A person in their first love tends to... Pour, too much to their partners causing them to either be overwhelmed or use the person... I don't really know, never had a girlfriend" penguin tried to brush it off.

"I know that..." law growled.

"sorry" penguin mumbled

"is it just me or I saw someone walking with a bear?" bepo asked then apologized.

"with a bear? You mean a mink?" law asked

"no... A big white polar bear, it was carrying something on bags and even had a cute hat." bepo hummed.

"polar bear? You mean as a pet?"

"well... It is following someone around"

"polar bear as a pet... Did you see the person?"

"well... The person had long pastel pink hair, that's the only thing I made out... I'm sorry" bepo muttered.

"it must be a girl! Pink and long hair!" penguin drooled.

"now look who's talking" law scoffed

'a polar bear...? As a pet? Not likely' law thought

goodbye seasonal problem! (trafalgar law x reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن