Ch. 7

67 2 0

3rd pov

Law, shachi, and penguin searched the woods for the bear they saw.

Then something ran past them.

They looked at the direction and saw a polar bear with a bag attached to its waist.

It turned to them, the big ball of fur had red eyes that completely destroys the looks of it being a huge fluff ball.

"Steve. Materials Pronto." a deep voice said from a walkie talkie that was attached to its collar.

Law caught a glimpse of the bear's name, 'Steve'.

The bear nodded with a growl and ran off in a fast pace.

"wait!" penguin yelled and the bear was already gone...

"the bear's name is Steve... What a simple name..." law hummed

"huh? And... Materials? What materials? Let's follow the print on the snow" shachi sighed.

They did, and found a clearing in the middle of a forest, a small camp was there and the same pastel pink haired person was present.

"who's a good bear, you are! Yes you are!" it... Was a guy?

The guy talked to the bear as if it was a baby, law read the collar, it had the same name on it.

"anyway brother... These chaos materials are kinda.... Hard, to say the least, to decode" a person said as he came out of a tent holding something.

The guy had a dark brown overgrown hair, close to curly, and had one of his eyes covered by his hair...

He had round glasses with red eyes and wore a faded yellow shirt that had a suspicious red mark in the middle, as if he was stabbed, under a dark brown (commonly mistaken to black) trench coat.

He also wore a dark blood red beanie on his head... Had a white streak through his hair.

"hmm? What do you mean?" the person that had the long pastel pink hair asked as he tied his hair up elegantly.

It showed he wore a white longsleeve clothing and a corset that only covered his waist.

"well... Dream, sapnap, and (y/n) gathered twenty of these... But... They're just not enough" the person in brown hair sighed and looked down at the device on his hand.

"I see... Steve, can you go get dream? Thank you" the guy ordered as the polar bear ran off.

"hmm... I can sense someone here" the brown headed person smiled softly and closed his eyes.

Shachi and penguin gulped.

Law glared at the two as the pink head shot up and disappeared

"now what do we have here? Spies?" a deep voice erupted behind them as they all jumped.


The three were thrown on the snow covered ground with a crunch of the snow

"who are you? Are you from the government?!" the pink head guy had red eyes and glared at them.

"we're pirates! We would never want anything to do with the government..." law grumbled as he sat up

"oh? Oh my! It's trafalgar law! I'm a fan of your works!" the pink headed guy immediately changed his physique.

"what?" law mumbled.

"if you must know, we hate the government... Sorry for the rough start of my oldest brother," the brown headed guy chuckled and pushed his brother off the way, "I'm Williambur, call me Wilbur instead" he nodded.

"and this is my older twin brother, Drakenvard Amonium Vlademyrr Eucalypso.... Make it short and it'll be Dave, but he also goes by techno blade" Wilbur laughed.

"that's a long name..." shachi sighed shakily.

"yes... Our father said he wants a long name for his oldest and middle... So... I'm the oldest" Dave, or techno blade, said.

"middle? What's the name of the middle?!" penguin asked

"our middle isn't here, so no no. We can't disclose our personal information to anyone who has potential.... Betrayal history" techno glared at the three.

"get up you three... I can now barely here Steve's running steps and dream screaming for help" Wilbur laughed and helped them up.

"the polar bear?"

"yep! My sweet, sweet bear~!" techno cooed.

"TECHNOOOO!! YOUR BEAR IS DRAGGING ME- AHHHHHHH" dream yelled from the top of his lungs and smashed into a tree

But the bear in question stopped right in front of techno to receive hugs and head pats.

"go to your tent and there's lots of fish there" techno said as the bear roared and ran to his colorful tent.

"that polar bear has his own tent?" law mumbled.

"privacy, of course!" techno huffed as dream ran up to techno and punched him

"dream!" techno yelled

"your bear made me wet-!! wait... Wrong context! NOOOO" dream yelled as techno and Wilbur laughed

"you damn perverts!!"

"your mask..." law hums...

"what about it?" dream turned to him as the two seized laughing and looked at law

"it looks oddly.... Close to familiar" law mumbled

"really? Why?" dream asked

"well... I don't know, but I think I've seen you somewhere before" law hummed softly


"I can't quite pinpoint... But... Oh well" law shrugged.

"mhm... Anyways, dream... The chaos cores you gave me were useless" Wilbur said

"really? She said they were hard to encode but... Never thought it'd be This hard." dream said

"hmm... How about some chaos devices? A core is naturally the hardest to encode, maybe if we decode a chos device... It'd be much easier for the code to adjust as well" Wilbur mumbled.

"what?" shachi asked

"you're not with the marines, aren't you?" techno aske din a serious tone

"we aren't, rest assured" law nods.

"good... My brother here wants to make a bomb that involves it being something close to a self-destruct button" techno explained

"why... Do you need it...?" penguin asked.

"to blow up marine bases and other stuff... They do not deserve the recognition they have today..." Wilbur grumbled.

"what happened?" law asked

Techno sighed and looked at his brother and dream before Wilbur nods.

"I'll tell you... But in return, you must tell us something about yourself... Too" Wilbur smiled sweetly painfully

"sure... We will" law nodded

"good... Why don't we uhm... Sit around the fire? It's getting darker and colder too"

They just agreed.

'he looks so... Depressed... Never have I seen him since' law thought

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