Ch. 15

35 1 0

3rd pov

It has been a long time since the two had that conversation.

Law actually admitted it... He wanted to have a reason.

(y/n) was annoyed to say the least, but was quite pleased he'd make an effort despite the weird tension.

She sighed while fixing the shelves again at the medicine room.

The people who stocked the medicine are so freaking rowdy, didn't even place it by its contents at least.

(y/n) started by the antiseptic, working her way down to the sleeping pills law needed.

She's gonna lie if she said she wasn't worried about her captain's health, he mostly eats once a day in a NORMAL day.

He practically can't sleep without his sleeping pills, she's worried because he might overdose and die.

She didn't even notice law enter the room and saw her pale hand holding the pill bottle and gripping it tightly.

"(y/n)-ya? Are you... Okay?" law asked as she jumped lightly before placing the medicine in the shelf

"huh? Oh uh, yeah... I'm fine..." she said and fixed the bottle so that it was perfectly aligned with the others.

"if you're getting something inside here, please. Fix it again. I'm tired of fucking.... Fixing it all over, third time this week" (y/n) grumbled and walked off.

Law just stared, he never heard (y/n) complain before, maybe she did, but it wasn't noticed as a complaint until today.

'what's wrong with her?' he thought.

A few moments later, they found themselves surrounded by marines.

How? Well, as it happens, some marine snuck a GPS device on the side of the sub where it was very much impossible to notice because it was camouflaged on the yellow color of it.

"we're screwed captain!" they panicked, (y/n) just leaned back against the railing, not even panicking.

"why are you so calm?! We're gonna die!" law yelled

"you see captain, wherever we may go, there's a GPS. Here it is" (y/n) held it up, crushed it in her hands and threw it out.

"GPS..." law sighs, "THEN WHY ARE YOU STILL CALM?!"

"mind is like water, the answer is unclear when agitated, but the answer is very clear when calm... Look" (y/n) pointed to the thick fog that now surrounded them.

"what... Where did this fog came from...?" law asked

"it's mine, you said you wanted to see five percent of my powers, right?"


"well, then.... Observe this monstrosity" (y/n) said and with a wave of her hand, wind casually built up and swept them off by a huge wave

"imagine this, but my brother's have so much." (y/n) hummed and walked inside calmly

"what the fuck?!"

"yes..." (y/n) nodded.

"if you're this powerful, why not have a crew of your own?"

"why? Do you want me to leave?"

"what? No..." law mumbled.

(y/n) shrugged and left entirely.

They arrived at the island safely right after, hmm, (y/n) was tired somehow...

Like she usually does, she goes ahead.

"bye." (y/n) simply said and left.

"oh, at least she said 'bye' now..." shachi hummed

"(y/n)-ya, does she always complain?" law asked

"no, we never heard her complain... Why?"

"nothing... It's nothing..."


(y/n) was punching trees right after she finished everything.

'you'll die. Why do I even care' she grumbled and punched yet another tree until her knuckles bleed.

'darned sleeping pills. Why does he even have that? It could kill him in the long run, it's like he'll go to heaven but-' she punched another tree as a branch fell on her head bringing her back to reality.

"fuck... Why do I even care at this point?" (y/n) sighed.

"fucking- shit..." (y/n) punched another tree as it broke in half.

"(y/n)-ya, what're you doing?" law called as (y/n) sucked in a breath.

"training..." (y/n) grumbled and looked away so that he wouldn't see her bloody knuckles and frustrated expression

"are you sure? Never seen you this... Worked up before" law looked over the fallen trees that suffered her wrath.

"I just am" (y/n) sighed and punched a tree lightly now.

"really? No wonder your knuckles are bleeding" law hummed and kneeled over a bloody trunk.

"so? Like it would affect you, anyway" (y/n) rolled her eyes and just punched a tree only to have a bigger branch break and fall on her head.

"ow... Fuck..." (y/n) grumbled.

"let me treat your knuckles" law grabbed her wrist.

"let go of me," she yanked her hand back, "I don't need your help..." (y/n) scoffed and kept going about her frustration rage.

"hmm... What disorder do you have?" law asked

"what?" (y/n) said sharply.

"I mean... Look at you, bloody knuckles" (y/n) looked at her now overly bleeding knuckles, "yet you never even felt anything, are you good?" law asked

"I'm.... Fine..."

"oh my God, you're so bad at lying." law scoffed

He walked over to her and placed a hand on his shoulder, while the other held her hand.

"what's wrong? It just occurred to me that you complain to hide your worries, what is that worries you?" law asked as he touched his thumb on her wound causing electric waves from the wound up her spine.

"nothing worries me. So leave me alone" (y/n) walked away

"oh? Let me treat you at least"

"don't be bothered... I'm fine, I can treat myself" (y/n) huffed

Law shrugged.

"room, shambles"

Right before (y/n) could even punch another tree, she was pushed against a medical bed.

"what the fuck" (y/n) growled as law rolled his eyes.

"stay." law hummed and walked off

'this asshole...' (y/n) groaned as law went to grab a few things to help (y/n).


Law looked up while he wraps her hand, she just stares down at her wound.

Almost lifeless...

(y/n) sighed.

"what's worrying you?" law asked

"nothing..." she answered.

"don't even lie to your own captain. It's not polite to do so" law hummed as he grabbed the scissors and cut the bandage so that he can tie it.

"it's nothing... I swear"

"I've known who lied and who doesn't, you're not used to lying, and you're very bad at it" law chuckled.

(y/n) just scoffed

"just don't think if me as a weird person, okay?"

"I already think you're weird the day that I met you" law chuckled

"very funny" (y/n) said in a dead tone.

Law chuckled again, but this time, it's more audible than the last.

(y/n) just rolled her eyes...

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