(19) Beth

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“You need to calm down Beth before you wake the entire house!” Derrick said in such a calm tone, that it made me even more angry. We have been fighting for the better part of a week. “Fuck you, I almost forgot how you could be. You’re still Triple A, probably wont ever change at all.” I don’t know why I thought he could change. “What the hell is Triple A?” He looked at me as if he never heard me call him that before. Second thought he only ever heard what he wanted to hear. “You, you are an Anti-Alpha-Asshole.” I hissed before slamming my hand down onto the table. “After last week I believe that statement to be more true.” A small throb started in the back of my head but I refused to acknowledge it. “Go back to bed, sleep and I will explain everything in the morning when you have had time to calm down. Now go to bed.” Derrick turned and poured himself another drink from the whiskey that I had bought a  while back. He had the door open as if he was waiting on someone or something. “And you can kiss my ass, if I want to stay up I can. The last time that I checked, I was a grown ass woman that could make her own decisions and if I want to stay up or have a drink or two myself I fucking will.” Grabbing the bottle I didn’t even bother with a glass. It wasn’t as if I had realized he was no longer in bed and got up to check on him. I had a nightmare, the kind that always has me looking for a drink to chase away the memories.  Sometime later Derrick tried to take the bottle from me and I wasn’t giving it up without a fight. “I think that you’ve had enough Beta.” Derrick said in a tired tone. I gripped it tighter, holding it to my chest. “And I think that you need to choke on a dick.” He crossed the room, putting space between us. “You don’t understand and I don’t have the energy to explain everything to you right now.” he pinched the bridge of his nose. I should listen and just go to bed but he was right. I didn't understand, last week I was shown the biggest secret ever, then watched as Samson jumped in front of that crazy wolf, just to be left behind. On the other hand there were things that Derrick didn’t know and right now I was dealing with it the only way that I knew how. “Guess what, it’s actually you who doesn’t understand what is going on right now and I can’t bring myself to tell you!” I screamed, my emotion showing in my voice. “What’s wrong, tell me and I can try to help you with whatever it is.” His face filled with concern and for a moment I almost told him everything. “Isn’t that rich, you won’t tell me anything, yet as always I am supposed to tell you everything, not this time I can’t.” Tears rolled down my face. I was upset that I went to sleep dreaming of Derrick and Samson, just for it to change into a nightmare that I can’t seem to get rid of. “You’re going back to bed, even if it takes me turning you over my knee and putting you there myself.”
           A growl started in my chest. “I most certainly am not going to bed, because if I go back to sleep I will dream.”  I took a long drink from the bottle and since I didn’t register the burn anymore, I would say that I would soon be numb to the pain that I was feeling tonight. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears and the small throb in my head was turning into a big throb. I started shaking, sweating and I could feel the adrenaline rush through my veins. “Beta.” Derrick says, slowly walking towards me. “Tell me why you don’t want to dream tonight?”  I took one more drink right before pulling my arm back intending to throw the bottle at Derrick.  Only to be stopped when a hand grabs my wrist. “Demons haunt her in her sleep.” I stood there frozen,  afraid to turn around, afraid that I was only hearing things. The look on Derrick’s face mirrored mine. Turning, I stared at the dark bruises, scraps and cuts that covered Samson’s face. I jumped, throwing myself at him; holding him tight.  “ I was so worried about you, I….I thought that you were,” Samson placed his finger against my trembling lips. “ I know what you thought, but I am here now.” Samson’s voice was soothing in my ear.  I turned into him burying my face into his chest. “Bout damn time, I thought that she was going to rip my dick off for leaving without you. She even tried to jump out at a redlight.” I could hear the relief in Derrick’s voice, knowing his friend was home and safe.   Samson bent down picking me up and carrying me over to the couch. “Listen we didn’t get to finish talking to you the other night before we got interrupted. I know that you are mad at me but I wanted to wait until Samson was back.” Derrick said from the other side of the couch.  “It took us showing you what we are for you to believe us, this next part might be a little harder for you to swallow.
      They took turns holding me through the night, when I woke the next morning it was to the sounds of Derrick, Samson and Eric talking in hushed tones. “ How did she take the news?” Erick asked.  About as good as anyone finding out that their whole life has changed. When I told her what my father had said; she said that she was feeling really tired.” Derrick sounded as if he hadn’t slept at all.  I laid there for a moment longer before grabbing my phone, dialed my mothers number and went to go make myself a nice hot cup of coffee. I ignored the looks that I was receiving from the three at the table. For a moment I didn’t think that she was going to answer, and if she didn’t I was just going to keep calling until she did answer.  “Hello.” My mothers irritated voice came through the phone; she sounded as if she was mad that she had to stop whatever she was doing to answer her phone.   “Well hello to you too, mother I believe that we need to talk.” The three men behind me went silent. “ What could you possibly be calling me for; let me guess you are in some kind of trouble again and you need money.” It wasn’t a question, she was making a statement and it honestly hurt my feelings. I had tried countless times over the years to have something to do with this hateful woman and she wouldn’t hear of it. I knew the guys could hear even without the phone being on speaker, but I still pressed the button that would allow her voice to fill the room. “ Nope, not in trouble at all; I am pretty stable actually, thanks for assuming the worst though.” Sarcasm filled my tone as I reached for the coffee cup that Derrick had bought me.   “Then why are you calling me if you’re not in trouble or you need money, because the last I heard you were living with some girl and had no kind of job.”  She sounded as if she was getting bored with the conversation and we were only getting started. “Now that I actually think about it; this should be done face to face.” I smiled when I heard the small gasp. “Don’t worry mother, I am nowhere near you and I have no desire to be either. So we are going to have a nice video chat. I want to be able to see your face.” I didn’t wait for her to answer and clicked the video call button on the screen. I waited until I saw her face fill the screen before picking my phone up off of the counter.  She looked like she lived at the plastic surgeon's office. Her face was too tight, lips looked like she had been stung by a bee or three. “My, don't you look like you haven't slept in awhile.” She had a smug look on her face. I ignored the barb she tried to take. She always liked to try and cut me down. It wasn’t like that until the last summer that I spent with Derrick when we were younger, then it only got worse when I met the biggest mistake of my life. “Don’t let yourself go there.” I thought to myself. “So who is my real father and don’t tell me that it is Steve.” I calmly said before taking a sip of my coffee. Shock showed on her face briefly before her normal shady mask slipped into place. She lit a cigarette, quickly blowing the smoke out. “What the hell are you talking about? Where would you even get the idea that Steve wasn’t your father.” Her tone dripped with anger and something akin to fear. Placing my cup down I let out a small laugh. “ Actually Mr.Mckinna, he is pretty sure that I was the result of a relationship that shouldn’t have been, then you ran away like a dog with her tail between her legs without even telling the poor man that you were carrying his child.” The look on her face told me all that I needed to know.
           “Rich Mckinna.” My mother started but I quickly stopped her. “ Watch what you say. He was nothing but kind to me and I won’t take too kindly to you bad mouthing him” Her eyes rounded with shock but my words did nothing to detour her words. “ That man was always sticking his nose where it didn’t belong when it came to you. One can only wonder if you weren’t fucking him too. It wouldn’t surprise me with the way you followed his spawn around like you were in love with that little shit.” Her smile and tone slithered over my skin. A growl slipped from my lips, followed by another growl that came from the table. “ See you’re still getting mad when I say anything about him. You cried for months after I took you away from there; you missed him so much and all I wanted was to get the image of you throwing yourself at the little prick out of my head. I tried so hard to raise you right and there you were, pinning him down with your weight and trying to get him to fuck you. He look so disgusted with the way you held his hand between your legs; all but begging him to fuck you.” My face heated with her words. “ We’re not talking about Derrick and I, we are talking about how you fell on another man's dick, created me and were too much of a pussy to tell him or me for that matter.” I was angry, I couldn’t believe that she just accused me of sleeping with one of the two adult males in my life that didn’t treat me like shit. “ Why do you need to know who your father is so bad, does it even matter who he was?  You know what I bet you were also throwing yourself at all of Derrick’s friends right along with him and his dad.” Her words cause nausea to roll through my stomach. A loud growl cut through the room. “ Shut that beast up would ya, it’s scaring my cats.” My mother demanded.  The corner of my mouth tipped up as more  growls sounded. Hands grabbed me and I knew it was Derrick; he turned me around, pulling me against his chest. “Looks like you have company, so do you charge by the hour or?” She left the rest of her insult hanging in the air. “Just tell her what she wants to know, Melody.” Derrick said, sounding how I felt about this whole phone call.   “And who would that be? At first I didn’t want to answer her question but laughter erupted from the table and Derrick reached for the phone. “Your daughter followed me around because she was in love with me, yeah I’m that little shit. Don’t ever let me hear you talk to her like that again or you’ll be seeing me. Now answer the fucking question.”   

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