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T/W This chapter involves a knife. Not used in a violent act.

Mac nods his head towards the chair and like an idiot I trip in my haste to get back to my seat and Mac grins. I shoot him a glare as I finally make it to my chair and sit. As if nothing had just happened he walks over to the door and opens it. "Dude what took you so long to answer the door asshole?" I didn't recognize the male voice. Mac didn't say anything, he just opened the door wider to let the man in the room. The man that entered the room was tall; not as tall as Mac but still tall enough to tower over me as he stood next to my seat. "This asshole is Samson." Mac said standing against the wall watching me. Samson held out his hand and I took it, shaking it in greeting. His eyes were the color of the ocean on a bright day. I couldn't help but notice that he and Mac had the same wolf tattoo on their hand. "So is it a requirement for all the employees here to get the same tattoo or are y'all in the same cult or something." I ask looking from Samson over to Mac who has a wolfish grin on his face. Samson chuckled "Maybe we're just showing our true selves; letting the world know that we're wolves underneath the skin that hides our true forms." He says with a lopsided grin that was cute in a boyish type of way. " You're not afraid of a few wolves are you?" Macs voice sound a little on the husky side. "Don't worry though we don't bite." Samson didn't seem to notice the change in Macs voice, or maybe he was just ignoring it. "Maybe that's the best part." I say turning my attention to Mac. "Beth watch what you ask for. I could do exactly what I was just talking about and Samson wouldn't breathe a word of it to anyone." Mac says in warning. Holy shit was this really happening right now? I look between Samson and Mac trying to judge their expressions but before anyone can say anything else Eric pops into the room. "I hate to interrupt what ever is going on here but I really need Beth back at the front so I can get some work done."
I was still reeling from what took place in Mac's office long after I clocked out. Tess asked me several times what was wrong, or if I was ok. Each time I told her that I was fine; which was a lie because right now I had an ach between my legs that needed to be taken care of pronto. When I woke up this morning my only thought was don't fuck this up, now my thought for tomorrow will be don't think of yesterday or you'll have to walk around soaked all day. My problem now is that I realize that we are sharing a house with our coworkers. I can only hide in my room so long without someone noticing that I am literally trying to ignore Samson. I was grateful that I hadn't seen Mac outside of work yet or I would die from embarrassment. I haven't met Ben yet or the guy who sleeps in the room next to mine but Eric is nice and Samson kept giving me weird looks and has even howled at me a few times in the moments that I couldn't totally avoid him. Instead of eating dinner with everyone else I picked something up and ate in the car. I know it sounds crazy but I had only been at the shop one day and I was already over stepping a line; it wasn't even my intentions and now I feel like I should hide and not show my face at the shop. Well maybe just hide from Mac and Samson. I didn't return to the house until the sun had gone down, but to my surprise the basement door was locked; which meant that I would have to go through the front door and it only made me want to sleep in the car. After debating on what to do I decided to just go on in and run down the basement steps. Luckily no one was in eye sight or ear shot so I hurried down to my room. Once in there I grabbed my shower stuff and headed for the shower.
That night I didn't dream of Derrick instead it was images of Mac bending me over the desk; taking me from behind, growling filled the room but it was hard to tell who it belonged to. At one point he spanked me for teasing him, then picked me up sitting me on his desk. He placed my legs over his shoulders as he bent his head and began to feast on my flesh; I rose to my elbows so I could watch as he pushed me farther over the edge but what I saw had me bolting up in bed. I turn on the bedside lamp and scanned the room. His eyes had changed from their normal silver looking color and were replaced with amber eyes that almost seemed to glow. I laid in bed trying to go back to sleep but the ach between my legs wouldn't allow it until I had soothed it. Only then did I fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.
I awoke feeling well rested which isn't something I haven't done in a long time, and since I was in such a good mood today I decided to go over to the house and see what I could help with so Tess and I could move in faster. I walked up to the door and paused; the door was standing open. I scanned the street and didn't see Macs truck parked anywhere. I placed my hand on the knife that I kept hooked to the waist band of my pants. I slowly made my way into the house; it was so quiet not even the floorboards made any noise. I moved from room to room but saw no one. When I got to the kitchen I found the back door open also; moving quickly I shut the door and locked it. I only had my room left to check. When I got to the door I pulled my knife out and opened it. In my head I counted to three, then turned the knob, throwing the door open but no one was in there. " What the fuck is wrong with me." I asked, the only sound was my voice echoing back to me. I had just pulled out my phone to call Tess when I was grabbed from behind. I tried kicking my attacker in the foot, ankle, where ever I could hit. I swung my knife the best that I could but the it was yanked out of my hand roughly. I threw my head back and hit something so hard that I had black spots in front of my eyes. I felt the growl before I heard it. Then I was turned around and shoved against the wall. "Holy shit Samson." I said on a whisper. I just stared at him, his face scrunched up in anger, blood dripping from his nose. I began to apologize, he shook his head and I shut up quickly. "Can you at least drop the knife please?" He held up the blue and black knife with wolves on it. He brought the blade up to look at it; it also had an image of a pack of wolves. He grinned but there was something about it that made me shiver. Samson brought the knife up and slid it under the strap of the tank top that I wore. "Samson that is enough. You had your fun now back off before you scare her." Macs voice boomed into the room. Samson smiled down at me. "I wouldn't hurt you little wolf." It was said in a whispered tone. "I somehow now that but it doesn't mean that I won't try to kick your ass if you try that again." I guess he thought that it was funny because he laughed as he released me, walking over to Mac and handing him the knife as he walked out of the room. Letting out a breath I moved to leave the wall. "Stay little girl." His voice was a deep rumble and my body reacted to it as if it had always known it. I leaned against the wall like this whole thing was no big deal at all. "Don't mind Samson, he is harmless; he just gets turned on by pain." Mac searched my face and a grin spread across his. "Then what turns you on?" My voice shook and I silently cursed myself. Mac pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and slowly released it. I licked my own as I watched him. He held up the knife running the tip softly over my collarbone. "Hunting you would turn me on, the thought of owning you turns me on." He growls as he continues to run the tip of the blade over the swell of my breast and my body betrays me, my back arches and I moan; My eyes going wide with shock. "Sounds like you would like for me to hunt you down. Can someone say Primal kink?" Mac steps away from me and I have to hold onto the closet door and window frame to keep from falling over. "What the hell was that?" I demanded breathlessly. Mac returns my knife to me and I close it and put it away. "Fucking with you is so much fun." He chuckles and walks to the kitchen. I follow on wobbly legs and jump up on to the counter. "You have a weird sense of humor, do you know that. I should want to run the other way but I kind of like it." I say looking down at my feet that are swinging until Macs boots come into view. "I tell you that I want to hunt you and that doesn't scare you? What if I told you that someday I will sit you on this counter and bury my face in your pussy that is probably soaked right now and you wont deny me. You will beg me to ease the pain from your built up sexual frustration." He stands there looking at me like he is waiting for me to answer him. "I have never and will never beg anyone for anything." He steps between my legs and stares down at me. "I promise you that you will want to and you will." He takes a few steps back and I am thankful for the distance. Mac finally ask what I was doing g there and when I told him I was there to help fix the house he pointed me to the master bedroom where I painted until it was time to go to work.

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