(13) Beth

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Fear has my heart slamming into my chest as the knocking continues. I’m scared that the masked man from earlier has come back. He didn’t take anything, or hurt me, instead he left a box on the floor. The door handle starts to rattle and I look for anything that I can use for a weapon, I spot the hair dryer and run for it. Wrapping the end of the cord around my hand and loosely hold the other end so I can swing it if need be. “Beth open the door.” I open the door, dropping the hair dryer and throw my arms around Samson. “ Well I missed you too little one.” He pauses taking in my frightened appearance. He pulled me against his chest holding my shaking form. We stayed that way for a moment before he scooped me up and carried me over to the bed. I clung to Samson as if he was my lifeline at that moment. “What happened little one.” He asked against my ear in a hushed tone as he stroked my hair. I told him about the masked man, how he didn’t take or demand anything. “So he just showed up, left a weird box and left?” He pulled me back, looking at my face for any sign of untruthfulness.  “ Damn I bet it’s something crazy like a box of dicks. We could sword fight with them.” He laughed but I froze as I remembered a time when a box showed up to Derrick’s house; there was a similar comment made. I scooted off of Samson’s lap to go stand by the table. “Samson what is your last name?” Deep down in my gut I already knew the answer. A slow smile spread across his face. “What took you so long to figure it out?” He asked as his beautiful blue eyes held me captive. “I need to hear you say it.” My voice came out small as I tried to figure out how I felt about this turn of events. “Knight, my last name is Knight.”  He said as he watch and waited for me to bolt. “OH my God!” I yell a bit to loud before I ran and through myself at him, knocking him over. His arms wrapped around me squeezing me in a bear hug. “ I should have known after finding out about Derrick that you guys would be with him.”  I say as I sat up.  “Honestly I should have known that night in the back of the club.” I blush at the memory.   I  jump when the door hits the wall “You tackle him when you find out who he is but you run from me, I don’t get it.” Derrick says from the door way. I quickly become aware of the fact that I am only wearing a t-shirt. As if Samson has figured it out at the same time I did he pulls the blanket around to cover my naked ass. “Well he didn’t tell me while we were in the middle of fucking either. You could have told me when I asked at the club, but you didn’t instead you kept on acting like you weren’t someone who tortured me because of a stupid fucking bet.” I shout. “You’re just made because I won, you gave in and begged me to fuck you.” He smile as if he actually one something. “No you fucking cheated, you sorry son of a,” the rest of my list of insults was cut off when Samson covered my mouth with his hand. “Little one stop thinking about whatever it is that you’re thinking of.” Samson says close to my ear. Derricks growl made my body heat and my core clench. Memories were a funny thing because they just popped up out of the blue sometimes. “Beta what are you thinking about?” Derricks voice came from my other side. My eyes locked onto Samson’s. “I think I know what she’s thinking about that has her smelling like that.” Samson grins and I can’t help but do the same as the memory in question plays in my head like a movie.

“What do we have here Beta?”  Samson says emerging from the shadows underneath the staircase. Please just let me finish, I need to come. That Anti Alpha asshole never lets me, I honestly hurt. Please, pretty please let me come.”  I plead and beg. When Derrick told me that he and his parents were leaving for a few days, I got excited to be alone but I should have known that he would have left me with a babysitter. He moves closer to the bed where I lay, legs spread, hand resting under my panties; sliding my finger over my clit very very slowly. I knew the moment he pulled his phone out that he was texting Derrick. He crawled up the bed, laying next to me. He was propped up on his elbow watching me. “Take them off.” He growled out his command and I hurried to obey it. I laid back down and watched silently as he trailed his finger around my exposed nipple, then down my stomach, my breath hitched as his finger slid through my wet folds. He rubbed my clit in small agonizing  circles. I bit my lip to keep from moaning out my pleaser. I had learned that was how Derrick kept figuring out that I was close to coming. “You don’t have to be quiet; not with me.” Samson said against my nipple before he sucked it into his mouth, pulling a throaty moan from me. I rocked my hips against his hand once he slid a finger inside, then two. It wouldn’t take me long to come with his fingers pumping in and out of me, the pressure of his palm against my clit. “Mmmm, feels so good. Please don’t stop.” I was so fucking close but my body was so used to being denied that my body seemed to be with holding my orgasm. Sweat rolled down my temples as I rolled my hips meeting his hand. His phone rang and I froze. He let go of the nipple he had been sucking on, “ What’s up Derrick.” He said as if he didn’t still have his fingers moving in and out of my pussy. Sitting up he put the call on speaker,  dropped the phone on the bed and covered my mouth with his other hand. “Tell me from the top.” Derrick sounded breathless on the other end. “Well I came in through the front door like you told me too.  I was half way down the stairs when I heard a small moan, so I sat my bag down and hid in the shadows under the stairs. Sure enough she had her hand in her panties playing with her pussy. I must say it’s an awfully wet pussy at that.” Samson’s hand picked up speed and my eyes rolled in the back of my head. “Fuck, punish her like I would. Beta doesn’t get to come until she begs me for it; that was our deal. Make sure you keep an eye on that one, she sneaky.” With that he hung up. My stomach dropped at the thought of not being able to come right now. Samson withdrew his fingers and whined from the loss.  I watched as he brought his fingers up to his mouth, winking then sucked them into his mouth. “Damn you taste so fucking good.” He groaned.   I watched as he moved between my legs, he ran his tongue across his lips before biting his lip and growling. “I am going to devour you.”  I had never heard Samson’s voice so thick with lust before. He slowly lowered his head, never taking his eyes away from mine. My back bowed as he ran the tip of his tongue over my clit, sending even more pleasure through me. “Oh my god….your tongue….feels so fucking good.” I was going to lose my mind with how good he licked, nibbled, and sucked on my clit. His phone rang again, blindly I grabbed for it and when my hand finally landed on it I threw it off of the bed. Samson’s chuckle vibrated through me.
My eyes went wide as he shoved his stiffened tongue into me, using it to fuck me. He pulled me closer to his mouth, re-entered me with his fingers. When he began moving his fingers in a come here motion, warmth that I had never felt before spread through me as his fingers hit my sweet spot over and over again. I feel as if my body will start floating at any moment.  Samson raises up, sitting up on his knees he places his hand flat right above my pussy and starts pumping his fingers faster and harder, pushing me up the bed. “OH FUCK,FUCK,FUCK! Samson I’m think that I am going to come.” I say grabbing for a pillow, intending to cover my face with it until he took it from me.  I knew what coming from rubbing my clit felt like but this, this was a whole new feeling. This new feeling scared me a little and I reached down to grab is hand; immediately stopping when his growl echoed off of the walls. “ You’re fine, I can feel how close you are, just let go.” He said in a soothing voice. I tried to let go but my body just wouldn’t let me no matter how badly I needed it.  “ I think I know what the problem is sweet girl.” I couldn’t speak, couldn’t do anything but they there and feel as he fucked me with his fingers. “Come for me.” His command was what pushed me over the edge. I screamed out, bucking over and over again. Then I felt warm liquid pooling underneath me. When I was finally able to open my eyes I saw Samson watching with a smile, his shirt wet. “Oh no did I just pee on you? I am so sorry, this is embarrassing.”  I said breathlessly. When he continued to smile I became confused or maybe it was my post orgasm brain that was currently mush. “ No Beth you didn’t pee on me. You just squirted, Welcome to the female version of ejaculating.” My cheeks burned hot at his words.  “ Now lets get you cleaned up before one of the guys show up and rat on us."
Derrick watches Samson and I unsure of what to make of this. “I’m so happy that you are you, I actually missed you.” I bite my lip when he slides his hands under my ass and gives it a squeeze. “ I bet you did or was it that your body missed me?” My cheeks heat and by body responds to him just as it does to Derrick.  My hips roll as if they have a mind of their own, my fingers tangle in his hair, and I tug his head back so he is looking up at me when I speak. “ One of these days I will have to repay you.” Samson’s eyes slide shut when I tug his hair a little harder this time. “Would you like to tell me why you’re so excited to see Samson that your basically dry humping him in front of me.” Derrick sounds like he is getting upset. Good I plan to make him even more upset by the minute. I roll my hips again and Samson groans this time. “Easy little wolf.” Samson says when I out right pull his hair this time. “See the thing is Derrick he knows my body just as well as you do, in all ways but one and for what ever reason he has been the only other person you have let touch me. Honestly some days I craved his words, his touch, his tongue more than yours.” I say leaning in to run my lips up the side of Samson’s neck, up to his ear. “Play along please.” I whisper into his ear before returning to his neck. “She has a point D, I know her taste as if it were my favorite flavor, I know how sweet she sounds when she experiences pleasure, they way her body begs for release before the words ever leave her sassy mouth.” Samson wraps an arm around my waist, the other hand fists my hair as he yanks my head back exposing my neck to his hot mouth. He rocks his hips, meeting mine and smiles against me as I gasp when I find him hard. Out of all of the time I remember him touching me I can’t remember one time that I have felt him hard. I thought that it was because I wasn’t his type because I was heavier. Until he told me otherwise the night before Derrick came home. “Derrick I might even know a few things about her body that you don’t.” I didn’t expect for Samson to go that far but hey I was just winging this whole thing anyway. “How could that be possible unless,” I lay my head on Samson’s shoulder watching Derricks face turn red. “Did you fuck him?” his voice sounding strained. When I don’t automatically answer him he walks over and grabs my chin, searching my face as he repeats himself. “No.” I gasp as Samson begins to rub my clit.  “Then how would he know something about your body that I wouldn’t know. “Because I know what happens when she is completely worked up, I know what happens when she’s a good girl and finally lets go.” Samson says as he leans me back just enough to enter me with his skilled fingers.
         The look on Derrick’s face as he figures it out, well at least part of it anyway. “ You let her come didn’t you. The day I sent you to watch her and you found her playing with herself. You let her come?” Derrick didn’t sound as mad as I thought he would but then again Samson wasn’t done either. “ When you called I had her nipple in my mouth. Her legs spread wide as I played with her clit. Then you told me to punish her in a way that you would.” Samson suddenly stood, the blanket falling to the floor as he lays me back on the bed. “ You might want to shut the door for this D.” Samson says as he props up next to me. Then it hit me that we were fixing to show him what happened that day and I became even wetter than I was moments ago. “Take them off.”  Just like the first time I obeyed the command. Derrick watched in utter silence as Samson ate my pussy like a man on death row eating his last meal. I could feel his eyes on me as my head thrashed on the pillow, my hands gripping the sheets and mumbling gibberish. When he sat back on his knees I knew what would come next. This played out just like the first time, the only difference was that Samson was taking off his shirt and I cant say that I was mad about it either. “Derrick you might want to go grab a towel or two.” He never took his eyes off of me as he slid his fingers into my aching sex and began fucking me with them. Hard and fast before switching up his rhythm. With every thrust of his fingers I was forced higher up on the bed. “Oh god Samson I remember this feeling.” I was on the verge of coming. My moans became louder, my toes hurt from trying to curl more than what they could. Without thinking I grabbed for a pillow but just like before he took it from me. As he started curling his fingers in that come here motion that I loved heat began to spread through out my body. I wasn’t afraid this time, no this time I welcomed it. “Can you be a good girl for me and let go?” Samson asked as he picked up speed. “I can’t!” I cried out in frustration. I was at the edge and couldn’t come. I didn’t understand why but I was sure that it had something to do with Derrick. Samson asked if I was ready, “YES YES YES!” was the only answer that I could manage. “ It’s time to show him what this hot little body can do.” His eyes locked with mine as I shook my head. “Come for me.” The orgasm hit with vengeance, I went stiff, the words coming out of my mouth made no sense. Just when I thought he was finished he would start all over again, by the fourth time my entire body shook. My eyes were unfocused and I felt like I was spinning.  “Good girl.” Samson said against my pussy that currently felt as if it was pulsating.
      It remained quiet in the room as Samson cleaned me up, pulling me to the dry side of the bed and pulling me in to his arms. He kissed the top of my head before asking, “You feeling ok?” All I could manage was the nod of my head as I snuggled closer to him. “Damn dude she shot the wall with that last one.” Derrick sounded amazed at what he had just witnessed. “It’s hot as hell to watch her come apart.” Samson says holding me a little tighter. I say nothing just lay there and enjoy the sound of his voice as I fall asleep tucked tightly in his arms while he talks to the Anti-Alpha-Asshole.  When I wake up it’s to Derrick telling me that it was time to go. “One get your hand the fuck off of me before you lose it.” I growl, my body instantly starts to tingle but I over look it. “Two I have nothing to say to you. Hell I don’t even want to look at you right now. You fucking lied to me, let me think that you were someone else. Oh and to top it all off you couldn’t just tell me who you were like a normal person, you did it right before I came on your dick.” I seethed as I tried to put my pants on without falling. Dizziness washed over me and I had to hold on to the wall to keep myself upright. “ Whoa easy there Beth.” Derrick said moving to hold me upright. “Get your paws off of me asshole!” I growl out. Blinding pain shoots through my head and I double over as a wave of nausea rolls through me. “What’s wrong with her D?”  Samson sounds as if he were talking right next to my ear, but he was standing in the bathroom door way. “Stop yelling damnit.” I wince when at the sound of my own voice. “Come on lets get you to the bed Beta.” Derrick’s voice seems to have my blood boiling. “shit! Ouch my fucking face hurts so fucking bad.” It felt as if someone was hitting me repeatedly with a sledge hammer and I could taste blood. All I could do was cover my face and rock back and forth, another wave of pain hit and fell forward, my forehead hitting the floor. “What the fuck did you do to her Samson?” Derrick said accusingly. “What the fuck man, I didn’t do anything.” Their voices sounding as if they coming through a megaphone. “STOOOOOP!” it sounded as if I screamed it at the top of my lungs, for all that I knew I could have whisper yelled. Both men stopped their arguing, turning to look at me on the floor. “What was happening when this started?” Samson asked Derrick who was looking at me with a silly grin on his face. “She was chewing me out for not telling her who I was before I did. Then she started to look like she was going to pass out.” Derrick says as he takes a step towards me, but Samson stops him with a hand on his shoulder. “You touched her didn’t you.” Samson said in a matter of fact tone.  “Only to help steady her.” Derrick started shaking his head. “You mean to tell me that I triggered it.” He started walking towards me again, this time Samson allowed him to do so this time. I bared my teeth and growled in warning,  then in the blink of an eye I was laying on my back as the room felt as if it was spinning. “Shit call Eric and Ben, meet me back at the house once she is better.” Derrick says backing out of the door.
            It felt as if hours had passed before I didn’t feel like I was going to pass out or throw up. Samson helped me in the shower before helping me pack what few things I had there. I felt exhausted, as if I had been running for days without stopping. I managed to make it to the elevator before he picked me up bridal style. When we walked past the front desk I heard the younger of the two women say “I made a deal with the wrong person, should have offered to fuck him instead of the other guy.” I raised my head growling I flipped her off. “Shhh. Little wolf she’s not a chew toy.” His chuckle ran through me like lightning, hitting every nerve and setting me on fire. “Not now, try to push that need away.” He said as I started to kiss his neck. What the hell was happening me. All afternoon all I have wanted to do was kill or fuck and I didn’t care about the order it came I either.  The truck ride was hell on all of my sensitive senses. I rode with my hands over my ears and at some point I tore the bottom of my shirt off to use as a blindfold. The throb in my clit intensified every time the wind carried Samson’s scent in my direction. The weather was chilled but I was so hot we were riding with the windows down.
            When we pulled up to Derrick’s house I tried to walk to the door only to end up on my hands and knees crawling. I smelled Eric before he ever got near me. “Man what the hell did y’all,” he paused for a moment. I could hear him inhaling. “Don’t touch her. I’ve got her, you go ahead into the house. I’m going to take her into the basement.” Samson says picking me up which only caused me to moan from his skin making contact with mine. “Dude I’m sure we will be able to smell her from the second floor.” Eric said sounding apprehensive. “You’re just going to have to control it for now. If anything you can just go to their house where I have already sent Tess with a list of things to do.”  Derrick sounded so demanding that it only made the ach between my legs worse than before. “What are we going to do? Eric has no problem with control, Ben on the other hand.” Samson let the rest hang in the air. “We will deal with that later if we have to, but for now get her into a room and lock the damn door.

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