(12) Derrick

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It wasn’t my intention to fuck Beth in the shop, but the way lust dripped from her words as she called me Daddy as she basically called me out for not spanking her, the ways she closed my fingers around her throat. I sure as hell wasn’t ready to let her know who I was yet. She stood there, a mixture of our release running down her thighs, and she just stared into the mirror. I watched as her eyes became unfocused then refocus right before they would change color, as if Beth had no control and she was mentally trying to check out for a while. I wet a rag, cleaning her while she went to war with her mind. She hates me too much to check out, so I wait for her to finally catch up with what just happened. Sometime later she turns facing me. I could see it in her eyes that she won the war in her head, now she would just have to fight with her body not to want this again. “I.” she starts then stops for a few minutes. “I really didn’t think that you would stoop this low for a fucking bet that was made years ago.  Is that they only reason I got this job, because of stupid bet between two 18yr olds?” Her hand goes to her forehead as she leans against the wall as if it was the only thing holding her up right now. “ That night at the club; you did call me Beta. I fucking knew what I had heard.”  “I can’t do this, I have to leave, I can’t be anywhere near you right now.” Her voice shakes as much as she is. She stops in front of me as she starts to storm out and punches me so fast and hard that I am caught off guard and hit my knees. Moments later Samson comes in to see what the hell just happened. “ Why are you on the floor in a ball? Do you always cry like a baby after sex or did you just tell her who you are?” Samson breathes in deeply, inhaling Beta’s intoxicating scent that hangs thick in the air. When I growl he turns back to me. “What happened to give it sometime, I’m just waiting for the right time. For the love of the moon man; you were supposed to apologize to her, not make things worse. Here you are laying on the floor of the bathroom that you just broke all of your own rules in.” His voice was calm as he spoke. Then again He was always the level headed one when it came to her. “You are going to have to fix this and fast. If my theory is right then she needs to know sooner rather than later and you know as well as I do she wont listen to any of us unless you fix this new problem that you have created.” Samson grabs the front of my shirt, hauling me to my feet in one swift movement.
              Its been two weeks since I told Beta who I was, and it’s bee two weeks since anyone has seen her besides Tess; who refuses to tell me where she is. I doubt that Beta told her who I was, because I still have my balls, but she keeps asking what happened and why Beta took off in the first place. Luckily Eric ran interference for me and turned her attention else where for the time being. Samson has been out looking with Ben who seems a little too happy for someone is has been acting insane the last few weeks. Eric has been keeping an eye on her media accounts and her ATM withdrawals. “My only guess is that she is staying in a hotel somewhere. Looking at her last two big ATM withdrawals she seems to be paying by weekly  rather than nightly.” Eric’s word have my anger escalating.  “I have looked into the hotels around the area that have a weekly rate that matches what she has taken out of her account twice.” I quickly stand, running my fingers through my hair. “Find her now!” I growl. Eric is the first to scramble for the door, as to where Ben seemed to amused with me at the moment to care so Samson grabbed him, dragging him with him as he went out the door.  Not five minutes later Tess walks through the door. “ Hey boss man.” She says with a smile, until she takes a look me. I’m a mess and know it. I haven’t slept since Beta ran off and now that I am at the shop I can’t exactly hide my crazed appearance from Tess much less anyone else. “Whoa are you that worried about Beth? I haven’t the slightest clue to what is going on with the two of you, and I’m pretty sure that I don’t want to know. All I know is my friend is hiding and she refuses to tell my why, she just keeps saying that if I want to know that I need to ask you.” She holds her hand up to silence me. “ I’m not going to ask, because I am 100% sure that if I did ask you; you would just tell me that it is complicated or some shit. I do know where she is, and I’m not going to tell you; what I will tell you though is that she is ok. Tess looks around for a moment before taking a step into my personal space. “Just know that if you hurt her or have hurt her; there is a whole group of us that would hunt you down and make you wish you hadn’t. She has been through enough shit and doesn’t need anymore.”  The bell over the door dings as Eric walks in. Tess looks at him then back to me. “ It’s not a threat it is a glorified promise.” She turns walking to her room and shuts the door. I want to laugh because there is nothing that Tess or her friends could do that would hurt me, or kill me for that matter; well unless they have plenty of silver bullets any way.  I don’t miss the grin on Eric’s face when I glance his way.  I know he feels like he is caught in the middle of all of this. I can see that he cares for Tess on a deeper level than he lets on and with Tess being Beta’s best friend it makes it harder on Eric.    “Well?” I finally say after a few minutes of him just standing there with a grin on his face. “Oh yeah, sorry about that. Tess can be a little over protective of Beth and I find that over protectiveness really hot.”  He says still staring at her work room door. “ Keep your dick in your pants and tell me what you came in here for other than to gawk at Tess.” I shake my head when all he does is give me a look. “You’re the one to talk about keeping your dick in your pants while at work, but anyway I think I have found Beth. Samson is on his way over there now.” I don’t stick around I head for the door only stopping long enough to tell Eric to send me the address and to put a sign on the door that says, “Out to lunch.” Since I know that he is headed for Tess right after I leave. I jump in truck and as soon as I have the address to the hotel, I peel out of the parking lot. Pulling up to a stop light I pull out my phone and call her phone and to my surprise she answers. “ What the hell do you want Derrick? If you haven’t noticed I don’t want to be around you; that is why I left in the first place.” Beta barks into the phone. “ Where are you, this is childish and you know it, now tell me.” I growl. She says nothing until the asshole behind me starts to honk his horn. Flipping him the bird I take off. “Go home Derrick, I mean it; just leave me alone and forget that you ever found me.” She pauses when a knock sounds from her door. I smile when she gasps and I know without a doubt that Samson has made it there. “What the hell do you want. Go away. Get out of my room before,” the line goes dead. I know for a fact that Samson wouldn’t hurt her. My heart races as I press the a accelerator down, weaving in and out  of the downtown traffic. I try calling again but it goes straight to voicemail and I don’t like it.   I have to slam on my brakes as a car runs a red light only a block from the hotel. The car behind me barley misses me but guy behind him wasn’t paying attention and turns his wheel to late. The gray and red jeep scraps down the side of my truck. I don’t have time for this so I hit the gas and leave skid marks as I take off.   When the GPS tells me my destination is on the left I turn into the parking lot shaking my head trying to figure out how she could afford to stay two week in the freaking Memphian Hotel. Where the rooms are like $200 a night. She said that she had been saving money from her paychecks but, I still didn’t think that she could afford this place for two weeks. I throw open my truck door just as a police car pulls in behind me.
         After ten of talking and $100 later I was walking through the lobby doors. There were two women working the front desk, an older woman and a younger woman who looked to be in her early twenties.  “Welcome to the Memphian; what can I help you with today sir?” The younger woman asked with a smile that look like it was forced. “ Well Joan I was looking for a friend of mine and I was hoping that you could tell me which room she is staying in. She told me but I can’t remember and my phone died before I got here.” I said as I leaned against the desk. “I’m not supposed to give out that kind of information sir.” She was starting to look uneasy. “I wouldn’t tell anyone, it would be our little secret.” I lowered my voice. “Joan help the man out, you already have a date and the other guy promised to do things to you that I have only read about. I don’t know what it is about this Beth chick but I’m tired of hearing about her.” The older woman interjected. Joan looked like she was mad but she would really be upset to know that  I wasn’t going to offer anything like that at all. “Wait did you say two other people asked for her room number also?” Only Eric, Samson and myself knew where she was, and Eric was at the shop with Tess. “ I need that room number now, there were only supposed to be two of us here.”  Joan looked as if she could care less until the older woman smacked her in the back of the head and started to click a few keys on the computer. “She is in room 402, take the elevator up to the fourth floor.” I thanked her and headed for the stairs knowing that I could run faster that the elevator could go. I struggled to keep my body under control, as it wanted to shift with the idea that Beta was in some kind of danger. I slowed as I got closer, until I heard her scream, “Oh my God!” through the  partially opened door. Before I knew what I was doing I kicked the door the rest of the way open causing it to hit the wall with a loud bang.

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