Beth (7)

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This bet between Derrick and I was already messed up but now he had his friends helping him whenever I try and hide from him. It has become our messed up version of hide and seek. I hide, they find me and hand me over to Derrick, then he finds another method of torture as he tries to break me.  As messed as it sounds I think I am actually starting to like this sick game that we play.  Derrick had left early this morning, something about a guys trip with his dad and his three friends. I for one was happy to have some me time; Derrick on the other hand was not. I woke up to him in my bed. He was running the backs of his fingers up and down my arm with his head propped up on his other hand. When I first opened my eyes he moved his index finger to his lips. “ I won’t be here most of the day. Dad had this thing planed out before you were dropped off.” He said quietly. He made it seem like my parents didn’t want me and just left me on their doorstep. I opened my mouth and closed it when he placed his finger to my lips. “ Just because I’m going to be gone doesn’t mean you can lay down here all day and be naughty.” Well there is the normal Derrick, and with his choice of word came the butterflies. I thought now would be a good time to try and get some pay back. I parted my lips, slowly I ran the tip of my tongue up his finger, he went silent and his eyes widened but said nothing.  I brought one hand up to hold his; bringing it down just enough that I could suck his finger into my mouth. “Beta” He hissed in warning which only made me suck harder. Taking my other hand I ran it slowly up his leg until my hand found the bulge in his pants. I looked him in his eyes watching him. I give him a light squeeze then as fast as I had the thought to do so, I removed my hand from his hard on and popped his finger out of my mouth, leaving the bed and heading towards the bathroom. He moved from the bed with a speed I didn’t know he had, walking me back against the wall. He pressed his hand lightly on my throat and stared down at me. You must have forgotten that you’re the only one that can’t sooth their needs. ”He snarled.  My ego deflated at his words; he was right there was nothing said about him not touching himself or finding someone else to take care of him. He let go of my throat and I watch as he moved beside me against the wall. My eyes left the mischievous smile on his face and followed his hand as it slides into his pants, wrapping his fingers around his cock. He turns his head, biting his lip as he reaches for my hand; placing it on top his hand that slowly moved up and down his length. He squeezed my hand to tighten the grip I had through his pants. After a moment he removed his hand from mine and watched as I squeezed the hand in his pants harder. He’s dad called down the stairs telling Derrick that it was time to leave. I removed my hand as he called out. “ Be right there.” He quickly grabbed my hand; replacing the one in his pants with my own. I let out a shaky breath when he closed my fingers around his warm, smooth, rock hard length. “Just like that Beta.” He rasped close to my ear. I close my eyes as he continues to praise me. “Oh shit; this feels so fucking good.” Even though I can’t see what I am doing I can feel myself becoming slick between my legs. “Although I would much rather feel something wet, hot, tight sliding up and down my cock; while you scream my name over and over.” His words cause me to throb. My free hand moves underneath the shirt that I would much rather remove. I squeezed his dick the same time he grabbed my hand preventing me from playing with my own nipple. “Naughty girl you know the rules; no touching yourself in anyway.” I pout as he reminds me of one of the rules.. I gave him another squeeze and moaned. “You keep that up and I am going to come all over your hand.” I moved my hand faster in the up and down motion. “Fuck!” he growled against my neck. I felt the hot fluid as it ran over my fingers.  I licked my lips as he watched me breathing almost as hard as him. “Open.” I opened my mouth as I was ordered to. My head felt like I was high or something. When he slid his come coated finger past my lips; I closed my lips around it and sucked the warm, salty liquid from his fingers. “Good girl; I think I know how to break that will that you’re hell bent on holding on to.” He said bending in order to slide his hand up my inner thigh, pulling his hand back his fingers were coated in my own arousal. He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean just as I had done.
    Hours later I find myself sitting in the back of his dad’s car writing. I wasn’t sure when he would return and his mom lets me sit in the car so I can hide from Derrick from time to time. I had decided to use our encounter this morning for the scene that I was writing. Somewhere a dog barked; causing me to jump and drop my pen. I leaned forward on my knees to retrieve it from the floorboard when I noticed something under the seat. Reaching further I pulled out a sketch pad. I looked around and when I was sure that no one was around I opened it. The first few pages were of wolves and a few cars but then about half way through I saw a sketch of a torso, a woman’s torso and it was bare of any clothing. I flipped to the next picture; this time it was of a woman with her hand in her panties. A few more pages back there a drawing that it looked like it had came out of a porno. No faces; just bodies in different sexual positions and I realized that I needed to put it back. Once again I leaned forward placing the sketch book back where I had found it. I freeze the moment I hear the door open then close. Suddenly I am being pulled into some ones lap. No not just any some one; it was Derrick’s lap. “I am so glad you wore that skirt today Beta because that is one hell of a view that I just got.” He says into my ear; with his arm holding me firmly in place. “Oh god Derrick!” I squealed when he nipped my neck. “I like the way that sounded Beta. I think I might have to do that more often.” He chuckled softly. I ignored his comment. “You scared me asshole.”  I slapped at his arm that wasn’t letting go. “What’s wrong? were you afraid that a total stranger had climbed in after seeing you bent over; your ass on display, only that small piece of fabric covering your tight little kitty cat. Oh Beta does the thought of being watched get you wet.” He sounded pleased as if he just figured out how to win a game. He let go long enough to turn me to face him; grabbing my hips he has me straddle him. As much as I hate Derrick I also trust him not to force me to do anything that I’m not willing to do. So when slides his hand between my legs to cup my mound I spread my legs wider. “Give in and beg me already.” He says against my chest. “Bite me bitch.” Derrick's teeth bite into my neck and I scream.
  The clock said that it was only 3:15am when I woke up; my hands flying to my neck, half expecting to feel marks left behind from his teeth, the smooth skin doing nothing to calm my racing heart.  I stumbled to the bathroom, I turned left, right then checked again then turned to the shower turning nothing but the hot water on. Stripping out of my shirt I found that it was wet from sweat; my shorts on the other hand were wet from something else. I hissed as the hot water made contact with my skin and for what seemed like forever II just stood there letting the water hit the parts of my body that Derrick had touched in my dream; well all but the one place I never allowed myself to touch after dreaming of the past. I couldn’t understand why the memories of my past could still turn me on as much as it did as the day they happened. “Man I must be more fucked up than I thought”. I say on a sob, sliding to the shower floor, I hugged my knees to my chest and tried to forget the feelings that his touch always brought me.
“Thank you for calling Forever Ink; this is Beth how may I help today.” I answered robotically for the hundredth time today. I didn’t want to be here. Between what shouldn’t have happened with Mac and the dream; last night took a lot out of me. I felt drained and just not myself. “I’m sorry but Tess is booked up until the 24th of this month, but I can add you to out cancelation list. That way if someone cancels you can get in sooner.”  I say in a board tone. The guy on the other line grumbles but agrees before giving me is information. I groan looking to see what time it was. Only 40 minutes later than the last time that I looked. “I don’t care to hear about it anymore. Just shut the fuck up already bitch.” My head snapped up in time to see a woman hang her head while she tried to hide the tear that rolled down her face. The couple were here waiting on Samson to do a tattoo for the woman. She didn’t seem to confident about the tattoo choice. I turned looking through the papers that had been filled out. Finding hers I looked it over; she was getting a chain tattooed across her neck with his name. In parenthesis off to the side it read (You know like a dog would wear.) I turned back to look at the pair again; He was on his phone while she was talking to him in a hushed tone. “You heard what I said; you’re getting it and there isn’t any room for discussion.”  The man says not caring who heard. I could feel my anger start to burn me from the inside out. I started having some anger issues the summer that I turned sixteen. Looking back down at the paper and had this strange feeling that something was right here, and made up my mind to try and do something about it. “Sarah can I see you for a quick minute please.” I called out.  Sarah turned from the dill hole that she was with and looked at me. I gave her my best smile trying to appear friendlier than I felt at the moment. She started forward when her boyfriend grabbed her; stopping her to whisper something into her ear. I watched as all of the color drained from her face. “Is everything ok?” Sarah’s voice had a noticeable shake to it. I started out telling her that I forgot about this new thing that we were having to do with out female clients. “I know this sounds odd but we were asked to see if out female clients would be up to taking a pregnancy test.” As I spoke I began to write on a piece of paper asking if she needed help. She looked as I indicated to the written question. Her eyes got wide and she looked terrified. “Yes, can you tell me more about it please?” She said and I could hear the emphasis as she said please. I quickly threw the paper under the desk as the dick head walked up behind her. “What’s going on over here?” He said irritation lacing his voice. I watched as she tensed at the sound of his voice.  Plastering on a fake smile I repeated myself about the test. “She doesn’t need a test; I had her get on the pill because I don’t want any letches that I have to take care of.” He grabbed her hand intending to head back to their seats. As the words left his mouth my hand went to my stomach; the other balled into a fist out of view. “I um forgot to tell you but I missed a pill then ran out about two weeks ago.” Sarah said as her lip started to tremble. He stopped abruptly, turning on her. “Are fucking joking? How could you be so fucking stupid? You must have done it on purpose; that is the only thing that I could think of because it is on the rule board; in your room at home.” His eyes burned with anger. Sarah tells him that she is going to take the test just to put his mind at ease. “Lets just go home. We can pick up a test on the way.” He forced the words out, the vain in his forehead popping. There was no way that I was letting her leave with him. I grabbed some random papers from a drawer in the desk, walked around the desk and placed my hand on her shoulder to guide her down the hall. “The restroom is right this way.” As we started walking away Jackass stops us. “I should go in with her for moral support.” He glared down at her and she took a step closer to me. “I’m sorry but I can’t allow you to do that; company policy and all.” I smiled as I fixed him with a glare of my own. “It shouldn’t take that long Hank; by the time I am done it will probably be my turn to go back.” Sarah smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. Reluctantly Hank went back to his seat with anger seeping from his pores.
      “I know that it is none of my business but I have eyes and ears.” I whispered once we were in the bathroom and the door was locked. Her eyes filled with tears as she threw her arms around me. “Thank you, I have been trying to leave for a while now but I was scared.” She cried into my shoulder. When I hugged her shaking form she winced. I took a step back the reached for the him of her sweater. I looked at her and waited for her permission before I lifted it slowly. Black bruises stood out against her pale skin. I tried to hold the rage that I was feeling down so I wouldn’t frighten Sarah. “Do you have a phone on you?” I asked . when she shook her head no I cursed low under my breath. “ I am going to go find some help because I am fixing to kick him out. What ever you do; do not open this door for anyone other than someone who works here or myself. Do you understand?” I backed out of the room as she nodded with agreement. I went to Samson’s room, Ben’s room and Mac’s office but I couldn’t find any of them. I quickly ran to Tess’s room. “Where the fuck are the guys? Gotta problem and I really need a man for this one.” I was breathless and my vision was starting to swim. Banging sounded from the hall before Tess could answer. “Call the cops, find at least one of them and in that order.” I commanded as I headed for the bathroom. “I’m going to need you to back away from that door!” I yelled at Hank from down the hall. “Open the fucking door Sarah!” Hanks voice boomed in the hall. I watched as costumers ran out the door. “I said back away from the door asshole.” Repeating myself was something I normally didn’t do at a time like this but here I was trying not to lose it. “What ever she told you is a lie. I never touched her.” He said as he was trying to force the door open. I could hear Sarah’s muffled screams every time Hank would hit the door. I was starting to feel weird and I was afraid that I was going to black out like I normally do.
             He was now trying to bust through the door using his shoulder. When I heard the door start to crack under his weight I moved faster; I heard a shrike as the door finally caved from the pressure. “It’s time to go; I can’t believe that I even for one second believed that test shit was real.” Hank moved out of the restroom dragging Sarah by the hair of her head. I grabbed his shoulder forcing him to face me. “Let. Her. Go.” I ground out, my tone sounding deadly even to my ears. “Listen I am leaving and she is coming with me. She is mine and I will do with her as I wish. So go find a snack and calm down and quite trying to be captain save a hoe.” My anger hit a rolling boil with his words. My vision went in and out, I knew that no one would get here in time. “ I moved in front of him blocking him from leaving. “I watched his lips move but heard nothing, then his hand was coming down in slow motion. I blocked his hand and aimed for his balls. He was a bit faster, but when he caught my foot, I swung out and connected with his nose. As he released Sarah’s hair she ran to the back where she would at least be with Tess.  My head spun every time my vision would go black. His fist came out of nowhere and when my lip began to bleed I licked it, cocking my head to the left. “You hit like a bitch.” I said while laughing. The next time he swung out I grabbed his arm, twisting it and forcing the bent limb as far as I could up his back. “ I should rip this useless limb from your body and beat you with it.” I growled out. I forced him to the door and let go, backing away but never giving him my back because I am not an idiot. I made it to the opening of the hallway when he turned back towards me. “You must be stupid.” He started to come at me and I waited for the right time but as I jumped a set of strong arms wrapped around me from behind. I thrashed around trying to get free but I couldn’t. I heard a grunt when I kicked my boot clad foot back. I couldn’t tell who had me or who currently had Hank. I still fought hard against the person holding me. I felt the urge to physically tear him apart. Through my hazy mind I could hear growling, it sounded animalistic, the more I fought the louder I could hear it. “Do something with her before she fully looses it will ya.” The voice sounded to far away. “I am trying; do you want to try and control her?” I sniffed the air as someone walked in my line of sight, It was a male and he smelled delicious. I heard the growl again but this time it somehow sounded different. I don’t know when I realized it was me growling but when I did my vision started to clear; revealing Mac in front of me, my face between his hands. He spoke to whoever held me; the only thing I heard was “Her eyes.”
      I wasn’t sure how long I was out but when I opened my eyes I found myself laying on the couch in Mac’s office. I groaned as I tried to move, my body hurt something awful. Movement caught my eye and I looked up to see Mac looming over me with anger burning in his eyes.  I laid there unable to move from the anger that seemed to glow from within Mac’s eyes. “What do you have to say for yourself Beth?” His sounded as if he was trying not to lose his cool. I know that I messed up, but I really felt that I did what I had to do. I tried sitting up and winced from the ache in my head. “I realized that she was being forced to get a tattoo that she didn’t want.” I said forcing myself up into a sitting position. “You’re telling me that one of my employees assaulted a customer over a tattoo.” He wasn’t asking, he was assuming that I blew it all out of proportion.  My eyes hardened as I looked at him dumb founded. “No I didn’t just flip out over the tattoo; honestly if he wasn’t forcing her I would think it was a nice tattoo. I sat out there for close to 40 minutes listening to him talk to her like she was nothing more than trash out on the street. She pleaded for him not to make her get it and he was heartless; telling her that “There was no room for discussion.” His word was finale.” I looked at Mac waiting for him to say something. He was pacing the floor and I could swear that atmosphere was changing in the room. “Did you know that they lived a D/s dynamic?” Mac started but I cut him off quickly. “No I asked her if she needed help. You didn’t see the bruises that covered her; the way her face drained of color as he threatened her. While I was in the restroom with her I saw the boot print from where he kicked in the back for not having his tv show on when he got home, because she fell asleep. Have I lived a D/s dynamic? NO! I haven’t but I do know that is not how a Dom treats his sub. Even a Sadist has fucking lines they will not cross; That was abuse plan and simple.” I was standing in front of Mac and breathless by the time my rant was over. He stared down at me as if he was trying to figure me out. “I probably could have conducted myself different but you weren’t there; you didn’t hear what I heard. I was good until he said what he did.” I turned, gripping his desk trying to stay up right. I felt angry tears slip from my eyes. “He is a monster who deserves to be locked up.” I said trying to hide the emotions that tried to slip with each word that left my mouth. His hand on my back caused me to jump. “Tell me what he said Beth.” His tone left no room for defiance. I focused on the bookcase as I spoke. “ When I realized what was going on I knew that I need to ask if she needed help. So I called her over and told her that there was something new that we had to do with our female clients; that we were apart of a study to see how many women would still get a tattoo knowing they were pregnant. As I spoke I wrote a message on a piece of paper. That’s how she let me know that she needed help. Hank happened to walk up, I told him the same thing that I told her, but he wouldn’t hear of it, said she didn’t need a pregnancy test because he made her take birth control.” There was a lump in my throat and my eyes were burning with unshed tears. Mac placed his hands on my shoulders, turning me to face him and I wrapped my arms around my stomach. “He said that he didn’t want any leaches that he would have to take care of. Then she told him that she missed a few pills because she was out; the anger in his eyes was enough to steal my breath. He wanted her to leave right then; he wanted to go home. I knew deep down that if she left that he would have hurt her just to make sure that she wasn't. I could feel it in my bones and it was like there was an unseen force pushing me to save her.” I finally looked up at him; my body shaking with sadness and anger all over again. He clenched his jaw and released it several times before pulling me to him. He wrapped his arms around me and the emotions I was trying to keep at bay erupted, I let out big heaping sobs. “You should have notified me or one of the guys at least. That asshole wasn’t scared to hurt a woman, he could have messed you up and he wouldn’t have cared.”  Anger filled his tone once again. I pulled away from him, my eyebrows drew together as his anger hit me; causing my own to spike all over again. “ I tried to get help.” I scoffed “I left her locked in the restroom; I went to Samson’s room first because he was closest, then I went looking for you, hell I even looked for Ben but none of you could be found. I found Tess and told her to call the cops then y’all in that order. So I did try to do it another way but I ran out of time and had to do something. I am sorry that I blacked out trying to save someone. You know what I’m not sorry, not one fucking bit sorry for my actions. If you don’t like it you can kiss my fat ass.!” I didn’t care if the lobby was full or who heard me. I headed for the door, yanking it open to see Tess, Eric and Samson all wide eyed. Samson put his hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off as I walked as fast as I could to the front and right out the door.       

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