Derrick (34)

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For eight hours I have worried, paced, I have even prayed to whatever God that would be willing to listen to me. I have watched as Somson has done the same; our inner wolves not liking our inner turmoil. Eric is also feeling the stress of waiting on the unknown; that and he can feel Tess's worry. She jumps up everytime a doctor or nurse walks through the double doors. Looking around the waiting area I can't help but smile. Dad and mom are on the couch, dad sitting up while mom lays with her head in his lap. I watch as he runs his fingers through her hair. Eric sits in a double seat with Tess in his lap, " Beth is strong, she can handle whatever gets thrown at her. I mean just look who she's with." He murmurs into her hair. Samson is in the middle of the floor doing pushups. " I've got to do something or I am going to go insane D. I didn't know it was possible to feel this much on such a strong level." He had told me once he noticed me watching him. The people in this room are my family, Samson and Eric are my brothers. Even Tess; she means the world to Beth which only means that she is kind of important to me as well. A pang of sadness washes over me as I start to think about why we are here. No matter how much I think about it; I can't seem to understand how Ben has ended up like this. I think about everything and I still fail to see when his obsession with Beth had started. When we were younger he would always say," Just leave her be. She isn't and will never be your responsibility. If someone snatches her because she'd rather be alone; then that's on her." When she moved; it was Ben who seemed the most happy that she was gone. We all thought that maybe it was because she was a girl. Then when Beth started spending summers at my house he just seemed to be more and more disgusted with her. Then I remember there was one time that Beth and I had somewhat of a normal day. We talked about what we wanted out of life, where we wanted to be by the time we were in our 30's.

" I think that I want to be a writer; yeah that would be nice. One day you'll be walking around a store with whatever female that you're with for the week; you'll look up randomly and there on the shelf will be a book with my name on it." She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. After that we fall into silence; it's not awkward or uncomfortable, it feels kind of right. I haven't been paying attention to the movie at all; I'm too aware of her presence. I chanced a glance out of the corner of my eye, she's trying so hard to stay awake. She really likes this movie; even if it is a children's movie. " Stand up." I tell her, expecting her to argue with me. She stands without a word; until I lay down anyway. " Are you kidding me right now? I'm not sitting on the floor again and I can't see the t.v from the bed." She places a hand on her hip. I ignore her as I stretch out getting situated; before holding my arms out to her. Beth doesn't say anything; her beautiful brown eyes watching me as if she's waiting for me to be an ass. "Come on, I'm not always an asshole to you. Just pretend that we're in one of your books. " I say, giving her a crooked smile.

Hesitantly she lays down in front of me, she's tense for a few moments but then she relaxes against me. I don't bother touching her, I want her to relax for once without having to worry about me trying to break her; so I let my arm rest along my leg. I watch as the girl on the screen wanders into a forbidden area of this dude's home. " I wouldn't have yelled at her. I would have just bent her over." I chuckle at her shocked gasp. " You can't just fix everything with sex; you do know that right.?" I smile to myself knowing that she is right but I won't tell her that. " Don't even answer that, just shut up so I can hear the movie." She says but I can feel her little frame shake as she giggles silently. She snuggles closer to me and I have to force myself not to reach out and touch her. I know that most days I'm a dick to her on more than one level. She says that she hates me but we both know that's a lie. This bet isn't all about corrupting her, she has a filthy fucking mind on her own; no, I want her to admit that she wants and needs me like I feel like I need her. Suddenly she turns in my arms, her head against my chest, " You know that wouldn't work. " She says around a yawn, before looking up at me. "What you said about pretending that we're in one of my books. That just wouldn't work." She is looking at me with those brown eyes and I can't stop myself from asking, "Why?" She licks her lips, " Because, right now your hand would be sliding up to my hip as you lean down to kiss me." She is breathless and I honestly can't tell if she wants me to kiss her or if she is just telling me how she would write this situation. Me being me, I slide my hand up her leg, giving her hip a squeeze before leaning down; my lips hovering over hers. " Then what?" My lips barely graze hers. I feel the shiver that runs through her as I hook my hand behind her knee; bringing it up over my hip. "We would end up naked and your cock buried deep inside of me." My eyes are glued to her mouth, the way she sucks her bottom lip between her teeth and slowly releases it has my dick getting hard. I reach up struggling to remove my shirt. She laughs, " Slow down there casanova. This isn't a book." Then she snuggles into my now bare chest.

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