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"You know you're going to have to eventually tell me what's going on with you and Mac, because that shit the other night was not what I was expecting when he texted for us to pull over." Tess says as she jumps up onto the counter in her room at the shop. My face imminently heats as a blush covers my face. I wasn't sure what that was about; I mean him revving his engine had to just be him messing with me about what I said, But him in my ear growling. "You just thought about again didn't you. You know how I know that you were thinking about it? You just whined." Tess says as she studies my face. "Of course I was going to think about it; you just brought it up. I can't tell you what I don't know. He was probably just messing with me since he overheard what I had said." A knock sounded from the door and I was surprised to see Ben since he wasn't supposed to be here until later. "Samson told me to tell you to get back to the front before Mac gets back here. Then he said something about you knowing what was said and that it was a promise or something like that." He face scrunched up and shook his head. "What the hell does that mean?" Tess asked equally confused. " I don't know but he said that she would know what he meant." Ben turned and walked back out of the door. Tess raised a brow and I knew she was fixing to ask. "Well that is my cue to get back to work." I say hopping out of her chair and out the door. About half way down the hall someone grabs my wrist and stopping me. Dark eyes found mine and held them as Ben and I stared at each other. "What the heck Ben? What's your problem. "I Whisper yelled at him; afraid that my voice would carry in the almost empty hall. He searched my face before speaking. " You need to stay away from Mac. He will only cause you problems and heartache. He maybe one of my childhood friends but I know how he is." Ben says looking away making sure no one was watching. "I don't know what you're talking about or what you think is going on with Mac and I but that would be my business not yours. You don't know anything about me so I suggest that you don't do this again." I yanked my wrist out of his grip and head back to my desk.

Samson was waiting by the desk as I took my seat and glanced back down the hall to where Ben was still watching me. "What can I help you with Samson or are you hear just to give me another warning." I say in a playful tone. He pursed his lips while he looked to be thinking. "I could think of a few things you could help me with but I don't think Mac would like it and he doesn't share so." He left the rest of what he was saying floating there to be left up to interpretation. I sat there with my mouth ajar. " He doesn't have any say so over what I do in my spare time, and he doesn't own me so. Oh and wasn't he the one who said he would." The bell over the door dings and I look around Samson to see Mac walking in. He stops next to his buddy. "Please finish what you were just saying." My heartbeat sped up at the heated look he fixed me with. My mouth suddenly went dry and I licked my lips and swallowed. "Well little wolf?" I didn't take my eyes off of Mac as Samson spoke in a husky tone. My breath came in faster spurts and the knowing grin spreading on Mac's face could only mean one thing; Mac knew that I was aroused. "He said that he would spank me in front of you and you wouldn't tell anyone." I was thankful that the desk was hiding the fact that I was squeezing my legs together. I was glad that I had chose to wear dark colored pants or they would be able to see that I was so wet that I would be walking around bare for the rest of the day. Slowly Mac made his way around the desk stopping behind me. Leaning over me he appeared to be messing with the computer as he whispered into my ear unnoticed. "I did say that and I would." He quickly ran his tongue over the shell of my ear. " But that doesn't mean I would let him or anyone else touch you." At the sound of his husky rumble a whole new flood of arousal flooded my core and I know he noticed when I started to squirm this time. Samson cleared his throat, nodding to the door. Seconds later a lanky guy walked through the door. With out missing a beat Mac greeted him asking what he could do for him; even as he still leaned over me. "I was hoping to get a tattoo of this neat yin- yang." He says handing Mac a picture . Mac grunted and with a shaky hand I snatched the picture. "Um this isn't exactly a yin- yang per say." I say unsure if I should keep going.

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