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hey y'all! I promise to be way more frequent with these updates one day, but that won't be today won't be that day 🤣.
— nvm let me stop, y'all deserve better than that 🙂.  anyways, you have to say fuck EVERYBODY to proceed, including Timtirus and Adrian.
— secrets will be revealed yall & topics will be expanded on 😏. ( yk what it is love, 70 comments ♥︎)

| PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA |— alleghany west, philadelphia - 11:00PM -

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— alleghany west, philadelphia
- 11:00PM -

"What you had said?" Adonis said inquired as he stared bullets into the side of his older brothers head, every single argument that they had ever had, went right out of the window. This was by far the worst, Romeo had told him to die. To actually die. If it was the other way around, Adonis would have never said that to Romeo and even though Adonis had said a lot of wild things in the past, telling Romeo to die wasn't one of them.

"You want me ta' die?" Adonis asked lowly, not taking his eyes off of Romeo. Romeo quickly turned his head and made eye contact with the younger, his eyes were filled with rage. Not an ounce of remorse was detected on the boys face.

Romeo shrugged and leaned back into his chair, sliding down in it a but as he chuckled humorlessly, "Yeah." He spat lowly yet coldly. Romeo lowered his eyes at Adonis, wanting nothing more than to just hurt him..in some way, shape or form. He was tired of letting people throw his past into his face, he was tired of his uncle being mentioned all together, he was tired of Adonis. What people failed to realize was that Romeo wasn't the same Romeo he was before.

He wasn't the same person he was went Teresa was still alive, he wasn't the same person he was when she first adopted him. Romeo had a lot of anger built up from both his past and his time with Teresa, he just wasn't aware of how to channel it. Anger soon turned into depression and depression turned him into the person he would now know himself as. Teresa. No matter how hard she tried to "help" Romeo, her plans failed every time and she was left with no choice.

She was forced to lace her own son.

"Rome, come on. Get the fuck up, now and come help Ric clean up the house. You ain't special, my nigga. Get ya' ass up!" She yelled, yanking the blanket off of the boy. His eyes fluttered open and he furrowed his eyebrows, groaning at the feeling of the moonlight hitting his face. He sleepily rubbed his left eye with the back of his hand as he looked up at the clock above hun and Teresa's shared bed. 2:12AM.

Teresa watched him in awe as he pushed the rest of the blanket off and arose from the bed, stretching his long, slightly toned arms. One lay glance up at the clock allowed Teresa to catch a glimpse of the small cross tattoo that sat just under his left ear, she practically melted at the sight. He closed his eyes and wrapped his hand around his small golden cross necklace and said a quick prayer— praying for better days and better nights, praying that someday him and his brothers would be freed from the hell they called a home.

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