I shook my head though as I pulled back from her, staring straight into her obsidian eyes. "She has spent the past five years hating me for leaving her. I have to approach this carefully. As much as I, too, hate hiding us and want to shout to the world that I'm gay and in love with you... I can't have the cost of it all being this relationship I've built up with Callie. She trusts me now."

"She will get over it."

"You know that's not true. She's begging for any reason to hate me again, and given that she's currently in pain and missing Flynn, she will jump at the first opportunity to feel an emotion other than hurt. Anger is one of her favourites."

Sara pressed her lips together as the tears began to spill out of her eyes.

Seeing her like this was breaking me. I brushed her tears away, but eventually she stepped backwards and out of my grip.

"No," Sara then said.

"No?" I asked back.

"I can't keep going on hiding us. We must tell her."

"Not yet, Sar—"

"No. Now. I don't care about the repercussions. If you love me—"

"Don't you dare," I spat, already hearing where she was going with that tangent. "Don't you dare tell me I have to pick between you and my sister. How could you, her best friend, possibly throw that at—"

"Because I'm so damn sick of hiding us!" she almost screamed at me. "I want—"

"I know," I said softly, taking a step towards her again, this time pulling her shaking body against my chest. "I know what you want but—"

"Why won't you even consider it?" she sobbed into my shoulder, her arms wrapping around me as she clung to me.

I smoothed her hair as her body shivered in my arms, a wetness growing on my shoulder. "I consider it every night, Sara. I really do... And every time we sit next to each other in class. Any every time I see you smile but others are around and all I want to do is just kiss you... But I just got Callie back, Sara. Don't make me lose her again."

Sara was quiet for a while, her body slowly slowing to a still. The tears seeming to run dry. But eventually she ever so quietly whispered into my neck, "If I did ask you to... if I gave you that ultimatum... who would you choose, Lex?"

My heart throbbed knowing there was no way to say this without breaking her. So I said all I could, "Don't ask me that, Sara."

She was quiet again, knowing what my answer meant.

But rather than crying more about it.

Rather than starting a fight.

Rather than telling me to get out of her sight...

She pulled back.

Before I got a chance to have my eyes dance around her face to read her expression, her hand shot up behind my head, yanking my head down to hers.

Tongue immediately ploughing into my mouth, her other hand determinedly began hoisting my shirt up.

I knew we should have talked more about our feelings. It would have been the better thing to do. But caught up in the way her hands roaming down my spine made my knees go weak, I couldn't help but fall into her trap, my own hands coming around to remove her clothes before pulling her to the bed and kissing my way down her body.

Her fingers were still knotted in my hair, my ears filled with the sounds of her delight, and my one mission was focussed on kissing her until she got louder and louder.

Which was why, caught up in the moment, neither of us heard the front door when it opened and closed.

And we didn't hear her footsteps up the stairs.

And we didn't even hear the door to Sara's room when it opened.

Caught up in her moans caressing my ears, and Sara evidently too far gone in her state of ecstasy to be aware of her surroundings, we were only pulled back to the present when a voice in the room said, "Oh shit... sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I—"

I stopped what I was doing, heart drumming in my chest as I stilled under the blanket, anxious for what would happen next. How we'd get out of this. How we would—

"Who do you have under there though?" the voice, belonging to none other than my sister, then whispered.

I rested my head against Sara's bare stomach, determined to hide under here forever until Sara thought of some way to get rid of Callie.

But before Sara could think of anything—her heart drumming loudly under my ear, hands tightly gripping at my shoulders—Callie then said, "Is that my sister's bag? Where is she?"

Knowing there was no way to hide this any longer. I began to move up the blanket.

Sara tried to push me down.

Despite her argument before, she didn't seem to want Callie to know just yet.

But she was right.

It was time.

We had to rip the bandaid off eventually.

And so I stuck my head out from the blanket, meeting her red-rimmed grey eyes that were on the other side of the room.

And so I stuck my head out from the blanket, meeting her red-rimmed grey eyes that were on the other side of the room

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Told you this wouldn't help with what happened last chapter...

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