Chapter 99

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Continued from last chapter.

3rd person POV:

"You guys are getting off here!" Fat Gum shook Denki, Kinoko, and Juzo out. Then he started to run after the Tokoyami siblings. "NO RIDE N' DASH ALLOWED!"

Fumikage flew his sister up to the warehouse. There, they were met with the horrifying image of Dabi standing over a burning Hawks. The fire flickered off Dabi as he grinned maniacally.

Fwoosh! Dark Shadow swooped down and grabbed Hawks, moving him out of the villian's way.

Fumikage quickly draped his cloak over Hawks. Dark Shadow swallowed and said, "G-guys, his b-back...its gone..."

Chisako grunted and started to pat out of the flames on Hawks, only to recoil when the flames bit and burnt her hand. "Damn, Fire Dude is strong..."

"U.A. students? The heroes bringing students into this mess? How tacky." Dabi said.

"Fumikage, this looks bad." Chisako said as she peered at Hawks.

"Don't say that!" Fumikage said through clenched teeth.

Dabi paused to stare at the two siblings trying to aid the No. 2 hero. Then he pointed at a lifeless body behind him. "Check it out, kids. Your man killed this guy. He was running off to protect his friends, but Hawks stabbed him in the back."

The Villain Twice lay behind Dabi, blood soaking his body. Twice's blank eyes creeped the students out.

Chisako and Fumikage were in shock. No matter what, a hero should never kill anyone.

"Why're you kids doin' here anyway?" Dabi asked in a scathing voice. "The heroes that you look up to...their hands are dirtier than ours."

"To...ko...ya...mi..." Hawks rasped.

The siblings glanced down.

Fumikage wrapped his cloak around Hawks. "I'm just...worried about my mentor."

"And I'm worried about my brother. I don't really give a shit to you or whatever your saying, since your a fucking villain." Chisako jabbed a finger at Dabi.

Dabi's smile grew. "You've stopped thinking for yourself." He raised his hands, and a column of fire spewed out.

Fumikage and Chisako rolled out of the way, taking Hawks with them. But the space was too cramped, so the fire burnt Fumikage's leg and half of Chisako's arm.

"That HURT!" Chisako yelled.

"Sorry..." tears pricked Dark Shadow's eyes. "Its too bright in here..."


As Chisako screamed insults at Dabi, Fumikage leaned down to Hawks. "Please give me a order."

"He'll....keep talking..." Hawks croaked. ""

Dark Shadow used one claw to grab a shrieking Chisako, and the other to hold Hawks and Fumikage. He flew down to the lower level of the building, but as he did, Dabi used his flames to weaken him. Dark Shadow whimpered as he dropped.

The three of them landed with a thunk on the lower level.

"Is that back-stabbing bastard still breathing?" Chisako growled.

"Yes, just knocked out!" Fumikage reported, checking Hawks' condition. "Dark Shadow! No flames down here!"

"Right!" Dark Shadow wrapped his claws around the three of the heroes, then prepared to take flight.

"No, no." Dabi jumped down, fire flickering from his palms.

"Shi--" Chisako was cut off when a huge blast of cold air knocked Dabi out of the sky. A landslide of ice had appeared.

Unfortunately, the ice block also sent Mt. Lady flying.

"No more getting in Re-Destro's way." Geten, a Liberation member, snarled. He had been the one who had made the ice shield.

"GO!" Chisako yelled at Dark Shadow.

Dark Shadow lifted up into the air, and they flew off into the sky. 

Tears were sliding down Fumikage's face. "HAWKS! No one thinks your hands are dirty! So please! Please live!"

"Fumikage." Chisako said in a somewhat soothing voice. "Bring Hawks to the infirmary. But can you drop me off where the rest of our class is?"

Fumikage sniffed and shook the tears out of his eyes. "Yes."

Dark Shadow swooped down and gently let Chisako down.

"I'll run to the others." Chisako said. "Good luck, don't let the No. 2 hero die."

"You too." Fumikage said.

They shared a fist bump, and sped off in different directions. 

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