Gorl interrupted homage grrrr

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"What did that feel like?"

Gally didn't answer right away. He sat there thinking through it before leaning over time to snap off the light.

He kissed me in the dark. He took hold of my arm, kissing it up and down, from my hand to shoulder. Lastly, he dared to place an odd kiss on my collarbone. Then he wrapped me in his hold, answering.

"It feels like fire. You feel like fire. And you're usually so cold."

"It feels warm."

"I wrote something for you."

"You did?" My hearing pricked up, eager to hear what he'd written. He'd always been such a talented drawer. I couldn't even imagine what he'd be like at writing.

"Yeah." We were facing each other in the bed, my eyes drawing out his outline in the night. He fed me the words, mouth reaching to my ear. "Y/n, my inspiration, my friend, my muse, my flame, my light, my love."

And he did love me. In the way that a thirteen year old boy loved a thirteen year old girl. He loved me to that full capacity. And in that moment, I think I might've loved him too.

"This is why. This is why I like you." Licking my lips, I further articulated. "You're a freak like me."

- - -
This memories next morning was far from pleasant. I cracked open the book. Gally was still sleeping when it first opened, he wasn't when it crashed onto the floor.

In Teresa's diary she had written about not only the subjects, Ava, Janson, but about me. The content certainly didn't make me smile.

October 3rd, Saturday, ????
Subject y/n is reacting volatile in reaction with her visit to the padded white room. According to the other data  I've collected I believe that subject y/n is riddled with mental disorders. Trying to narrow it down but can I just call her clinically insane? Hahaha! Ava has allowed us to visit her for the purpose of studying her.

I flipped to another page.

October 27th, Friday, ????
Recently Ms. Paige has been granting me with more access. She's finally taking me seriously. Thomas can't take handling the subjects like I can. He's too squeamish. I can see it. It's only a matter of time before Ms. Paige sees it too. Y/n could never handle the stuff we're dealing with. If they knew what we were doing they'd probably pull another one of their immature temper tantrums.

Then another random page.

November 15, Wednesday, ????
I've been working hard to prove myself in the lab. The scientists are intimidating but they're resources of knowledge, I can only learn from them.
I shouldn't be afraid. I was raised for this. For this exact purpose. To save the world. I have to do this. I have to. If not for the sick then at the very least for my mom. I think about her everyday. How she stood staring at me. I didn't think it was possible that a person could stare at you while holding their own ripped out eyes but I suppose they can. I miss her. Y/n's lucky that they have a person who cares about them like Ava does. If only she could just toughen up and be there for Ava.

The pages went on, more and more and more of them. They detailed encounters with me where Teresa continued to analyze me invasively, her taking notes on the experiments Ava was putting the subjects through, and detailed plans on what she called the maze trial.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя