Hi sonna pothum

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Heyy people! How are you all?
My exams are still going on, and I'm concentrating on them right now. Will try to be regular with updates in my holidays for sure. Just a random plot that striked my mind, sorry if you don't like it. Thank you for reading !

Ignore typos/mistakes :)

Hi sonna pothum- Ashaangi OS

Bidding bye to her father, Sivaangi hurried inside her school campus. She was running a bit late than her usual time. She used to be the first person to arrive in her class, but thanks to her brother who made a last minute fuss and now she was late, not according to the school rules, but her.

She walked through the pathway leading to the main entrance of the ground floor when she spotted a familiar figure walking ahead. She squinted her eyes to see if she was actually seeing the right person, her dad's friend's son, Ashwin Kumar.

A small smile appeared on her lips. She took large steps trying to match his pace. The floor was divided into two, a waste water pool separating it. She took the opposite side of his, and when they both were walking right beside, she pretended as if she just saw him right now.

He turned to look when he sensed someone opposite to him. His eyes showed a bit of surprise, and he smiled making her smile aswell.

She waved her hands at him, and he waved back. This was their routine, ever since their father's introduced them to each other. Whenever they used to see, like the times she sees him going back home in his cycle, during breaks, lunch, and even during random times they meet, they both wave. Well, she waves first, and he waves back without hesitation with a smile that always managed to make her go awe.

They both walked their ways to their respective classes, no other interaction, just like every time but the one minute of waving at each other became her most favourite part of any day.

They haven't had a proper, uh sorry, any conversation at all in the past 3 years of knowing each other. Yet they've never felt like strangers.

Sivaangi sat in her bench with a happy smile. Charu, her friend turned towards her resting her chin in her hands supporting it on the bench.

"Enna di kaalailaye mogam pregasama iruku" Charu asked curiously.

"Athelam onnu illa, nee sollu maths homework mudichutiya?" she diverted the topic.

"Chaii suthama maranthuten dii...."
she started and their conversation led from one to another discussing about the day's activities.

The day passed by with both of them attending their respective classes. Sivaangi yearned to wave at him during lunch or breaks, but she couldn't see him at all.

She would be lying through her teeth if she said she didn't have a attraction towards Ashwin. He was always composed, calm, warm, and sweet. He used to respect her father so much whenever they met. They haven't had any conversations, but their dad's being thick friends used to meet often.

Sivaangi used to tag along with her dad just to get a glimpse of Ashwin. But to her dismay, it was always either one tagging along when the other doesn't. It always disappointed Sivaangi that they hadn't had any conversations in years of knowing each other.

It's been 2 years since they met last, before today morning. She realised how much she missed their hi's.

"Avanoda hi ah, illa avanaya ma?" Charu teased, looking at her friend's dull face. Sivaangi turned to look at Charu in horror. "Enna di, nan than pathurukene rendu varusham munadi epdi neenga hi bye solipinganu"

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