Gregor/One Plus One Equals...Three?

Start from the beginning

"When did you have your previous cycle?"

"Um, about five, maybe six weeks ago."

The doctor thought for a moment before looking at you.

"It's possible that you might be pregnant." She says.

You widened your eyes at this and tried to process the information, although she said it was possible. She then stood up and walked over to one of the drawers, opening it and pulling out a small item.

"Here, take this pregnancy test with you just to be sure." She said as she walked over to you, handing you said item.

You stood up and took it from her, sliding it in your pocket. You thanked her before leaving the room as you began to think if you were actually pregnant.


You patiently waited for the results to come back as you nervously fiddled with your hands. You grew more nervous as you began to realize what Gregor would think. Hesitantly, you took the small test from off the counter and saw that there were two visible lines, meaning only one thing.

You're pregnant.

You dropped the test and nearly collapsed but caught yourself on the counter. How are you going to tell Gregor? How will he react to the news? You could only hope we wouldn't be negative towards you.

You quickly picked up the test and threw it away before walking out of the refresher, going towards the living room. You walked in to see that Gregor was relaxing on the couch, holding a datapad. You slowly went over to him before sitting down.

"Uhm, Gregor?" You said quietly.

"Hm, yeah?" He asked and looked at you.

"I....I have something important to tell you."

He noticed that you were nervous and set down the datapad before grasping your hands.

"Cyare, what is it?" He asked, slightly worried.

"Um..." You said, super nervous.

You took a deep breath and decided to be straightforward with it then looked into his eyes.

"Gregor, I'm...I'm pregnant." You said softly.

You saw him widen his eyes in surprise, taking in what you told him. You were starting to regret telling him until you saw him smile.

"I'm going to be a father." He said in realization.

He looked back at you before pulling you into a hug, and you smiled as you hugged back.

"I'm going to be a father." You heard him repeat softly.

"Yeah, you are." You say.

He pulled back and gave you a quick peck on the lips, smiling wider.

"This is great news, mesh'la. We need to baby proof the apartment." He said as he stood up.

"Honey, the baby won't be due for another nine months!" You exclaimed, pulling him back down to sit next to you.

"I know, I just want the baby to be safe when they arrive."

You laughed lightly and looked down, placing your hand over your stomach gently. Gregor leaned his head against yours before intertwining his hands with yours, happy that you two are going to have a child soon.

𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

You were so not ready for this.

You let out a pained scream as another contraction hit you like a brick. Your breathing was quickened as you tightened your grip on your husbands hand, him groaning as you did.

"Please don't break my hand, it's starting to hurt." He said.

"That's nothing compared to what I'm feeling-" you were cut off as you let out another painful scream.

"I need you to push, ma'am. You're almost there." The doctor said.

You breathed rapidly as you groaned, doing your best to push out your child. You let out one last scream of pain before immediately relaxing. You leaned back and loosened your grip on Gregor's hand, slowing your breathing. You perked up at the sound of an infant crying and you looked over to see your now born child.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to clean them up first." You heard the doctor say before he left the room.

You tiredly looked over at your husband and smiled, closing your eyes for a moment.

"You did it, love. You gave birth to our child." He said, smiling back.

"Sorry about the hand." You said, laughing a little.

"Ah, don't worry, I'll live."

You smiled wider before hearing the doctor walk in and over to you.

"Congratulations, your baby's a girl." He said.

You took your child from his arms and you nearly cried tears of joy. Her eyes slowly opened and you nearly gasped seeing how quickly she opened her eyes.

"Hey there, princess." You said softly, gently booping her nose.

She reached up and grabbed ahold of your finger, looking up at you. She cooed and smiled at you, and you let out some happy tears.

"What's going to be her name, ma'am?" The doctor asked.

You looked up before thinking.

"Her name...her name is Colette." You said.

You looked at Gregor and he was observing the child in your arms. You leaned over and carefully gave him Colette, him almost freaking out. His heart melted as she smiled up at her father.

"She has your eyes." You say.

He stayed silent for moment before looking at you.

"She has your smile." He said.

He looked back down at Colette and your heart warmed at the wholesome sight. You yawned and rubbed your eyes, stretching as you did.

"Get some rest, I've got her." He said, noticing your tiredness.

"Alright." You mumbled.

You got comfortable in the bed and looked at your child one more time. You smiled wider as you fell asleep, ready for the challenges to come.

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