???? : Hey what's going on i'm sinking

Yu : Stop right there criminal scum, You violated the law.

Everyone turned to look at me with a shocked and confused face as i said that in a very unusual voice.

Yu : Sorry i heard that in a game a long time ago and always wanted to say it.

The monkey Faunus was desperately trying to free himself when the Detective caught up.

Detective : Thanks for catching him, Oh Legacy thanks again for the other night we are grateful.

I quickly recognized him as the detective who led the round up of all the White Fang i captured.

Yu : It's nothing Detective, All part of the job. 

The detective then went over and grabbed the Faunus guy by the collar.

Detective : Well now you have broken at least two law's first stowing away on that ship which you admitted to in public and secondly resisting arrest.

I felt the need to step in and offer an idea to the detective as i had a good idea of how to punish him.

Yu : Excuse me Detective what is the penalty for these crime's ?

Detective : Probably a weekend in jail why ?

Yu : Well i have an idea, How about we give him community service.

Detective : Hmmm interesting what do you have in mind ?

I used Creation to make a brush and a bucket and then filled it with cleaning solution using Creation again and handed them to the Faunus guy.

Yu : Here's the deal you can spend a weekend in jail, Or spend the rest of the afternoon scrubbing the docks.

He looked at me like it was the most unfair thing he had ever heard but quickly put on a thoughtful face and a little smirk.

??? : Sure i'll clean the docks.

He probably thought he would start cleaning but then skip out when no-one was looking but i had other idea's.

Yu : What academy are you from ??

??? : Huh ? what do you mean ?

The detective took his wallet and fished out his student identification card.

Detective : It say's here that his name is Sun Wukong and he's from Haven academy.

Yu : Right now we have your name and where you go to school, So if you think about skipping out on your punishment the authorities will contact Haven and issue a warrant for your arrest understood Mr Wukong ??

Sun : Yeah i got it

He looked downtrodden like he had never done a hard days work in his life.

After that we left and eventually Ruby made a new friend in a girl named Penny and while she was a little unusual she probably just had a sheltered childhood.

(Time Skip)

(Yu pov)

We had made our way back to Beacon and we were in the common room sitting on the sofa while Blake and Weiss were having another argument about the White Fang.

Weiss : I'm not saying this without reason, The White Fang have been at war with my family for years, As in actual bloodshed, Company executives murdered, Family members going missing, A whole train car full of dust gone and everyday my father would come home furious. It made for a very difficult childhood.

Blake : Well it's not like they don't have a reason to hate the SDC, But they're just misguided.

Weiss : They want to wipe humanity off the face of Remnant.

Blake : So they're very misguided.

Weiss : They're pure Evil.

My ears perked up at this particular announcement and i wondered if i needed to get involved because if the White Fang were really trying to commit genocide well that does not sit right with me.

Blake : There's no such thing as pure Evil

Oh if only she knew, it seem's like Blake had never experienced true Evil as i had in my world.

Weiss : They're nothing but lying, Thieving, Good for nothing scum.


Everyone stopped from team CVFY cleaning weapons and chatting in the dining area to the member's of team JNPR besides Jaune who was still getting bed rest and Blake seemed to understand what she just said and ran out as fast as she could.

Ruby : Blake where are you going ??

Ruby was making her way to the door trying to follow but i shot up and stopped her.

Yu : No Ruby stop i will go and find her if anyone else goes it may be dangerous.

Ruby looked close to tears as she deeply cared about her teammates.

Yu : Don't worry Little Red i'll find her.

I then looked directly at Weiss shaking my head.

Yu : You have no idea what you've done.

And with that i sprinted out the door and began my search for Blake.

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