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He did, in fact, not wake me up.
I woke up an hour later when I heard voices outside my bedroom. After getting dressed and fixing my hair, I slowly walk into the living room. And I mean slowly because I am still sore and if I walk too fast my legs will shake.

I am glad that it's not my brother's eyes that meet me when I walk into the room but Gen's.

"Hey." She says. Gen and I still haven't really talked after our argument so this is really weird. She's sitting on the couch, Bucky across from her. They're watching TV and are talking. She looks at me for a second before turning her head to Bucky and saying, "You told me she was feeling sick."

"She is. I just didn't tell you why." He replies, making her grin. "Are you okay? You can sleep some more. Gen called your brother and told him that no one will be home until tonight so he won't show for a another five hours."

I sit down to him and shake my head. "I'm not tired."

"So, what? You guys are back together?" Gen asks.

I nod.

"What about Kyle?"

I don't like that she mentions his name when Bucky is in the room so I rest my head against his arm. "We broke up a few weeks ago."

"Oh. You didn't say anything."

"Yep." I nod, pressing my lips together to form a thin line. "We didn't really talk much so I never brought it up."

"Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?"

I shake my head.

"Really? So I am assuming that the pregnancy test in the bathroom isn't yours?"

I shift in my seat. "It's a false alarm. I am not pregnant."

"Yeah, but you thought you were so you were probably freaked out and everything but didn't come to me for advice." She continues. "I get that we were fighting but I am still your cousin and, more importantly, your best friend."

"I would've told you eventually. But I wanted him to know first." I nudge my head to my left where Bucky is seated. "I got my period the next day though so I knew it was false alarm which is why I didn't bother informing you or anyone else."

"I still hate the idea of you dealing with this on your own, even if it's just for a day." She murmurs.

"I wasn't alone." I remind her.

"What are you guys fighting about?" Bucky asks, clearly confused. To be fair, I don't even know what exactly it is. Maybe she's mad at me for treating Kyle the way I did. Maybe I am mad at her for calling me out and calling me all those names. Maybe she's mad because of how I treated myself. Maybe I am mad at her for making me aware of how I treated myself.

Gen and I look at each other for a few moments and shrug at the same time. Then there's silence. Then there's a sudden movement on both sides. She jumps off her seat the same time I do and we almost collapse into each other's arms.

"I am so sorry, Isla." She cries and I shake my head.

"No, no, it's not your fault. I am so sorry for acting that way. I was a bitch. I am so sorry, Gen." I cry with her and we just stay there, in the middle of the room, probably getting weird glances from Bucky, but not caring because we're both just so happy to finally be reunited.

The man with the gloves [bucky barnes ff]Where stories live. Discover now