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Bucky's POV

"What do you want?" I look down at the woman who's been tormenting my girlfriend for years. I don't think I was this angry at anyone for a long time. And I hate that I am having all those dark thoughts about her because I am really trying to become a better person but people like her make it really hard for me.

"I need the key to my daughter's apartment." She doesn't even look at me. Instead she just holds out her hand. At first I don't want to give it to her but the only way she'd know I have it would be if Isla told her so apparently she is okay with that.

When Isla gave me the key I attached it to the dog tag from my time in the military. I unclasp it and walk across the hall to unlock the door.

"Here you go." I want to head back inside my place when she calls for me.

"Give me the key."

She can't be serious. "And why would I do that?"

"Because it's my daughter's apartment and I, her mother, am requesting it. So give me the key. You have no business owning it in the first place."

"Isla gave it to me. So if you want it, you talk to her." She may be used to others obeying her all the time but not me. She can't do shit like that around me.

"She is my daughter!"

"She is still her own person. It's her apartment. And if she wants me to have her spare key, I will have her spare key. It's not that hard to understand."
She's really getting on my nerves and even though I tried to stay as respectful as I possibly can because she's my girlfriend's mother, I keep seeing those images from earlier. Because when I look at that woman all I see is Isla's tears, her red cheek, the way her hands were shaking. She tried to cover it up but I noticed how her the hair at the back of her head was messy.

"Let me ask you something." She takes a step closer her eyes burning with anger and fury. She really hates me. Good. "What is your intention with Isla?"

"My intention?" I hate how she is trying to play the loving, caring mother now. She doesn't give two shits about her daughter's wellbeing. "I love her and we are dating. What other intention could I possibly have?"

"You tell me. Because I see a thirty year old going after a naive, young college girl. What is it you want? Our money? Is it your plan to knock her up and ruin her?"

I laugh in disbelief. She can't be serious. She can't be fucking serious. "Don't pretend you care about her. Ever since I met her I saw first hand how shitty you treated her. You don't care about me. You don't even care about how I treat her. All you care about is that you can't control her any longer and that's pissing you off, isn't it?"

"How dare you assume all of that? You don't know anything about my relationship with my daughter."

"I know enough. I know that you hit her. And don't feed me that no-I-would-never bullshit. I saw the look on her face. You're lucky. You're really lucky that I don't hit women and that you're Isla's mother. Or else you wouldn't be smiling like that right now." I threaten her. I want her to be scared of me. If she doesn't respect her daughter maybe she will respect me instead.

"I knew you weren't any good when I first saw you."

"Well, Mrs. Austen, I don't give a fuck what you think." I lose my temper. "I treat her good. I treat her better than you ever could. And I don't need your permission for anything. So you better listen because I am not going to repeat myself. If you ever - ever again - lay hands on her or even touch her I will come for you. Don't ever threaten her again and don't ever make her cry or else I will make you cry."

"You are nothing. You're a thirty year old who's living in some lousy apartment, who probably doesn't even have a job. You're using my daughter for whatever selfish reasons you have but I will figure it out. I promise you. My daughter would be better off without you. And you know that."

"We both know she'd be better off without you." I point at her.

"You're ruining her life. This isn't just about me. She never calls us anymore, she barely visits, she is lying to her parents. You're ruining her entire relationship with her family. She was such a sweet girl before she met you. Now she's picking fights with her mother, hiding her boyfriend around and engaging in sexual activities out in the public. You ruined her. And if you didn't until now, you will."

I swallow. I hate how it stings. I really fucking hate it. "You better stop talking before I lose my temper and redefine my morals."

"You're a monster."

"Makes two of us then." I turn around and slap the door close after I enter. This woman. This fucking woman. I need to let my anger out. I wander around my apartment until I see the knife on the counter. After grabbing it I ram it into the mirror that's hanging on the wall. The glass splatters into a thousand pieces and a few even get stuck in my hand making it bleed. That's not enough. I take a deep breath again before taking a swing and making my fist collide with the glass.

Drops of blood hit the ground. But it feels good. I hate that it does. I sit down on the floor and reach for the bottle of bourbon to my left. This may only get me drunk for a few hours but it's better than having all this anger in me when the reason for my wrath is right across the floor.

I close my eyes and take another sip. And another. Until the whole bottle is empty.

The man with the gloves [bucky barnes ff]Where stories live. Discover now