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Disclaimer: I feel like you guys will either absolutely hate me or love me for this chapter. There's no between.

Oh my fucking God.

I push up on my elbows, my head swimming and my eyelids struggling to stay open. My throat is dry from all the screaming and laughing yesterday. When I try to step out of my bed I almost accidentally step on Brodie and Ade. Her head is rested on his bare chest; I mean, it's not quite bare. It has kiss stamps on it from last night's truth or dare game. Memories flash through my mind and I pray that we weren't as loud as I think we were. The neighbours probably hate me already.

I carefully walk out of my bedroom, making sure not to make any sudden sounds or noises. I need a few minutes for myself in the morning to get ready and fully awake, otherwise I can't even hold a conversation. After pouring in a glass of water and swallowing an aspirin, which I know I shouldn't on an empty stomach, I dare to take a look at my apartment.

Okay, it's not as bad. Someone must have cleaned up after I went to bed last night. There are still a few empty bottles laying around but at least they're not all around the place but instead all on the counter. The apartment reeks off cigarettes and joints, so I open the window to let some fresh air in. The cold breeze startles me a bit but it's refreshing and helps me sober up a bit.

I didn't plan on drinking last night because I don't know Brodie and Zach that well but I trusted the girls, Ryan and Adrian to know that they won't take, or let others take advantage of me when I am in a fragile state. I don't fully regret drinking though. It was liberating to drink without being worried about reeking of alcohol once you get home and your mother finding out.

I stand by the window for a few more minutes, reminiscing about last night. After the boys arrived we started off by playing a round of monopoly whilst drinking. We found out that they went to buy some weed when they told us to go ahead and usually I'd be mad at them for smoking in my apartment but I was so careless that I didn't mind.
We never finished the game though but decided to switch to a game of truth or dare after reaching a certain level of drunk-ness. I'm not quite sure when things started going wild through, probably after the second bottle of vodka.

When I turn around I notice that the others are spread all over the floor. Zach is on the couch, Ryan on the floor and Gen was probably in my bed next to me. I didn't check but I am pretty sure it was her. No one else would dare. But where's Adrian? Adrian, Adrian, Adrian. Something in my mind clicks when I think of him but I am too tired and hungover to collect all the pieces and actually remember.

I shake it off and walk to the bathroom. I take a quick shower before the others wake up and keep my bathroom occupied for probably a few hours. A quick look at the time tells me what I already suspected. It's 11am so we already missed half of our classes. But fortunately the professors upload everything they talk about in class so it'll be easy to catch up. After drying my body and hair, and getting dressed in some jeans and a oversized shirt, I leave the bathroom and see a tall figure standing in the kitchen, the smell of warm coffee in the air.

"Morning, gorgeous." Adrian smiles. His hair is messy, the circles under his eyes dark and he's really pale but overall he still looks handsome like always. I sit down at the counter and reply with a wry smile.

"How are you in such a good mood?" I murmur and devour the coffee he places in front of me. Even after taking a shower and being awake for around half an hour and taking an aspirin for the headache, I still feel like a drained dog.

"How can I not when the first thing I see this morning is a goddess." He flirts playfully.

"Oh, shut it." I laugh but regret it immediately after when a sharp pain occurs in my head.

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