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Isla's POV

Oh my fucking god. Is this actually happening? I don't even have the time to question my sanity and wonder if I made a mistake when he pulls me closer, one hand now resting on my waist. He pulls me to him, our chests now touching, and the kiss deepening. My hands, almost naturally, rest down on his cheeks and I can feel the roughness of his stubbles from not shaving for a few days.

I knew he smelled good, but his taste is even better.

It was risky to lean into him and kiss him. I didn't know if he would be okay with it but I felt so connected and close to him that I just couldn't resist. My breath accelerates and so does my heartbeat which I think he noticed, because I can feel him smiling into the kiss.

I want to pull away, only for a second to catch my breath, but I can't, my body won't let me. It feels too natural kissing him, being this close to him.

He's way too good at this, I wonder how many practice partners he had before.

But not even the thought of him kissing other girls curbs the fire in my chest, my cheeks and my... well.

I want to feel his other hand on me too, but when I reach out to grab it, he pulls away. Shit. Did I ruin it? "I, I am sorry, I don't know why I...-"

I can't even finish my sentence when he crashes his lips onto mine again, this time more demanding and passionate. His other hand is still not touching me but it's okay. I learned that Bucky is the type of person who backs away once you push him too much. "Don't be." He says referring to my apology, placing his lips back on mine immediately after though.

I part my lips after what feels like a beautiful eternity, allowing his tongue to enter. This is... brave. I've kissed before. Chester, Ryan and Adrian.
I hate thinking about them at a time like this but I can't help but compare. Almost all of them were good kissers, but this, no one can compare to him. When I kissed Adrian, I felt the rush of the momentum, yes, but kissing Bucky is like finally eating again after starving for days, weeks even. I hadn't realised how long I wanted to do this.

Fuck, wait, Adrian. Not even a few weeks ago I was kissing him and a few days after telling him that I need some time for myself, I am sitting on some rooftop, kissing Bucky. If I wasn't so happy right now, I'd feel guilty. I focus back on the handsome guy in front of me who almost consumes me with his kisses and his tongue.

Before my mind can continue taking me to places I don't want to go, Bucky gently pushes me back so that I am almost laying down, still on top of the building, a deadly high only inches away from me. It's dangerous but for some reason I like it.

His hand strokes the few hair strands out of my face as he backs away for a few seconds. He doesn't say anything, instead he just stares at me; his eyes unreadable as usual, and for a moment I think that there's a glimpse of regret. But when he flashes me a soft smile and leans down to me again, those worries wash away immediately.

So this is what we do. Maybe for two minutes, maybe two hours, I don't know. All I know is that when we're both so out of breath that we need to take a break, both our lips are swollen and I am barely able to speak because my throat is clogged with desire. I slowly sit up again, feeling kind of embarrassed for how... exposed I was only a minute ago. I go back to my sitting position from when we came here, sitting on the edge, feet dangling in the air. All the city lights were now on, darkness blurring my sight.

What does one say immediately after... that? I could lighten the mood and make the tension go away by making a joke but I am no funny person so that'd just be a tragic and pathetic attempt.
But I don't have to say anything. He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him so that my head rests on his chest.

The man with the gloves [bucky barnes ff]Where stories live. Discover now