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This must be a fucking joke. It has to be. I am not seeing my brother and his best friend in my living room at 11pm right now. There's no way they broke into my apartment without even letting me know that they're coming over.

Except there is. There is a way, apparently, or they wouldn't be standing here, acting all innocent and happy to see me.

"Lil sis!" Tristan exclaims and takes a step forward, attempting to hug me but backs down when I raise my finger.

"Lil sis? Lil sis?" I furiously begin to yell at him. "Is this a fucking joke? Do you know how much you guys fucking scared me? I thought you were some serial killers or a burglar or something."

"Don't blame me, baby girl, I told him that we should call you beforehand but he insisted that it'll be fine." Ryan dares to speak.

"Don't you 'baby-girl' me." I warn him. I am not in the mood for jokes right now. "You are supposed to be the brain of this misalliance."

"Come on, Isla, relax. We didn't want to sit around and wait for you to come home, so we decided to surprise you. I took the keys from mum and figured it'd be a bigger surprise if we waited inside." Tristan tries to excuse their action. But he fails. He fails big time. With every stupid word coming from his stupid mouth I get more and more furious.

"This is not a surprise. The only thing I got was a heart attack. I was even thinking about calling the police." I inform him. I am still breathing heavily, not out of fear like earlier but out of anger now.

This is typical for Tristan. He comes here acting like this is his apartment and he can do whatever he wants. But reality check, big bro, this is my home, my rules and you don't just break into someone's home and expect them to be calm about it.

"I apologise, okay? God, you're such a party pooper." Tristan murmurs under his breath.

"Nah, dude. She's right." Ryan sides with me. Thank you, at least someone with more than two brain cells. "Sorry, Isla. We should've called, or at least didn't break into your apartment."

"Man, you're such a pussy." Tristan hits his best friend on the arm.

"No, he's reasonable." I defend Ryan. Maybe it would've been funny if it wasn't almost midnight and I wouldn't have been alone. Well, technically I am not alone now but I was earlier when I almost peed my pants.

"Who's this?" Tristan asks. When I look up, his eyes are glued on James who's just standing there, clearly confused by the situation.

Oh right.

"James, this is Tristan - my brother - and his best friend Ryan. Guys, this is James. He's a friend and lives across the hall." I introduce them to one another. Usually I'd be more careful of how I talk about boys when Tristan is around since he doesn't even want me to be friends with boys he doesn't know, but I don't have any intention on being easy on his feelings right now. It's not like he deserves it.

"Hey." Ryan shakes James' hand like the formal gentleman he is. Tristan on the other hand doesn't say anything but instead examines him like he's some car up for sale.

If he doesn't stop looking at him with such a judgemental glance, I'll beat him up.

"And why is James, the friend who lives across the hall, opening the doors to your apartment?" Tristan speaks.

"Oh, shut it, will you?" I hiss at him. He really has the audacity to go all overprotective-brother now. "If you hadn't been such a dick and broken into my apartment, I wouldn't have disturbed him."

"Will you be okay?" James turns around to face me. I nod. "I'll get going then."

"Thank you for helping me." I smile and escort him out. When he's out of the door frame, I take a peek out the door and whisper, "If you hear any screams tonight, just ignore it. I'm probably just murdering my brother."

The man with the gloves [bucky barnes ff]Where stories live. Discover now