⒗ Fate

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"Rosie?" He asked as he looked at her, confused.

"I'm guessing you two already know each other?" Mrs. Hyejin asked, muddled.

"Is he your son?" Rosie turned to look at the elder, hoping she wouldn't get the answer she was thinking. Although, Mrs. Hyejin just gave her a soft nod. 'Crap!'

"The real question is how you two know each other?!" Jungkook looked at Rosie. His eyes were a mix of emotions she couldn't read.

"I- Can we talk? Outside? Alone?!" Rosie looked at Jungkook then back at Mrs. Hyejin as if asking for permission.

"Go ahead!" The elder gestured her hand towards the door with a huge grin on her face.


"Explain!" Rosie crossed her arms while glaring at Jungkook.

After Mrs. Hyejin allowed them to leave her and talk alone, Rosie practically dragged Jungkook out to the hospital's garden without letting the man say another word.

"You should be explaining to me!" Jungkook now crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, "She's my mom, and for some odd reason, you are visiting her?!"

The fact hit Rosie in the face. She did kind of look dumb, but her ego was bigger than a simple apology and explanation.

"We're friends!" She answered.

"Yeah, OK! And how in the world did you manage to become friends with a woman 22 years older than you!?" He fired back, "And in only two weeks of being in South Korea, which might I add, you were in the hospital for one of those weeks!"

He pulled out his chest and watched her defeated face form. He knew she had no other excuse-

"I can be friends with whoever I want!" She moaned aggressively.

Well, that was unexpected.

"And for the record, I am a very social person, unlike you, so I actually go around talking to people!" She lifted her chin.

'Damn this woman!' he looked at her with a mix of confusion, admiration and also slightly being turned on.

"Whatever! Just- she's really sick, so act like you like me." Jungkook uncrossed his arms as his worry for his mother filled him again.

"What happened?" Rosie's maturity came back to her in an instant. She was rather fond of Mrs. Hyejin, and she had the sweetest motherly vibe that Rosie has longed for.

"She's just week." Jungkook bit the inside of his cheek and proceeded to walk back inside.

Was he just sensitive about the topic? Did something happen for her to end up like that? Why wouldn't he give her more information?! She didn't try and ask further because she could see he didn't want to give any more information yet. So instead, she just followed, not long after, and tried to put on her acting face.

-                   -                    -

"How long have you two known each other?" Mrs. Hyejin asked Jungkook and Rosie, as she ate the homemade food Rosie sweetly made for her.

I Hate You? I Love You? │RK ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon