⒖ Again

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"Just so you know, I hope we never meet again!" Rosie broke the silence.

They were standing by one of the entrances of the hospital waiting for their ride.

Jungkook scoffed and turned his head to look at her, "You have no good reason to hate me?!" He crossed his arms.

"I still don't want to see you again!"

She was getting on his nerves, but I was fun playing along with the 'I hate you' game.

"And what if we bump into each other?" He asked with a smirk.

"Then we avoid each other." She replied.

"What if I don't want to avoid you?" His smirk turned into a grin as he watched her annoyance grow.

She finally turned to look at him.

"Then let's agree to avoid each other!" She held out her hand.

He took her hand in his, and they shook on it.

"Yah! Jungkook!"

They both turned to see a man walking over to them.

"Jimin?!" Rosie's eyes grew wide, "You- Know him?"

This time it was Jimin's turn to be shocked.

"You know Jungkook?" He asked.

Rosie shook her head, "We just went to high school-" She cut herself off, "Wait! Jimin! That's why you looked so familiar!"

"Am I missing something?" Jimin asked.

Rosie smiled widely, "My Korean name is Chaeyoung."

Jungkook and Rosie watched Jimin's face fill with completion.

"Oh! Park Chaeyoung!" Jimin yelled.

Jungkook observed with jealousy as Jimin and Rosie crashed into a hug.

"Yeah. OK. We get it!" Jungkook ripped them off each other, "Can we go now, Jimin?!"

"Yes, yes." Jimin patted Jungkooks shoulder as he remembered his friend's love for Chaeyoung.

"Bye, Rosie!" Jimin yelled while being pulled by Jungkook to the car.

-                    -                    -

"Do you still like her?" Jimin asked curiously.

Jimin was driving Jungkook to his apartment because it was on his way to the office.

"Yes. I haven't lost feelings since the day she left." Jungkook answered as he looked into his lap.

Jimin scoffed, "Then why don't you just tell her?"

"I can't! First off, she still hates me, and secondly, my dad has arranged a marriage for me, remember?!" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

I Hate You? I Love You? │RK ✓Where stories live. Discover now