⒉ Hate

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I calmed myself down before I went too crazy. For all I know it isn't even Jungkook. I didn't forget there were still people in the room and quickly slapped myself back into reality.

"Wait, I zoned out repeat, please," I said, blankly looking at the nurse.
 'Shit, Chaeyoung, why do you have to say whatever's on your mind!' I gave myself a mental slap and looked back up at them. "Sorry," I said, trying to shrink myself so they couldn't see me.

"It's cool," Taehyung said, "Sorry we disrupted one of your patients," He looked at the nurse apologetically.
"If you care so much about him, we will keep you updated," Jimin said, giving me a wink.

I blushed in embarrassment, "No. It's not that. I- I'm just nosy." I said, looking at the ground.
The two boys left the room, and the nurse walked back into her small office.
'I'm sure I can just take a peek.' I thought to myself. I pulled at the curtain separating Jungkookie and me. There he was, as beautiful as ever. He was prettier up close.

Before you think of me as some kind of stalker, just understand that I have had a crush on him since I was 14. If you have had a 4-year crush I'm sure you would get where I'm coming from?
 I notice his head move a bit, so I jump back and lay down in bed again. After trying to fall asleep for over an hour I hear the school bell go again. I sat up as fast as I could.

"Lunchtime!" I whispered with a grin.

"Is it really?" I heard a voice from the other side of the curtain.
 I quickly fix my hair and cursed the nursing room for not having a mirror.

"I- I think so?" I say. The curtain gets removed, and there he was, as perfect as ever.
 'He looks so cute with messy hair.'

"Damn it I'm hungry." He says in a croaky voice.

"Should I tell the nurse that you want something-"

"Who are you?" He cut me off, squinting his eyes.
 I felt a pain in my chest. I have been his classmate for 4 years, and the first time he talks to me, he asks me that! I feel a fit of anger but try to hide it from him and myself.

"She's another sick patient," The nurse says, walking out of her office, "Get up. I will take you to your table," She finishes.
 In our school, they separate the other students from the sick students. The thought just came to my mind! 'I get to share a table with him. Just me and Jungkook!'

-               -               -

When we sat down at the table, I tried holding in my joy. He is so pretty. I looked down at my food and forgot all about him sitting right in front of me. I stuffed my face and gave a happy moan with my eyes closed every time I put something new in my mouth. I finished my food and pushed the tray away from me.

"That was good!" I said with my mouth still full of food. 
'Fuck! Jungkook!' I looked up to Jungkook staring at me. I noticed the corner of his mouth twitching. I cleared my throat.
"Sorry," I whispered.

I got up and picked up my empty tray that had food on it. I wanted to turn back to look at Jungkooks reaction, but I was too scared. I was looking down and didn't notice a person in front of me. It all happened so fast I forgot any details as to how it happened. We bumped into each other and my tray dropped at my feet.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I said and started picking up anything that fell on the floor. I move my long brown hair out of my face to look up at the person I bumped into. "I'm-"

"Dead!" She yelled. It was miss Lalisa Manobangs -That's not actually her surname, I just liked to call her that because I have never seen her without bangs- I managed to get everything that fell on the floor onto my tray. "Oh, it's just you," I said and tried to walk past her.

"Where do you think you're going?!" She grabbed my collar and pulled me to face her front. "You are going to pay for this!" She took her food from her tray and spilled it over my head. I froze unable to process what happened. 'Did she just pull a typical high school bully from an American film?'

"Ha, Idiot." I heard someone say from behind me.
 I didn't want to believe that the person who said that was Jungkook, but I turned around, and there he was. His empty try is in his hands. I took his juice from his tray and poured it over his head, and just like that, my head over heals love left as fast as it came.

"Ha, Idiot!" I yelled. He wiped the juice from his eyes and glared at me.
 I clenched my teeth together. "Fucking asshole!" I whispered and walked past him hitting his shoulder. I got to the bathroom and felt tears form in my eyes. I heard Jisoo calling for me, but I didn't feel like answering. A few seconds later, Jennie's voice started calling for me too. I heard the bathroom door open, and they both embraced me in a hug.

-               -                -

Jennie and Jisoo helped me clean up at their house, so my dad didn't suspect anything. When I got home, my dad was sitting in the living room in his chair.

"Chae. You have something you want to tell me?" He asked as I put my school bag down next to the couch.

"No, not really," I answered him and sat next to him, planting a kiss on his cheek. I was about to get up and take my bag to my room to do homework -I did skip a class after all- but he stopped me in my tracks

"The school called." He said, still looking at his phone. Every muscle in my body tensed up.

"You had a fever?" He asked. I stood up, "Yep, and because of the school nurse I couldn't attend one of my classes, so I have a lot of homework to get to," I picked up my school bag "I promise to work super hard, daddy!" I put my hand in a salute sign and walked through our big arch to get to the stars.

"If I find out anything suspicious I'm sending you to Australia!" I heard him yell when I got halfway up the stairs.

'Well now that I have someone other that Lisa to hate' I thought to myself.
'It wouldn't be all that bad to go.'

Authors Message:
She doesn't actually hate Lisa, she just doesn't like her XD

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