You Know My Mom Thinks We are Dating?

Start from the beginning

"Did you dent the lip of the bottle trying to open it?" She calls back to him. Lily hears James utter a few grunts before he responds.

"Yeah, I did." Lily doesn't say anything. She simply shifts from looking for beautiful rocks to looking for one that could be used as a bottle opener.

Lily finds what she thinks is a perfect rock and turns around to find James slamming the bottle on a washed up log. She silently passes him the rock as she goes to sit down on the log and play her "Songs to get Drunk on a Beach to" playlist. Lily hears the pop of the bottle.

"You're welcome!" She sweetly calls out to him, but he doesn't hear her. He comes to sit beside her, already sipping the beer.

"The tequila is in the water bottle. I don't know how much you want, but there are a couple of shots worth in there."

"Oh, are you not going to drink the tequila?" Lily was opening the water bottle. Taking a shot of pure tequila.

"Okay first, you are insane. Did you take a shot of pure tequila? And yeah, have I not told you I'm allergic to hard alcohol?"

Lily stopped drinking and glares at James. "Oh my god! You're allergic to alcohol and you took me drinking on the beach! JAMES!"

A sly small came across James' face as he runs a hand through his hair. "Well like not really. I have Asian flush. Do you know what that is?" James was staring off into the water.

"I mean. I think you've brought it up before but I really don't remember." Lily was tasting her drink, trying to see if she had mixed it right.

"Well, ummmm as you know I'm Asian."

"Oh my god, James you're Asian?"

"Shut up Lily. Well Asian people have this thing, where we don't process alcohol like normal people. Well not normal, but… no actually that works here. I don't process alcohol like normal people and it gets trapped in my body. My face gets like super red. Basically I get hungover without ever getting drunk."

James smiles a bit at Lily before rummaging through his bag. Lily watches him pull out a small folded up metal tube.

"Oh my god! You finally got a metal straw! I'm so proud of you! Save the ocean!" Lily smiles brightly at James, already feeling the effects of the tequila.

"Who do you think I am? It's not a straw." James shoots her a smiles as he finishes unfolding the tub to show a pair of travel chopsticks. "Asian remember?"

James grabs his Mac and cheese and starts to go to town. Lily is staring out into the water, watching the sun set as music plays softly from her phone. Lily drunkenly smiles to herself.

"Do you like this song?" Lily is drunkenly humming along. It's a song about love and Lily is hoping maybe James will take the hint. She really wanted the new Taylor Swift album to come up. Anyone could fall into love to Taylor Swift.

James shrugs his shoulders. "It's okay. Where's it from?" Lily just shakes her head. "It sounds like a soundtrack from some movie you told me to watch. Is it from that one movie?"

"No, I definitely wouldn't tell you to watch this movie. But it is from a movie. But you gotta tell me if you like it before I tell you what movie."

"Ummmm, it's okay I guess. Sounds like a

movie soundtrack for sure. Just tell me." James polished off his Mac and Cheese and licks his chopsticks clean.

"Okay, but you," Lily interrupts herself with laughter. "You, you can't laugh at me. You gotta promise me James." Lily can barely get the words out through her laughter. James is already groaning.

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