Living Life (slightly smut)

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by Lily the klutz

"Whake up mummy, whake up! It's bwreakfast time." A person yelled and was currently jumping excitingly up and down on Lily's legs.

Lily opened her eyes to look at the clock. 6.30? On a Saturday? She turned around to look at the person who had the courage to wake her up this early. On her day off!

"It's your wreeeeding tay! Daddy's making bwreakfast."

Lily could only smile at her adorable three-year old daughter Sami, who had stopped jumping up and down and now thrown her little body down next to her mother on the bed.

"Mor... Morn...Morning honnnney" Lily yearned.

Sami's emerald green eyes were now focusing on her mother. " Daddy says that the last one at bweatfast is a Swlyteryn!"

Lily smiled at her daughter. Her little Samantha was currently in the progress of learning to speak proper English. She and James had spent many hours laughing at their children, when they were learning to speak. There had been some very funny words.

"Slytherin honey. Sly-the-rin. Well I better get up then. Is everybody up?"

Her daughter nodded. Lily spoke again. "Okay, when. You better get down stairs. Tell daddy I'm on my way." Sami nodded and bounced off the bed and ran out of the room, her wild, almost-black hair flying everywhere.

After taking a shower (a very cold shower at that! That's the price for being the last one up in the Potter house hold) and getting dressed Lily proceeded downstairs, following the sound of laughter. She ended up...surprise-surprise.... in the kitchen. Lily stopped in the doorway and watched the scene that was playing out infront of her.

All eight of the children were in the kitchen. Three-year old Samantha was sitting in her chair, watching her father with big eyes and her usually big beautiful smile spread all over her sweet beautiful little face.

Seven-year old Andrew was currently laughing his head off, his glasses almost slipping off his nose. He looked, as his brothers did, like a copy of James as a child. He had just started in school this year and did not like it at all. According to him, it interfered with his play dates. He would much rather play with his mates all time or (if there was absolutely no other choice!) go to Hogwarts along with his older siblings.

Eleven-year old Elizabeth was giggling uncontrollable. Her emerald green eyes sparkling with laughter. Her long curly black hair with a hint of red in it bouncing from side to side on her back. She had just started at Hogwarts this year and was enjoying it. Finally she could see what her older siblings were babbling about when they were home in the holidays.

Thirteen-year old Jonathan was chanting "Go dad, go dad, go dad!" with a grin on his cute face. Jonathan was the only one who didn't use glasses of the boys. He was a third year at Hogwarts and a troublemaker. He idolised Harry for always getting into trouble. Much to Lily's displeasure.

Fourteen-year old J.J (James Junior) was busy making coffee and pressing orange juice, looking quite serious while doing it. He may have his father's name, but J.J was all Lily genes. Homework was his number one priority. He loved books and was nice and kind to everybody, which he himself saw as a giant flaw, since this was the reason he could not get a girlfriend. They all wanted to be his friend-yes, but girlfriend-no thanks. It was not that he wasn't good looking. All the Potters were good looking, but girls just weren't interested in him.

Fifteen-year old Catherine was currently busy making buns. 'Oh so it was a buns contest. Winner had to fill up five plates with buns. Her concentration focused only on making her dough. This made Lily smile. How much Catherine reminded her of herself at that age. She was competing against her father by the looks of it. Cat was the only one of the children with red hair. She was an exact copy of Lily in her younger days.

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