Too Fic Too Furious

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by elanev91

All the news presenters said that the construction was going to lead to the worst traffic the UK had ever seen.

Said the M25, already a chaotic nightmare, was going to be way over any kind of manageable automobile capacity, especially because the widening works were still causing delays across ten junctions.

Said whatever you do, avoid the Orbital, because the motorway is going to be completely shut down for hours at a time and whatever you might think, you aren't going to be one of the lucky few that gets through before the emergency repairs begin.

They said a lot of things, made the warning quite plain, but sometimes Lily Evans is a stubborn idiot and she let herself believe that she could catch the road before the congestion got too bad.

Lily Evans hadn't moved in two hours.

She'd left her car on at first, hoped that her running engine would somehow trigger everyone else on the bloody motorway to realise, you know what, maybe we should just drive after all, but after forty-five minutes of sitting in the same spot and not even being tempted to hit the gas, Lily decided that no amount of wishful thinking in the world was going to fix this, and she shut off the engine.

Lily opened up all the windows to invite the breeze, left her radio off, and flicked her mobile into airplane mode so that she didn't drain her battery and end up with no other recourse to get off this damn road. She didn't have a book, she'd eaten her last car snack a few weeks ago and had never thought to replace it, she'd left her fucking extra charging cord in her office, and yeah, she had a notebook and should probably use the time to start working on her characters a bit, but she was still struggling with them and why was she going to torture herself any more than she was already being tortured?

She leant back in her seat and closed her eyes, tried to let her mind wander to pass the time.

Unfortunately, her brain was a rude bastard, and she managed to relax for a total of five minutes before her mind wandered back around to the novel she was supposed to be working on (she cringed even thinking of it like that — it wasn't a novel yet, just a collection of ideas that she kept thinking about writing while never actually opening up a document on her computer) and she opened her eyes again.

It was always great being a writer when things were going well — she got to lounge around her flat in her trackies, cups of tea at the ready, bang away on her keyboard all day, and giggle to herself about just how fucking brilliant she was — but damn it, when things were rough… they were rough. She supposed it was like that with most professions, but the glory of an office job (at least, all her old office jobs, anyway) was that she could stop thinking about work the moment she left the office every day. Writing never left her — it was always there, nagging in the back of her mind, begging her to sit down and actually write something.

Writing fucking sucked.

She sighed forcefully, and was just about on the verge of giving in, pulling out her notebook, and scribbling out a few sentences to see if it would unblock whatever it was that was clogging her mind when she heard someone start shouting from the car next to her.

'Sirius, what do you want me to do?!'

She looked round, grateful for the distraction, and saw a dark haired, spectacled man in the car next to her looking thoroughly irritated. The bloke in the car ran his hand through his hair, and groaned in response to whatever the person on the line had said.

'Well, pardon me, Sirius, let me just fucking magic all these cars away and I'll be there in a jiffy…. I'm not trying to be an arsehole, mate, I just need you to fucking realise — YES, Sirius, fuck, of course I — ' he pulled the mobile away from his face and glared at it for a moment, muttering to himself before he chucked it into the seat beside him.

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