Nothing is Fair in Love and War

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by MaraudingMuggle

"Evans what the fuck is going on? Tell me what the fuck is happening right now." James was desperately grabbing at things around him to try and stem the blood flowing out of the stranger's abdomen. He finally settled for an antique pillow that his mother had used as a garnish for the couch and pressed it down against the pooling blood. James' eyes looked wildly back to Lily, "Evans!"

Lily was crumpled into herself, but standing, only about three feet from James, her arms wrapped protectively around her middle and tears were freely falling from her haunted eyes. She was shaking and moaning and her head moved from side to side as if she were denying that what was occurring in front of her were actually happening.

"Lily! Fuck! Tell me what's happening? What the fuck is going on?" James was swearing as he moved the pillow off to temporarily siphon the surrounding blood from the wound and get a better look at it. It was pretty clearly created from a slicing jinx and it was fucking deep. More expletives were muttered under James' breath and he roughly shoved the pillow back in place as he tried to formulate a plan.

"What happened to him? Evans I need you to tell me what the fuck happened so I can try and save him, okay? What happened!" James knew that his raising his voice wasn't improving matters, but honestly - it didn't seem like they were really making them worse either. So he yelled. And for Merlin's sake he should be damned allowed to because he didn't know what the fuck was going on. One minute, he's sitting in his kitchen with the evening prophet and the next, a shell shocked Lily Evans is tumbling out of the fireplace in his den with a half dead man in her arms. Hadn't spoken to the witch in over twelve months, but yet she still found a way to mess with his fucking head. Fuck.

James had transported the stranger to the couch and that led to where he was now: fumbling for a plan and way beyond screwed. Lily still hadn't spoken a helpful word. If his hands weren't otherwise occupied, he would have shaken her. Hard.

"EVANS!" James figured that getting anything out of her was not going to happen, so this yell was for his sanity. Like he assumed it would be, Lily's response was just more sobbing. James returned to his botched healing. He looked frantically around him trying to locate what he had done with his wand and found it lying half under the unconscious guy. Right. Okay - what was that spell that Remus had shown him last month when Sirius got hurt at the moon? Fuck!

"Aestumo!" James pressed the tip of his wand against the man's head and watched as several different parts of his body glowed a purplish color. James vanished the denim jeans that the guy was wearing and sent a quick thanks to Agrippa that the man seemed to prefer boxers over briefs and looked over the smorgasbord of disaster before him. He decided to start with something simple. James cast a quick sterilizing spell over the body before he touched his wand to the man's left leg. "Brackium emendo!"

Lily had moved on from standing in front of the fireplace and moved forward to stand at the man's feet. Taking this as a good sign, James tried once more to get something out of her. He tried to keep his voice level and calm,"Lily. Can you tell me what's going on? What happened to this guy? Who is he? What curses did they cast on him? Is there more damage that I can't see? Please. Oh fucking Merlin, woman. I need something to go on here!"

Lily's head had stopped shaking from side to side, but her tears continued to fall as she kneeled down by the end of the couch and gently covered the man's still shoed foot with her hand. The second her hand made contact, the force behind Lily's woe increased tenfold and she started to half scream half sob, her body shaking with each gasp.

"No no no no no no no no.. Oh Doc, no no no. Oh God, oh God, oh God no. No no no. Doc…" James watched in a mixture of horror and awe as the strongest person he knew unraveled in front of him. What the fuck was even happening right now?

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